Anyone who didn’t vote against this deserves whatever they’ll get.
my concern is all the people who voted against it and will get harmed first as the people who didn’t push back sit back and laugh because they fail to see the people they just enabled see them as with us, and not as part of their cabal
i’m worried about that too, especially since many people who voted against him belong to vulnerable groups. however, i think his largely ignorant and poor supporters will get their fair share of suffering as he simultaneously destroys the economy and the social safety net
i wish i could see that as a good thing, or a bright side, but i just don’t. even if someone chose to be tortured, they’re still getting tortured, and the only motivation for that crowd has ever been blaming us for their suffering. they will endure great torture as long as they get to wish a worse life on someone else. they will suffer, yes, but they will blame us. the mass media is already paving the road for this line of thinking, saying Kamala ran too far to the left, which to me sounds like a dog whistle for too much minority support, given how far right she ran
Yeah there are a lot of people saying “well I voted” then scapegoating their preferred group of vulnerable people and calling “leopard ate my face” on native Americans, Palestine supporters, Latin voters, black voters, women, etc.
They feel justified in washing their hands, sitting back and essentially siding with the fascists.
The most effective bit is going to be flooding media with how trump is being led around, manipulated, and not in control. Point to Elon and Vance. Trump will eventually lose his damn mind.
and also of Trump making Elon his bitch to drive Elon nuts as well
Nah, the lodestone is Trump. Make it flow one direction or it loses power.
Knowing Elon, he’ll get a hard on for the power fantasy and play right along
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Can’t buy taste or sense.
Yeah, we’re talking about a guy who thinks it’s classy to shit in a golden toilet.
What. I have missed something?..
There’s been a story for years now that Trump had a golden toilet in his penthouse in Trump Tower.
Even if it’s not true, it’s the sort of thing he would think was classy based on the rest of his design sense.
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Not a terrible nickname to be honest.
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pictured left to right, famine, conquest, war, and pestilence
Who’s conquest?
i went with gabbard as conquest since she’s a Russian asset
From the sounds of it, I think they all are.
100%. all of them could realistically be any of the horses at the right moment in time
Thanks I didn’t know who she was.
she’s a politician who spouts conspiracy misinformation. the next president wants her to head the cia and fbi
I believe that is tulsi gabbard. Trump wants her as director of national intelligence
Life is so shitty that these morons are the ones tearing it down instead of some brilliant evil masterman.
Yeah destroying shit is easy, building mostly good, useful, strong and reliable systems is incredibly hard…
Easier to be a nero than a diocletian
There’s like 3 brain cells in that picture
And at least 1 brain work 🐛
And they’re fighting over which takes fourth place.
Who gets to use the brain cell today?
The worm
<pictured: the Cowardly Lion, Dorothy, the Scarecrow, and the Tin Man, gather backstage before donning their costumes for The Wizard of Hamas>
“History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.”
Not a Marxist but seems uncomfortably apt in this case.
I mean it’s not like Marx was always wrong. I think he just had too much faith in humanity’s ability to do what’s best for themselves, which is kind of what communism requires. Too many people want to be told what to do.
Pictures like this help keep me on track to make sure my family has a way off this sinking ship should we need it.
Passports for the kiddos this month.
We’re doing the same. I have dual citizenship with the UK, although my wife and daughter (who is queer, the biggest reason why we’re leaving) can’t. They can’t stay there on family visas forever, but I am hoping that by the time I have exhausted renewals, it will either be safe to return or they can legitimately request asylum.
Sounds like a solid plan — best of luck to your family.
The plan we’re building sees us moving out of AZ and to a blue state near the Canadian border. From there I brush the dust off my degree while my wife ensures she has what she needs to continue working as a nurse in Canada. UK is in consideration, too. Germany after that given their pathways to welcoming immigrants — especially in medical or in university. Alas, those latter options are so much harder to pull off, especially when we’re also trying to be near uncles and grandparents for the kid’s sake especially. Here’s to hoping for asylum if it really does get that bad.
Good luck to your family as well.
This is the way American democracy ends, not with a bang but a Twitter.
[Bangs are en route.]
War, death, idiot, pestilence?
I think ‘idiot’ applies to everyone in that image.
Trump being Famine seems apt
John the Revelator got horses levitating on clouds, we get donkeys driving Cybertrucks.
Gas prices are lower now, Thanks Trump.