
“Constitutional sheriffs” are a group of law enforcement officials who believe they hold supreme authority in their counties and can disregard state and federal law.

These sheriffs have become prominent figures in the election denial movement, and some have taken actions that critics view as dangerous, such as attempting to seize voting machine, assembling armed posses to patrol near polling stations, and refusing to enforce any law they view to be unconstitutional.

The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, led by Richard Mack, has bolstered the movement, attracting sheriffs nationwide and featuring prominent election denial figures like Mike Lindell and Michael Flynn at their events

  • magnetosphere
    1244 months ago

    I don’t care if your title is “sheriff”, or if you call yourself “constitutional”. By seizing voting machines, you’re a petty tyrant who’s not enforcing any law but your own.

    • @ArbiterXero
      634 months ago

      They honestly sound like those sovereign citizens crap

      • @FordBeeblebrox
        504 months ago

        I’d say worse, the SovCit people are ridiculous idiots but mostly just try to get out paying debts or traffic laws, these “sheriffs” are actively attempting to thwart democracy and should be hurled into the nearest prison for at least the next election cycle to think about what they did.

        • @ArbiterXero
          204 months ago

          They’re all trying to do an end-run around democracy and society, it’s just a different level of power they believe they have.

          Sov cits want it for themselves

          These sheriffs want it for elections.

          More dangerous, sure, but the same basic principle of “I can manipulatively read and misunderstand the rules so that they don’t apply to me”

          • @[email protected]
            74 months ago

            Also both the constitutional sherriffs and sovcits grew out of the militia movement of the 80s and 90s. They are basically the same movement just different aspects of it.

          • @[email protected]
            4 months ago

            Nope, these sheriffs do not “want it for elections”, they want it for themselves. We’re on the same side here and I’m sorry to be antagonistic but I don’t agree with you excusing their behavior as principled in any way unless you also do it for sovereign citizens, because it is exactly the same thing: “the rules only apply to me when it’s convenient.”

            • @ArbiterXero
              24 months ago

              Yes, I think you misunderstood what I meant, I think we’re saying the same thing.

              They both are “manipulatively reading the rules” to make the rules seem say something that gives them more power than they have and zero responsibility to their neighbour, city, state or country

              Same basic principle of “things mean what I want them to mean”

            • @Buddahriffic
              14 months ago

              The way I see it, sovcits want it for themselves to have freedom to do what they want (which can include imposing on others). “Constitutional” sheriffs want it for themselves to expand their power over others because police can do very well under a fascist system (until they do something against the party and then disappear… Or someone more connected in the party wants their power themselves… Or someone less connected wants their power and can act before the better connections come into play).

              I wonder how many of the ones who want a fascist system for their own power realize how much of a target getting that power puts on them from pretty much all sides.

  • @DharkStare
    1004 months ago

    The real problem is that these people get away with it. There are no consequences to their actions. If no one is going to hold them accountable then it’s not just a belief they have, they really are above the law.

  • SeaJ
    424 months ago

    Just an FYI that is probably surprising to nobody: the constitutional sheriff’s movement has its roots from a white supremacist organization.

  • dohpaz42
    424 months ago

    The fact that this is legal, and these people are walking around free to intimidate people and conspire to interfere with elections are atrocities and should not be tolerated by anybody.

    I’m taking Tuesday off, and after voting, I plan to spend my morning with my boys working in the yard. Then I’ll take them to their mother’s so they can play with the neighbor’s grandson. After that, I’m treating my kids to their favorite restaurant, finished off with some local ice cream.

    Maybe I’m being over dramatic, but I worry that by the time Wednesday rolls around, the shit will hit the fan regardless of who wins Tuesday night.

    At least, I hope I’m being over dramatic. 😔

    • @[email protected]
      104 months ago

      Saturday will be the day shit hits the fan.

      The only person saying they won on Tuesday, will be Hërr GröpenFührer.

    • @capital_sniff
      94 months ago

      Tolerated… We got a major party ready to dismantle what little democracy we got. The GOP collectively lost their shit cause their orange gibbon lost 2020 and could handle it. So in 2024 they’ve doubled down on the geriatric man child.

      If we get this wrong we should apologize to the King of England and rejoin the commonwealth.

  • @cowfodder
    354 months ago

    I live near where Dar Leaf is sheriff. He’s a douche that also wanted to protect the people plotting to assassinate Gov Whitmer. Maybe he should focus on the fact that he’s sheriff of the meth capital of Michigan.

    • @[email protected]
      174 months ago

      We in Barry county somehow failed to vote him out. Truly shameful that he will continue to be sheriff

      • @cowfodder
        74 months ago

        I haven’t paid a lot of attention to your elections up there. Is he running unopposed?

        • @[email protected]
          4 months ago

          Basically yes. He won the Republican primary and the county is at least 2/3 Republican.

          Edit: I looked it up and he is running on opposed.

      • Roflmasterbigpimp
        34 months ago

        Wait. Why do you VOTE for a sheriff? Don’t they just get appointed like police captains? And can everyone be voted sheriff?

        • RubberDuck
          44 months ago

          Nope, counties vote for their law enforcement officials. In other places the police commissioner is appointed by the mayor.

          • Roflmasterbigpimp
            14 months ago

            Do you at least need some background in law enforcement? 🥲

        • @aaa999
          14 months ago

          i mean fun fact the person who appoints the police captain is elected, allowing bad voters to insert a bad police captain

  • @HeyJoe
    294 months ago

    The biggest part I don’t understand is say he gets to do what he wants, what exactly is he going to do? Because to me, the only thing I can think of is actually cause election fraud. I hate that we allow this to happen all the time now. Just arrest these people already!

    • @[email protected]
      234 months ago

      The thing is, if you do something illegal on election day, and cause a whole polling station in a democratic area to be shut down, that still ends up with a bunch of votes not being cast, and potentially an election bring swung.

      These people count on getting pardoned after the fact.

  • @MehBlah
    64 months ago

    A constitutional sheriff is the sovereign citizen of law enforcement. Stupid and full shit.

  • @LovableSidekick
    4 months ago

    I wouldn’t exactly call it “bracing”, they’re always ready for expected nuisances, like the nightly burst of drunk drivers after bars close.