God damnit…
:.|:;Didn’t get it until the kanji
That’s not a kanji, its just :.|:; strikethrough
It’s been called the first “English Kanji” as a joke.
I see, I only saw it pop-up recently, didn’t know that joke
Old messed up meme. I guess its better than “An Hero” or other fucked up jokes we had a decade ago but still kind of distasteful IMO.
This is educational
I’m at a loss for the last line’s meaning.
Source is brainrot girlfriend (I think)
Yea, You are right
Can someone explain, I don’t get it?
:.|:;It’s too advanced. I cannot explain it.
It’s the “Is this loss?” meme
That’s all you see?
If you look past the overdone Gen-Z humor then the punchline is clearly a reference to the loss meme.
Sorry for your… period
Im at a loss for words, fuck straight off lol
One of those “memes” which are absolutely shit, not funny and for some reason people keep creating content with them.
Is she saying she’s pregnant?
not anymore
I could be wrong, but I think she said he should be rewarded for brining the milkshake home, but his “loss” cause she’s on her period.
Edit: looking at others reactions they seem to think that she is saying she had a miscarriage, but based on their reactions in the comic I don’t think that’s right. I think she’s using the “loss Kanji” for the word loss.