
Donald Trump has exempted himself from key ethics guidelines required under the Presidential Transition Act, which he signed into law in 2020.

By rejecting federal funding for his transition team, Trump avoids donor limits and disclosure requirements, raising concerns about conflicts of interest and transparency.

Critics, including Senator Elizabeth Warren and government watchdogs, warn that Trump’s refusal to submit an ethics plan undermines accountability and could open the door to corruption.

This move marks a break from precedent and has sparked alarm over potential personal enrichment during his presidency.

  • @[email protected]
    194 hours ago

    Maybe just maybe you guys should have laws that require this instead of ohbits always been done this way. What a riduclulse country.

  • @DarkFuture
    195 hours ago

    I mean the universe spent years letting us all know this guy was corrupt as fuck.

    Americans voted for corruption.

    We WANT corruption.

    We’ll be no better than Russia by the end of our lives. And it will have been no one else’s fault but our own.

  • @samus12345
    5 hours ago

    I appreciate the rare honesty, I guess. Not like it would change anything if he did it.

  • @[email protected]
    85 hours ago

    Now he did it. IT’S DONE. WE GOT EM. Donald will finally feel the FULL FORCE of our justice system telling him that they are VERY CONCERNED.

    Mark your calendars everyone, we have a new holiday.

  • @wpb
    -93 hours ago

    Shit now there’s nothing stopping him from doing immoral undemocratic stuff like pardoning his children.

    • @Paperbagface69
      42 hours ago

      Lol, trump would do way worse than pardon his kid that was targeted by the doj for something that hardly gets charged in the first place. Trump incites violence, disregards the constitution, is a sexual predator (probably a pedophile) and the list goes on.

      • @wpb
        120 minutes ago

        Rules for thee but not for me, got it.

    • @Codrus
      33 hours ago

      Tell me of all the people Don pardoned.

      • @syreus
        114 minutes ago

        Relatively few compared to his predecessors. Some real assholes on that list. It amazes me how Roger Stone isn’t under the Jail.

        Lil Wayne is on that list btw.

        We will get to see is how they twist the presidential pardon this coming year.

        Afaik a presidential pardon is strictly federal.

        State cases and Civil cases are not covered.

        I’m sure the supreme Court will Fix that.

      • @wpb
        120 minutes ago


  • @Sam_Bass
    8 hours ago

    So he chose not to lie this once. Doesn’t excuse a lifetime of it

  • balderdash
    4212 hours ago

    We have learned (and are still learning) that precedent doesn’t mean shit

    • @adam_y
      812 hours ago

      It is spelled “president”


      • @renzev
        12 hours ago

        Okay, I give up. What on earth is /a supposed to mean!? Some sources decode it as “alterous”, but that doesn’t help me either. Is this just a typo of /s?

        • @adam_y
          39 hours ago

          Just a typo, (and fat fingers) but I’m going to say it stands for “ambiguous” because…

  • @Treczoks
    7614 hours ago

    Him not signing an ethics pledge is probably the most honest move he did in his lifetime.

  • @LANIK2000
    3214 hours ago

    The more I see this unfold the more I understand why Trump won. (This is in no way me supporting Trump, the guy deserves the worst this world has to offer!)

    Anyways, the establishment and dems are a bunch of toothless liars! If I was some poor chap doing my best to just stay alive in the US I likely also would’ve have lost hope in my vote mattering. Legally speaking, it quite literally doesn’t. The dems regularly shitting on the primaries is a great example of this (and ofc the electoral collage).

    Nobody in politics cares about the people. After the 2008 crash, both the reps and dems bailed out all the banks responsible for the mass fraud, while the people that suffered barely got shit.

    The vast majority of people didn’t vote and some voted Trump out of desperation, wanting any change at all. It’s fucking sad.

      • TheLowestStone
        109 hours ago

        And even if it heals, the medical bills will wreck us.

    • @andxz
      12 hours ago

      Warren is a good example of someone who does care and I can only recommend her books on the matter. She came from the same place as everyone else and managed to get where she has been for a good while now.

      If she’d been president 2016 or any time after that things would’ve looked a lot different, probably globally, I can almost guarantee as much.

      Edit: and by different I mean a lot fucking better, to be clear.

      • @MellowYellow13
        118 hours ago

        You mean Bernie, not Warren. Plus Bernie was winning primaries and insanely more popular than Warren.

        • @Shardikprime
          -23 hours ago

          If he’s so popular why wasn’t he elected after every primary

          • @MellowYellow13
            2 hours ago

            Because you don’t live in a democracy. And you don’t get elected after every primary, primaries are held before election to see who is popular. Sanders approval rating is through the roof and has been consistently over the years, easily the most popular senator across the board.

            Your answer is the DNC, ain’t that complicated. Sanders won the votes of the people, but the liberals and dems pushed Hillary anyway in 2016, and lost.

      • @[email protected]
        48 hours ago

        Yeah, but she’s not progressive enough for the leftists (plus they hate her for some perceived slight against Bernie), and too left for the moderates.

  • @aesthelete
    6518 hours ago

    Those alarms already had the copper wire stolen from behind them.

  • @NocturnalMorning
    8520 hours ago

    It’s funny how Brazil (a country that’s seen the consequences of authoritarianism) is handling their own attempted coup vs the U.S., we are basically welcoming Trump back after everything he’s done.

    After the coup attempt he should have been barred from office and arrested. This is such a ridiculous timeline.

    • Skeezix
      1717 hours ago

      Societies get the leaders they deserve.

      • @NocturnalMorning
        23 hours ago

        I guess… he barely won the popular vote, and didn’t pick up any significant amount of new voters. I wouldn’t say the basically half of voters who voted against this deserve it.

        • Skeezix
          159 minutes ago

          The 80 million people who didn’t vote deserve it.

        • @[email protected]
          12 hours ago

          This is the part that hurts the most.

          I canvassed, I rallied, I pushed people to vote. I did what I could to ensure the fascist didn’t win again, but he still did. Enough of my country either didn’t care, found some excuse to not vote for her, or wanted him to to be president.

          I was denied a chance at a primary, but I was excited for Kamala. There is no person who can sit and represent 300 million people and make them all happy, but she was more on my side than not, and I’m willing to push for ‘better right now’ and then push for ‘better later’ too as distinct events.

          As part of the now vocal minority, I don’t relish what is to come. I didn’t ask for it and I don’t want it; but lumped in with ‘Americans’, we sure seem to.

      • @LANIK2000
        714 hours ago

        I hate that sentiment and especially wording, but there is sadly truth behind it…