ASHEVILLE, North Carolina, Jan 24 (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday said he would sign an executive order to begin the process of fundamentally overhauling or eliminating the Federal Emergency Management Agency. “FEMA has turned out to be a disaster … I think we recommend that FEMA go away,” he said during a tour of North Carolina to see damage done by Hurricane Helene last year.

  • @whotookkarl
    1 day ago

    Goodbye New Orleans, Miami, Jacksonville, Virginia Beach, all those Florida cities that are underwater from hurricane surge every year now, etc

    Asheville North Carolina received 63 million in FEMA aid just a few months ago to help recover from hurricane season. He lied trying to say they didn’t have the money and now he’s making that the case.

  • @[email protected]
    332 days ago

    This is gonna go over well next time there’s half an inch of snow in Texas and the entire power grid goes down. 😂

    • @[email protected]
      223 hours ago

      Oh no it’ll be fun.

      He’ll get rid of FEMA, and just throw money at the states he likes. Of course the real trick is, his buddies in the States he likes will just pocket the money.

      Nobody gets helped, horrible press all over the place. Lots of disenfranchised red voters.

      Won’t turn them blue, But they might be less likely to vote.

    • @SmilingSolaris
      72 days ago

      Fun fact, it just snowed in Houston. Surprisingly went okay. Not to defend the Texas power grid. I still had random power outages all year. But it did survive some snow. So that was nice.

  • @[email protected]
    3 days ago

    “But my egg prices” - morons about to have a very bad 2025 Atlantic hurricane season.

    We all warned you this would happen. This move was plainly outlined in Project 2025. Nobody tricked you, you’re just fucking morons.

    • @Raiderkev
      653 days ago

      B b but Trump claimed he never heard of project 2025. He wouldn’t just lie to the American people right?

  • @ikidd
    162 days ago

    I think if he denies a state assistance because they won’t play his games, other countries step in and send all the assistance that state could want. Imagine if China just threw billions of dollars at LA without conditions to make a point. I don’t expect Xi to be that smart, but it would be funny as hell watching Trump scramble.

    • @Ziro427
      42 days ago

      I remember a story about a remote town that needed a bridge replaced. And the federal government was dragging their feet about it until the town wrote to the Soviet Union about helping them build the bridge.

    • @finitebanjo
      42 days ago

      Xi and Trump seem to coordinate pretty closely. If Trump weakened US cohesiveness and Xi stepped in, Trump would thank him and kiss his ass.

    • Desert Hermit
      132 days ago

      This 1million%

      Also grew up being promised that any day now, 1) Bill Clinton will take all the guns, and 2) We’ll go to FEMA camps to get gassed. It was all part of the UN Agenda 21 thing that George HW Bush/Clintons/Soros/CNN/Bill Gates and the New World Order One-World-Government are bringing.

      Except none of that ever happened. Hm…were those guests on Art Bell in 1998 possibly…wrong?

      And yet, 30 years later, here we are.

  • @Dkarma
    242 days ago

    The south hurt itself in its confusion.

    • @[email protected]
      282 days ago

      I think you misunderstand his goal here. This won’t stop him from giving aid to the people/states who help him. This will only stop FEMA helping everyone unconditionally. He isn’t trying to stop aid. He’s trying to stop aid without strings attached. This is a power play.

      • @AA5B
        122 days ago

        Plus read about how he specifically didn’t want emergency response people ready to jump in and help, just money. Money to be allocated on personal choice, not need, to the governor. Money for the governor to allocate by personal choice, not need, to communities and companies. This is about buying favors all the way down.

      • @olympicyes
        52 days ago

        States would need to create an emergency bureaucracy redundant to each other state. California or Texas could do it but good luck South Dakota.

  • @[email protected]
    1323 days ago

    I’m willing to bet that the “problem” with FEMA is that, due to its vital role in dealing with emergencies, it has particularly stringent safeguards in place to prevent it becoming a partisan tool. And since Trump’s stated goal is to turn the entirety of the federal government into a partisan tool, it has to go.

    • @RememberTheApollo_OP
      483 days ago

      Maybe there are some buddies of the trump crime family that would be happy to privatize aid to disaster victims for a nice fee, and trump would like to withhold or bestow aid on States and individual officials that kiss his ass. So you bet the Left Coast won’t be getting any, but Mar a Lago will get a new roof every year.

    • @RizzRustbolt
      223 days ago

      Nah, it’s just really hard to steal from it without people noticing.

      • @Frozengyro
        63 days ago

        How hard can it be? They have to buy supplies and resources somewhere. And in an emergency no one is looking where you get stuff, from who, or how much. I’m surprised it isn’t ripe for abuse…

        • @RizzRustbolt
          63 days ago

          Used to be that easy. Then Bush 2 and his fleet of RVs happened.

        • @Maggoty
          23 days ago

          Ironically, the Republicans installed a lot of oversight against single source contracting. You can do it but it’s very obvious. So privatizing the entire thing makes it easier to grift.

    • @[email protected]
      123 days ago

      I would bet it was as stupid as someone (or even naturally by group via social media) inventing a narrative during the Biden administration because everything he does is evil. Then the destruction of the agency being the natural conclusion of said narrative. It wins points for Trump since people living in that reality see this as a win over evil.

      Then later, when it all blows up, likely during the next hurricane, they can just figure someone else to blame. Everything is probably purely off the cuff.

      It’s what con men do. Just roll with everything and keep it up for as long as they can. It’s worked for Trump his entire life.

  • @Feathercrown
    733 days ago

    Fuck it. Bye Texas. Bye Florida. You will not be missed.

    • @[email protected]
      52 days ago

      Yeah that’s not how this plays out. This will only affect states that he wants it to to affect, and when.

    • @[email protected]
      143 days ago

      I’ll miss me, but also not really. I’ve already accepted that I’m probably gonna die before Trump is out of office—I don’t know if it’s better to go out in a concentration camp or some unmanaged aftermath of a natural disaster.

      • @Feathercrown
        23 days ago

        You could move up north if you have the funds

        • @Harvey656
          72 days ago

          They live in Texas, they likely don’t have the funds.

          Written by someone that lives in texas.

  • @finitebanjo
    102 days ago

    They say they have a plan to give money directly to the states instead. So far nobody has seen or heard this plan.

    Even if such a plan exists, that still sounds like they’re taking a stockpile of vehicles and personnel and getting rid of it all only to be unprepared for all future disasters.

    • @RememberTheApollo_OP
      142 days ago

      The plan is to give money to states that kiss trump’s ass, and none for the blue states or cities that don’t.

  • Zier
    463 days ago

    Just like the covid crisis (it’s a hoax) where he said it would ‘disappear’, President Felon & his cult will leave us all to die without any help or caring from our government, that we fund !

      • AnIndefiniteArticle
        23 days ago

        It’s kind of funny when you put it that way because the FEMA claims and reimbursement process is so convoluted and labor intensive that those funds often only go to the wealthy.

        FEMA funds are often only for [the wealthy] and not for [the poor]. FEMA absolutely needs an overhaul, but probably not the one Trump has in mind.

          • AnIndefiniteArticle
            103 days ago

            Here is some research on the inequitable distribution of Stafford Act disbursements. They go to wealthy and white neighborhoods that have the resources to navigate the barriers to receiving funding. People in these neighborhoods have an easier time passing through the federal government’s fraud detection barriers, and are more likely to receive support from their (better-funded) local governments in filing for and receiving federal aid. FEMA payouts and insurance payouts are often intertwined, and this leads to further red tape, delays, and denials.

            That said, I’ll admit that I may be biased because my mental model on the topic almost entirely comes from a former boss who relied on talking up these inequities to secure investment funding for a tool we claimed we wanted to design (in our public messaging) to help people navigate these barriers, organize their claims paperwork, and receive funding.

            • Rhaedas
              73 days ago

              I would agree with the assessment that there can be a lack of fraud investigation, or even simply the inability to determine what areas need help vs. not, so they blanket approve some places. Whether or not that approval is driven by demographics I can’t say, only that in-laws who did not get much damage from one of the past storms had complete opportunity to claim some money for “whatever damage there was”, and didn’t because…that’s the wrong thing to do morally. How many people would do that, probably not 100%. But I don’t blame FEMA in concept, only in its funding and organization, and not being manned well enough to do its job well.

              Looks like Trump fixed that problem by just removing it altogether. Free market disaster response will be a fascinating thing to document. Not to live through.

          • @[email protected]
            73 days ago

            +1. i got money from fema in 2017 and all i had to do was sign a webform saying i was impacted by the hurricane that just hit

        • @AA5B
          42 days ago

          wtf, I got fema cash once. No paperwork. No convoluted process. I’m certainly not wealthy although I was surprised to qualify. Just money directly to fund repairs

  • @Duamerthrax
    82 days ago

    Every accusation is a project. They will turn FEMA into what they’ve been accusing FEMA of.

    • @humorlessrepost
      11 day ago

      Now we know where they’ll put those accused of illegal immigration.

  • @[email protected]
    3 days ago

    Where FEMA’s direct relief money is going

    Florida, Louisiana and Texas residents have received the lion’s share of FEMA direct assistance since 2015, per newly gathered data.

    Texas and Louisiana have been Republican-favoring states for some time.

    Florida is more swing, though has been trending Republican:

    I’d guess – not familiar with the politics – that maybe there’s irritation with FEMA’s speed of processing hurricane aid in those states, and that’s what’s driving Trump’s statements. However, if FEMA simply disappeared tomorrow, along with the aid it provided, it’d probably be generally-disadvantageous to Republican-favoring states.

    • @Mirshe
      453 days ago

      Nah, “get rid of FEMA” has been a thing for a long while, since before 2000. The issue is FEMA looks like a giant black box that does nothing but suck money when they aren’t being actively used, at least to the layperson, and when they ARE engaged with a disaster, people don’t get that it’s almost always local aid networks and such that actually handle distributing things because they know their town and the people who need help better than FEMA does, so they still look like all they’re doing is dumping truckloads of supplies off in the middle of the area. They also buy scary things like body bags (because natural disasters tend to wind up with a lot of dead bodies), making dumb people think they have some ulterior, sinister motives (see X-Files).

      • @[email protected]
        93 days ago

        The layperson doesn’t think about FEMA at all unless there’s been a recent disaster. Regular people aren’t making lists of government organizations and cataloging their budgets. If an org hasn’t literally just been in the news, they forget it exists.

      • @[email protected]
        153 days ago

        Oh, I do remember the FEMA conspiracy stuff from back when, believe that that was from the right.


        The FEMA camps conspiracy theory is a belief, particularly within the American Patriot movement,[1] that the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is planning to imprison US citizens in concentration camps, following the imposition of martial law in the United States after a major disaster or crisis.[1][2][3][4] In some versions of the theory, only suspected dissidents will be imprisoned. In more extreme versions, large numbers of US citizens will be imprisoned for the purposes of extermination as a New World Order is established. The theory has existed since the late 1970s, but its circulation has increased with the advent of the internet and social media platforms.[2]

        • @pdxfed
          12 days ago

          Meanwhile voting for fascists who will actually and openly put people they don’t favor in camps. JFC

    • @AA5B
      12 days ago

      Probably priorities. Probably the exact opposite of what they claim.

      Don’t forget the part where Trump said he didn’t see the point in having federal emergency response people ready to rush in and help. People who would evaluate need and get help where it’s most important …. Instead of what Trump co siders mpst important.

      I call uno reverse on these claims that fema only helps the wealthy rather than those who need it most. That is what is not happening, yet. That is what will be happening

  • @RememberTheApollo_OP
    563 days ago

    All those hurricane victims that complained about “illegals” getting some FEMA (but it wasn’t FEMA money, not that they cared) money got their wish. They won’t get any more FEMA money. Maybe nobody else will, either.

    • @Stovetop
      243 days ago

      Florida’s about to be unaffordable for millions of Americans. FEMA’s NFIP program had been disproportionately keeping cost of flood insurance low for millions of people in hurricane/flood regions along the Gulf coast, but now the market alone will dictate rates if FEMA is taken out of the picture.

      • @[email protected]
        133 days ago

        now the market alone will dictate rates if FEMA is taken out of the picture

        Nah, Florida will just pass a law making it illegal for insurers to leave the state. Surely that will work!

        • @sudo42
          3 days ago

          They’d save more effort by making it illegal for hurricanes to hit Florida. Borrow Trump’s marker and make them hit Alabama instead.

        • @Maggoty
          13 days ago

          Didn’t they actually pass something near to that already?

      • @[email protected]
        22 days ago

        Don’t worry. They’ll make sure handouts to red states won’t stop. It’s only blue states that’ll get fucked.

  • @[email protected]
    3 days ago

    I know this is stretching it, but given how stupid of a timeline we’re in, I have to allow for the possibility that FEMA is being disbanded because CA Gov. Newsom is taller than Trump.