I think a lot of you guys are missing the point of the original situation… parents at the time didn’t want their kids having premarital sex. And the closer you are to a person, the more likely it is that you guys are going to have sex.
So, keeping their relationships as shallow as possible was thought to help to limit how much premarital sex your kids had.
“Going steady” meant having sex. If you’re not “going steady” with anyone, then you’re not having sex. - Was the thought at the time.
Ooh that explains so much. ty
My hand and I have been going steady for decades. ✋️ ❤️
Is this from an actual comic?
Yes, but it is out of context.
Surely, but which context could make this not weird?
Top comment has a sensible explanation
“I like Hal best of all boys! In fact, we’re going to run away to Hollywood where Hal can find all the work as a Best Boy that he can handle!”
“We’ll finally find out what a grip does, mom! And a gaffer! A gaffer, mom!”
Nonsense, no one actually knows what the grips do besides magic.
That’s a good one.
“I’m not going to sit around here to raise a monogamous young woman … we’re going to make sure you turn into a trailer trash whore with a dozen children with eight men by the time you’re 24 … now shut up and eat your vegetables”
As much misogyny was in the original, controling your daughter like that, you managed to one up it.
“Did you even try watching a soap opera today, Ann? Did you?”