The Onion predicts the future once again.
The Onion: New Anti Smoking Ads Warn Teens “It’s Gay To Smoke”
Guilty as charged, although not from US
You’re are naughty ;)
What’s up with lgbtq nation using the right wing lgb phrasing?
Conclusive data on transgender users was unavailable, the authors noted.
That tracks as we usually “don’t smoke” (idk if you still have to quit to get hormones but you used to)
that doesn’t answer my question why they’re using right wing terf phrasing
its still lgbtq+ not lgb
Because this data literally doesn’t include trans, Queer, two spirit, asexual, or any other sexuality besides the ones in the acronym. It is only that acronym because of the data, it’s a coincidence not an intention.
How would you have them refer to lesbian, gay and bisexual people, exclusive of trans people?
they could start by not excluding trans people. you refer to them just like i said; the lgbtq+ community
But this article isn’t about the whole community, right?
my bestie in christ, scientifically excluding a population is not the same as treating a community with prejudice. trans people are excluded from the acronym in the title because there isn’t data on us. it would be misleading and inaccurate to include us in those statistics.
Sometimes they must necessarily be excluded. You just referred to trans people without referring to bi people. Were you “excluding” bi people? Well, in the sense of the word that you just (perhaps unintentionally) used, yes, you just excluded them. And it was okay. Because you weren’t talking about bi people. So it was okay to say “trans” instead of “2SLGBTQ+”. Because you were speaking specifically about trans people and that is OKAY. So what would you have me say when I am specifically talking about lesbian, gay, and bisexual people but not trans people??!!
You’re so hung up on dogma and culture warring that you’re not using your brain.
what do you think the b in lgbtq+ is?
You didn’t say “lgbtq+”. You wrote:
trans people
You said “trans”. Stop excluding bi people. Don’t say “trans” say “2slgbtq+”.
^^^ that’s you
I have to think you are arguing in bad faith at this point.
Agreed, but it would be inaccurate here, seeing as trans people don’t vape as much.
Cause I can at least trust this pole not to vote trump and ghost me after I smoke it!
Twice as many people vape?
Twice the percentage?
The same amount, but they vape twice as much as a straight person?
Nearly 40% have tried e-cigarettes compared to 16.5% of their straight counterparts, the report says.
Kind of ironic actually.
Nearly 40% have tried e-cigarettes compared to 16.5% of their straight counterparts, the report says.
FTA: A massive new report on tobacco use published by the U.S. Surgeon General has found that gay, lesbian and bisexual Americans vape at significantly higher rates than their straight peers.
Nearly 40% have tried e-cigarettes compared to 16.5% of their straight counterparts, the report says. That number rose to nearly 50% among bisexual Americans. Conclusive data on transgender users was unavailable, the authors noted.
I was just getting a cloudflare error.
Do you by any chance have the useragent switcher addon installed?
I just looked and I do!
It breaks sites that use cloudflare, at least on Firefox. Turning it off for the site doesn’t work either, you have to actually go into your add-ons and disable it, it’s the only way I can watch Crunchyroll on FF