It’s kind of like their baby photos. A decent album in its own right, but not much of a clue for what they would eventually become.
Actually a really solid analogy!
Pablo Honey is alright. It’s a solid debut album. I’m glad that they experimented and found their own sound on later albums, though. If I’m in the mood for Radiohead, 99% of the time it’s going to be an album from the middle of their discography.
I have weird feelings about Radiohead.
For one, I have great respect for how they approach music.
For two, I have great disrespect for how they approach and treat their fans and their own history.
I get it, Creep is overrated, you don’t have to act like such a depressed asshole about it, Thom.
Also, they’re one of the most wealthy and well-known bands of their era. The endless “Oh, we’re such a bunch of sad sacks” loses its luster after they’ve had more money than most will ever earn in a lifetime for *checks notes… making art, something many would give up a comfortable life to be able to pursue. It just screams out of touch fucking wanker who thinks they’re better and more special than everyone else so they deserve to be depressed while living the high life. It’s literally a joke.
If Yorke hadn’t spent so much time acting like he fucking hated the music from this period, I’d probably like it better myself, but it’s a hard pill to swallow when the guy who was responsible for it all hates it so much he generally refuses to sing the song himself in concerts, instead listlessly holding the mic out for the crowd to sing along. What a fucking stuck up his own ass prick. People are out here in poverty and are really suffering, Thom, so cry me a fucking river about what you are depressed about you wealthy fucking jackass. You have the accolades of millions and you’re gonna cry about it, fucking wanker.
Basically, I’d still have a lot more love for their entire discography if I didn’t feel like they were such out of touch assholes. Thom especially.
Finally, in respect to the actual music itself, I was always more of a fan of The Bends, which I think has some real bangers on it.
I’m actually just making sure I understand you right: you think they’re stuck up because they make sad songs despite being rich, and don’t sing Creep at concerts. Is there some other reason on which you conclude they act stuck up?
so… you have some thoughts on radiohead
I’d rather listen to literally anything else from Radiohead
You, Lurgee, and Blow Out are still awesome tracks.
Blow out is the best track on the album, imo. Such energy 😙🤌
Almost everyone i know including me know this album along with OK Computer, thats when I was so young like 14 years old.
Few months ago, i tried to listen to some album that was popular back when i was in high school including Pablo Honey and OK computer, now i think those album are not very technical, lousy lyrics and pretentious.
I’ve somehow stumbled across voice coaches analysing some of my old favourites and while I doubt anyone was consciously doing any of the shit they point out it really makes you appreciate how good we had it living through the last era of the band.
It’s the only album of theirs that I don’t love.
Blow Out is a banger
The only memorable song from the album (for me) is Creep.
I like that album.
I understand why they were more popular later, but in my opinion, all the following albums are boring in comparison.
Pablo Honey is a rock band playing some songs. The following albums are like listening to a studio production of Thom Yorke whining on top of carefully selected backing tracks.
So brave
You don’t see The Bends as a more mature take on that rock band playing some songs?
There was a few good songs on that too, but I haven’t listened to it as intensively as I did with Pablo Honey, because it seemed to be more of the same. Maturity is not really a quality that I look for in rock music.
I guess I meant that they developed their songwriting skills rather than discussed more mature topics or whatever.
i wanted to like it but i just didnt
I like their pre-kid a stuff, but if those Pablo honey is the weakest album. I like most tracks though, only ‘anyone can play guitar’ rubs me the wrong way.
I do not like it Other Radiohead tracks are better