
Donald Trump has won the 2024 U.S. presidential election, marking a historic comeback as the first convicted criminal and the oldest person elected to the office.

His victory over Vice President Kamala Harris, who aimed to make history as the first female Black and South Asian American president, shocked observers and demonstrated enduring support for his populist, nativist platform.

Despite criminal convictions and ongoing controversies, Trump’s base remained loyal, propelling him past 270 electoral votes with a decisive win in Wisconsin.

His win raises concerns about future U.S. domestic and foreign policies, as he promises sweeping immigration crackdowns, “retribution” against political enemies, and domestic military deployments.

  • @[email protected]
    844 months ago

    What the fuck is wrong with this country. After his first term, after watching this shambling fucking skeleton of hate and vitriol decompose in front of us for the next four years. What the fuck is wrong with this country

    • @[email protected]
      74 months ago

      Misogynists and racists either didn’t vote or voted for the white man, even if they didn’t like him.

      • @[email protected]
        -14 months ago

        It’s always someone else’s fault and never the person that abandoned, ignored and smeared huge chunks of their voter base.

        • Makhno
          14 months ago

          Gotta find a scapegoat. The copium satiates

    • @[email protected]
      -34 months ago

      Voters wanted a candidate on the left, as usual. They weren’t given an option, so they didn’t vote. Same thing happens with Clinton. It isn’t rocket science.

      • @AbidanYre
        164 months ago

        If the left want someone to represent them they need to actually show up and vote. Politicians keep tacking right because those are the people who vote and may switch sides.

      • @jumjummy
        154 months ago

        Fucking stupid disinformation posts like this one across all platforms. When people don’t vote, their voices aren’t heard and this is what you get. If the Democrats had actually won across the board, it would have been the perfect time to force a shift left from within the party.

        Fucking morons in this country.

        • @pjwestin
          44 months ago

          Yeah, it only voters were smart like the Harris campaign, who ran the exact same strategy Hillary ran in 2016 and lost by even more. That was the smart move, right?

  • @inclementimmigrant
    4 months ago

    Just took another four years for his insurrection to be successful. Look forward to having him run for another term.

    • Verdant Banana
      -164 months ago

      if Trump is not able to run again what else are the Democrats going to run on?

  • @[email protected]
    134 months ago

    At least next time you hear a kid saying they want to be president you can say: “Sure kiddo. Literally anyone can!”

    • Kalkaline
      24 months ago

      You’re a liar, a thief, you’ve committed genocide, would you like to be president?

  • @[email protected]
    44 months ago

    Around 52% of the eligible voting age population voted. And over 15 million less people voted this election cycle compared to last.

    This is what people chose this election cycle and they will reap what they sow

  • @blattrules
    34 months ago

    You think he’ll finally shut up about the 2020 election being rigged? Is anyone that voted for him finally going to realize he’s been lying the whole time about it?

  • @ThatOneKrazyKaptain
    24 months ago

    Just with a bit of estimation of the remaining 12% of votes uncounted, Trump is going to beat his 2020 vote record by a couple million, 81 million on the high end and maybe closer to 77 million on the low end. Unlikely, but possible he beats the 2020 all time record set by Biden. Definitely beats his 2020 numbers.

    Kamala recently pulled ahead of Hillary’s 65 million and Obama’s 66 million, she’s gonna end up around 71-74 million.

    Kamala lost the Popular Vote. In fact she won some blue states by smaller margins then she lost some ‘swing’ states. Nevada might not even be tight enough to qualify as a swing state this election(needs to be 5% or less, Trump’s currently winning by 5.2% meaning it wasn’t a swing state), meanwhile Minnesota was won by 3, New Jersey by 4, New Hampshire by 4 and a half, and Maine might be lost we’ll see, but those 4 were all swing states as the margin was less than 5%. New Mexico and Virginia came very close(and New Mexico would have been under 5 without RFK Jr dragging Trump down a point).

    This also suggests the Electoral College no longer favors Republicans, and is somewhere between neutral and actually favoring Democrats again. 2028 a tight election with a Democrat win could see them lose the PV and win the EC.

    I had a ton of 2004 vibes from the start and it looks like that was correct. He is coming back to serve a second term, and YES, this time he won the national electiiion

    (Also you can’t blame third parties this time, they did horribly nationwide. At worst maybe they tightened up Virginia a bit just through how uniquely bad for Democrats it was there, but on the other hand RFK Jr is the only reason New Mexico didn’t crack a sub 5 margin and go into Swing State territory again(Harris won by 5.2 there and RFK got 1 point. No third party means that crosses the 5 point threshold)

  • Verdant Banana
    -184 months ago

    don’t blame the voters when Harris refused to bring more to the table other than ‘Not Trump’ and helping people get mortgages on overpriced real estate, and propping up the oil/fracking industry, restrictive border policy

    guess people were not able to see the difference at that point and that is not on voters

    • @kescusay
      204 months ago

      I’m sure my LGBTQ+ kids can see the difference. Why can’t you?

      • Verdant Banana
        -154 months ago

        in the same boat plus worse than your kids not even allowed to vote either

        but it was on Harris to put out a better alternative

        she came out as Trump Lite with similar policies and that is what lost the election

        Harris could have taken what she was given and rolled right through to a landslide victory but instead she courted Republicans and advertised the same tired old politics

        • HubertManne
          44 months ago

          It was in no way trump lite. thats just a rediculous statement. all canidates will have policies on all aspects of governing even if its not your pet one. Hers were nothing like his.

    • HubertManne
      24 months ago

      Ive seen the difference over the last 50 years and I prefer it with lube but to each his own.