Relying on illegal laborers for work sounds horrific as all hell for both sides tbqh
4D Chess move: wanna stop immigration into your country? Make your country so shitty and unlivable that it’s not worth visiting let alone moving to
trade war with mexico where 70% of US vegetables and 50% of US fruit will not help either. Nor will talking down to California, where most of the rest is from. I hope you red staters like corn and pork for every meal.
Jokes on you some even have maize
And imprisoning people in slave labor camps that happen to be next to farms is not “deporting”.
Sometimes libs don’t realize their mask slipped. “They do the jobs we won’t” is bougie shit. People will do anything that pays well enough, isn’t abusive or unnecessarily dangerous, and doesn’t involve being housed in a bunk on-site.
These migrant workers are being abused by capitalists, and arguably we aren’t even seeing the savings anyway, for what that would be worth.
Being aware of the reality of the situation doesn’t mean you support it.
Great point. People would take farming jobs if the pay was decent and all of those abusive “festures” you mentioned are missing.
Should change the phrase to “They do the jobs we would never do for such little pay and benefits.”
Hmmm, it’s almost like we need to abandoned the DNC and the neoliberal antiquated way of thinking. Hmm, hmm, hmm. Oh wait, were you trying to offend someone?
Hmmm, it’s almost like we need to abandoned the DNC and the neoliberal antiquated way of thinking.
And replace it with… with… um… with…
Anything else.
It’s a sunk cost.
It’s hurting you to keep investing in it.
Your reasoning is the exact reasoning of someone who keeps investing into a sunk cost.
Your reasoning is the exact reasoning of someone who keeps investing into a sunk cost.
What is my reasoning?
Something tells me with trump in charge, they’ll leave on purpose… There will also be a lot of Americans in the next 4 years migrating to other countries too
Mexico and Canada will have to build a wall to keep Americans out
When i see this kind of posts, i tend to ask myself : does being on the left wing mean you’re ok with illegal immigrate workforce being exploited in your fields and farms ? Just so you have cheap products AND go easy on your consciences ?
Most people on the left are in favor of giving the immigrants we all rely on official status, giving them the same legal protections as other workers. That can be through making the legal immigration process easier or a guest worker program.
Immigrants are good. Exploiting them is bad.
Allowing so many illegal immigrants to do these jobs just goes against those who are working or wanting to work legally and allows those illegal immigrants to be abused to hell and back because of their status. If more workers are needed as in not enough local workers, sure I guess you could alleviate that with legal migration. But solving it with rampant illegal immigration is hell for everyone involved.
But I feel like much of the worker issue is solved with better work conditions and better pay. At some point that becomes untenable for sure but some sort of rethink might be warranted if an industry doesn’t work without decent living conditions and without abusing illegal immigrants for pennies.
That sounds like all the more reason to be for legal immigration and against illegal immigration.
All the more reason to be for legalizing immigration and against illegalizing immigration.
Focusing on the immigrants rather than the system puts the blame in the wrong place, and obfuscates solutions to the problem.
The GOP won’t pass legislation for more legal immigration. Our economy relies on immigrants, so it means that we are reliant on illegal immigration to function.
What I don’t understand is why Republicans are against having a permanent legally exploitable underclass which is what we currently have.
“They’re taking away our jobs!” ? Although I think it’s about power - if you’re not reliant on other countries, then you don’t have to take other things into consideration. You can be selfish and do selfish things.
But having illegal immigrants do hard work for basically nothing is the selfish thing.
You seem pretty confident that’s the end goal of the politicians.
only when it allows you to do cheap gotchas on the right /s
The US built itself up on immigration since the beginning, and most impactfully over the past hundred years with “brain draining” the rest of the world. “Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free” and all that. I don’t think it’s a stretch to say most of the US’s success comes on the back of these immigrants with 40% of Fortune 500 companies being founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.
But the economy has changed since that poem was inscribed on the Statue of Liberty. The US has become primarily a service industry demanding skilled laborers, relegating manual laborers to the lower class along with the illegal, and often unskilled, immigrants.
So you’re a blue collar American living in Appalachia, vying for the same factory job that your dad and his dad held and were able to afford a middle-class lifestyle. Except now groceries are getting hard to afford, fueling your truck hurts, and your new neighbor is a programmer who wanted a country home to relax in and work remote and finds your accent charming. You know you’re now at the bottom of the ladder, and you think the illegals willing to do your work at half the price are the cause. So deport all the imigrintz! Bring back white America! Make America Great Again! /s
I don’t have all the answers, but I think we should continue to restrict unskilled immigration and continue making it risky for companies to hire illegal immigrants, while offering a path to legality for those having been here for 5+ years. Raise the minimum wage, effectively securing a better lifestyle for those at the bottom (immigrant and native). Make some better/strategic investments in Central American countries so that people there have a better lifestyle and it isn’t worth it for unskilled labor to immigrate. Hell, build some manufacturing capacity so we’re less reliant on China.
Everyone prospers, America continues brain-draining, and the world keeps turning.
Not risky. Suicidal. They find you have “illegal” immigrants working for you? You get a fine so big you have to close your business from prison.
The other option: legalize all those immigrants and they become the owners of the business.
Well we certainly can’t be for open boarders. pauses for the gasps and pearl clutching
It is like that but it’s not always like that. Hispanic workers at a food factory a friend of mine worked would talk about hitting up blueberry picking season as a side gig in the summer.
when you get past your cryptic pseudo-profound wink wink question, what exactly are you trying to say?
I mean, that’s specifically why I’m left wing. I don’t want to pay people a fair wage. I want to exploit people on my farms and the left will fight to ensure I can.
A fifth seems really low.
They won’t deport them. Being illegally working in the US will be punishable by 5 years forced labour in food farming.
After seeing how horrific factory farming is, I’m genuinely wondering if I’d be psychologically better off with 5 years of prison. Or 5 years of war
I’m not even vegan, but what the fuck does that say about society? That the job that feeds you might require you to experience something so horrific, you’d prefer prison, maybe even war? …
Exactly, they want the labour even cheaper and without right. They want people who can’t complain. They don’t want to pay social taxes.
And like you said, cherry on the cake if they get free labour. Mmmmm those profit margins!
But we’ll still raise the price because nobody wanna work
It’s a bigger whip to keep the proles heads bent.
But at least we won’t have gay liberal abortions, right?
I’m waiting the “pro life” crowd to start talking about assisted end of life, but so far is not even a talking point
They already are.
It’s specifically targeted in project 2025, making it federally illegal. The wording is such that they say assisted suicide for the terminally ill lacks dignity. Marvel at that bizarre phrasing for a moment.
Drowning in your own lungs is usually where the prolonged dying process goes. Pain. Anxiety. Panic. But assisted suicide, easing out safely, by choice, with less pain, is the part that lacks dignity according to the theocracy part of our incoming government.
It’s so bizarre to think about, that 74million voted for this very thing, in states that turned red, like Montana.
I just find it funny they don’t want it to be. Wouldn’t they rather have the “liberals” kill themselves? Even my own right wing parents have told me over the years they’d rather me smother them with a pillow than slowly die in pain and suffering.
We obviously discussed this during Thanksgiving and sincerely the talking points where asburd. Told them that is not being a right winger but thinking this 78 Y. O. Senile MF is going to help them in any way is just a joke and they’re a bunch of broke clowns.
Stop, stop, stop. We’re going to find this stuff out. We’re going to learn. It will be painful. It’s certainly going to be painful to watch. I just don’t want to spend another second begging the 5 year old not to touch the burner anymore.
See, you’re mistaken. You are asking irrational people to use logic.
Orange man great biznus man he will make Mexico pay tariffs and food will become cheaper. Also it will deport criminals (?) So I feel safe again.
And if it all fails exactly how I was warned, it is someone else’s fault, and I’m not stupid… Everything’s simply a conspiracy against me!
Funny enough, it’ll make food more expensive, because now there’s more leverage for the worker. But, ofc, RFK wants to make field work forced labour camps for the disabled, which will most probably coat the same as prison labour - which means that ordinary labourers will be even more devalued.
Get with your friends and neighbors and start hatching a plan to grow some of your own food starting next year. At worst you have fun and eat well.
Tariffs on Canadian oil won’t lower gas prices either.
This needs more upvotes.
Enjoy your higher gas prices when he tariffs Canada.