This is a bdsm fuck palace in disguise. Note the bed-beam arrangement.
Ain’t nobody sleeping in here
It’s missing the layouts for 2 walls on opposite ends, 3 walls beds, and 4 walls, such as in Harry Potter cupboards, vans, and New York apartments.
Centre of room, angled 37.5 degrees askew from magnetic north to coincide with nearby leylines.
This helps charge your chakras and increases your metabolic orgonne reserves.
As a lavender diffuser for holistic auric field health.
Completely unrelated, but my hot new girlfriend sells crystals on Etsy if y’all are interested.
I have my bed against 3 walls, and it’s fucking fantastic
Bit annoying as a tall person, but I feel so safe in my cave.
Privilege is being able to afford a place big enough you can actually put your bed in the middle of the room
… is…
is this loss?
No, this is Patrick
The room in that picture is cute, but it’s so limiting about where the bed can go. Left and right are concussion town. The window is fine for some people, but there are lots of reasons not to want to sleep there. The other side is probably where the door or stairs are. Hang a fucking hammock, I guess.
If you’re gonna have the bed in the middle of the room like that it has to be a bed with a built in headboard, otherwise some of your pillows will fall off the end.
No curtains or blinds either. I’m not convinced that’s actually being used by anyone, tbh.
Weave a web of cotton rope 2 feet off the floor, become attic spider.
What are you talking about? I love waking up to find all of my pillows on the floor.
Having a ceiling fan and wanting to sleep with the head end under the fan…last panel is legit.
Learn to do a backflip, to surprise anything that goes for your head, and you can truely be feared
I’ve been considering putting my bed away from the walls, to allow for better air circulation, partially so I don’t end up in a corner with little oxygen, but partially also because I’m allergic to dust mite poop, so it would probably be better for that to diffuse away from my face in multiple directions. Alas, my room isn’t the largest…
You get this set up, then you know no fear (other than dust mites, which is valid)
What about me? I only have the right side against a wall, the other 3 are open. Also the head is next to the door
You are too poor to afford a room big enough for your bed.
I’ve put my feet towards the wall when I feel too lazy to rotate the mattress.
Sometimes a gotta do a planar rotation when axial just isn’t doing it for me.
Seems right.