
Democratic lawmakers, led by Sen. Elizabeth Warren, criticized Trump for failing to address rising food costs despite campaign promises to lower prices “immediately.”

In a letter, they accused Trump of focusing on mass deportations and January 6 pardons instead of tackling grocery inflation, which rose 1.8% in 2024, with egg prices up 36.8%.

Trump’s administration defended its actions, citing efforts to reduce inflation by cutting energy costs.

  • @EvilBit
    1911 month ago

    How much slamming will it take to stop the full-tilt fascism train? Are we almost there yet?

    • @affiliate
      231 month ago

      slamming alone is not enough i’m afraid. they also need to “rip” and “jab” them

      • @[email protected]
        101 month ago

        We need more forceful language like annihilates or obliterates or I dunno excoriate. I find any headline that uses this style of headline is generally crap though generally.

        • @affiliate
          71 month ago

          i’m partial to “eviscerate”. but i agree, i feel like these headlines are just a more clickbaity way of communicating “X says Y” and typically that’s not super interesting. especially when lots of other people are already saying Y.

    • @MisterFrog
      61 month ago

      Journalists have ruined the word slam over the last couple of years

  • @TommySoda
    1141 month ago

    I’m so tired of Democrats taking “the high road.” The high road doesn’t fucking exist anymore and y’all are just fucking everyone over. Trump is literally on the road to destroying this country and Democrats are trying to do things “the right way.”

    Fuck that shit. It doesn’t work anymore. They’re just accepting the premise of assholes. I hate to say it, but unless they fight back with the same kind of energy than they’re fucked. If you try and do shit the right way Trump will just undo everything with a wave of his tiny hands.

    • @[email protected]
      471 month ago

      I’ll go a step further. Motherfucker cancelled all federal grants and aid, AMONG OTHER acutely awful executive orders.

      How about Democrats “slam” Trump for dismantling our government and actively harming our nation from the first moment he was inaugurated? The time to fight about egg prices ended Nov 07.

      Let me see some of this energy Dems! (and from someone other than AOC and Bernie. WTH is wrong with the rest of you!)

      • @[email protected]
        281 month ago

        Because the people who voted for him think it’s a good thing that he’s cancelling those things. They want him to dismantle “big government” because they’ve been mislead into believing that the reason they’re struggling financially is somehow because of wasteful government spending.

        You can’t attack Trump by criticising him for things people want him to do.

        But the reason most of those people voted for him is because they are struggling financially, regardless of what the actual reasons are. They want him to come in and take a wrecking ball to the government in the belief that it will somehow make their lives better. I don’t see how it’s a bad thing to drive home, repeatedly, that they are wrong. That all of Trump’s promises will amount to nothing, and that their financial struggles are only going to get worse under him. Because if you want his supporters to abandon him, you have to appeal to their sense of self-preservation. You have to remind them, over and over, that he’s not making life better for them.

        • Queen HawlSera
          101 month ago

          I blame Reagan, his "The scariest phrase in the english language is “I’m from the Government and I’m here to help” nonsense

          It was a scam to encourage rugged individualism on a cartoonishly high level.

          I keep hearing from people that they’re GLAD Gender Affirming Care is being banned, not because they’re transphobic (they are, but that’s not the main reason they’re glad about it), but because they think now that Medicare isn’t going to cover that, that more people will be able to get on it and get cancer treatments.

          That is not how that works.

          • @MutilationWave
            1 month ago

            They think literally everything is zero-sum. If someone else is getting help, that could have been help for them. I have no idea how to undo this programming.

        • @[email protected]
          1 month ago

          Because the people who voted for him think it’s a good thing that he’s cancelling those things. They want him to dismantle “big government” because they’ve been mislead into believing that the reason they’re struggling financially is somehow because of wasteful government spending.

          You can’t attack Trump by criticising him for things people want him to do.

          The people who voted for him aren’t going to change their minds regardless, or they’ll decide we just need someone even worse. I want to see some fucking fighting (not physical fighting - some fire from these democrats!), not finger wagging. We had four years of fucking finger wagging when we should have been locking him up.

          That all of Trump’s promises will amount to nothing, and that their financial struggles are only going to get worse under him.

          I’m thinking they are going to get that message pretty quick now with all federal aid and grants cut. It will still be Biden’s fault to them, like the folks who went to their death from covid swearing it was a hoax.

          Sorry, at this point I could give a shit about what Trump’s voters think or whether they turn on him. Sure, it will be satisfying when it happens, but they aleady absolutely fucked us all, and I no longer even think I have an idea where the bottom is going to be. Fuck them. Whatever embers of empathy I may have tried to preserve for them all these years is gone. They have fucked themselves, they have fucked the rest of us, and barring a literal miracle I doubt anyone over 40 has much chance of seeing things righted within their lifetime.

          • @[email protected]
            141 month ago

            The reason you give a shit about his voters turning on him is because you need them on your side, not his.

            This is simple pragmatism. If you want your country back, you have to rebalance the scales. And that means convincing a lot of those people to start acting in their own self interest; regular people vs billionaires instead of red vs blue. Some of them are too lost to hate to be worth talking to, but not all. And you need all the help you can get.

        • @[email protected]
          61 month ago

          You can’t attack Trump by criticising him for things people want him to do.

          Here’s the thing; most people actually don’t like what he’s doing. Or they like the aesthetics and don’t actually understand the execution and effects.

          Democrats fail spectacularly in aesthetics (elite, preachy, corpo suits) and at explaining the effects these policies actually have on regular people.

          • @[email protected]
            71 month ago

            Sure, but that’s exactly why this is the right play. Reminding people that their groceries haven’t gotten cheaper doesn’t take any explaining. It’s simple, clear, and self evident.

            Trump got in on a promise to make ordinary people’s lives easier, and it’s a promise he has neither the desire nor the ability to keep. Driving that point home, for every single day of his presidency, isn’t a bad plan.

    • alaphic
      111 month ago

      As Jon Stewart put it on an episode of The Daily Show following the election, “The Republicans are playing chess and the Democrats are playing checkers”

      • @[email protected]
        1 month ago

        I’d say the Democrats are trying to play Chess while the Republicans are playing Dodgeball.

        • mattw3496
          101 month ago

          I’d say at this point that the Democrats are bringing a chessboard to a gunfight. They decided that knives were too uncouth.

          • alaphic
            51 month ago

            “Well, you see, according to parliamentary procedure bearing weapons is HIGHLY frowned upon, as it turns out. Quite beastly, indeed.”

            “What about the assault rifles they all came equipped with?”

            “Oh, yes,” attempts to look around room through glasses with 12 foot thick lenses; fails, but pretends to know what’s going on anyway, “Well, we’ll certainly be doing something about THAT! You mark my words.”

            “Fucking finally! Are we gonna charge them with sedition? Treason? Ooohhh, terrorism? There’s so many choices I-”

            “My aides have already begun drafting a semi-official non-binding statement condemning the disgraceful rapscallions and urging them to seek greater bipartisan cooperation and unity.”

            “Rapsc- ? Unity? Da fuq? CALL THE COPS, MAGOO, WHILE WE STILL HAVE-”

            “I assure you, it’s quite strongly worded. Oh, he’ll definitely be feeling the sting of our retribution soon… ish. Tomorrow maybe.”

      • Queen HawlSera
        41 month ago

        It’s more like the Democrats are playing Checkers, and the Republicans brought the glock and aren’t playing games.

        • alaphic
          41 month ago

          Oh, no, they’re definitely playing games… Weird, oppressive, shitty ones, but definitely games. I mean, jeez, they just kinda collectively jumped the shark as an entity AWHILE back, I think we can all agree on that… (Not that the Dems are much better, obviously, but at least in general they aren’t ‘fuck feeding kids at school for free, they can work nights,’ comic book villain evil)

    • Queen HawlSera
      81 month ago

      I’m not saying the Democrats are losing fights on purpose and pretending that they’re making an honorable sacrifice when really they’re just taking their take-a-dive money on the way out, but if they were, what would they do differently?

      • djsoren19
        31 month ago

        Hell, you don’t even need to get that conspiratorial.

        There are two possible options. The Democrats are either corrupt, or stupid. Both are a disqualifier for giving them power.

    • @rockNprole
      51 month ago

      It’d be like going into modern warfare, standing in a straight line out in an open field, firing a single round of shots, then shouldering your weapons and waiting patiently for them to return fire. Platoon after platoon of soldiers are massacred by the other side, who are fighting dirty. The general keeps saying, ‘No fair, we’re getting slaughtered out there! But, once we’re all dead, people will realize that those other guys were being real assholes…then, who’s the real winner! Ha! Ok, boys, line up the next platoon and remember, don’t fire until you’ve reached the center of the field and for the love of God, only one shot each! …I mean, if any of the platoons ever eventually survive long enough to fire a shot. But, I’m feeling good about this next one! Charge! …I’ll just wait back here where it’s safe.”

    • Refurbished Refurbisher
      41 month ago

      Mitch McConnall was able to block damn near everything Obama tried to do, and he was one senator.

      Democrats are weak on purpose, though, since they are paid by wealthy elites specifically to not be left wing. Until they all stop taking all corporate money, we will be stuck in the same “ratchet effect” situation that we’ve been in until something finally breaks and the government is dissolved one way or the other for some reason (military coup, violent revolution, etc.)

  • @ieatpwns
    551 month ago

    Democrats playing chess while republicans are shitting on the board

    • @Ensign_Crab
      391 month ago

      Democrats taking a nap while republicans are shitting on the board.

      • @_stranger_
        -21 month ago

        The Republicans control all three branches of government.

        • @Ensign_Crab
          51 month ago

          The nap has been going on for decades.

          • @_stranger_
            -31 month ago

            This doesn’t change the fact that Republicans control all three branches of government right now.

            Voters could have changed that, but they didn’t.

            They were probably all protesting the sleepy Dems right? So they all got what they wanted right?

            • @Ensign_Crab
              31 month ago

              Spoken like someone who was satisfied with the Biden administration.

              • @TheFonz
                01 month ago

                You know, he actually passed some of the most monumental legislation in decades, a lot of it with bipartisan support. But because we are not living on the starship enterprise here you are as usual shitting on everything and everyone.

                • @Ensign_Crab
                  11 month ago

                  You know, he actually passed some of the most monumental legislation in decades

                  He passed the IRA, which was a consolation prize for Democrats killing BBB. You might be satisfied with the same legislation that manchin was willing to vote for. I saw what Democrats killed. BBB never came to the floor for a vote. I’m sure you’re satisfied that minimum wage stayed low like you want it.

                  As for the “bipartisan support,” yeah, democrats voted for some republican legislation like the anti-trans defense bill.

                  But because we are not living on the starship enterprise here you are as usual shitting on everything and everyone.

                  “Don’t support genocide.” “Fucking progressives expect perfection.”

      • TooManyFoods
        231 month ago

        I mean of course, because the game that’s actually going on is real life and not chess. If you saw a guy playing chess by himself in the park and a dude runs up and let loose on the board, who won? The guy who just lost twelve and a half pounds or the guy sitting in it saying “hmmm, the Dennis Prager gambit?”

        • @[email protected]
          121 month ago

          That’s gotta be one of the most hilariously and depressingly accurate descriptions of the situation I’ve seen

      • TomAwsm
        111 month ago

        Google “En Poosant”

      • @[email protected]
        71 month ago

        Since it’s not expressly forbidden in the rules, and the referee is friends with the republicans, (and also someone who has money riding on the outcome has promised to pay them), the democrats have no choice but to shrug and say the next game is going to be the most important one yet, while seating a player that has no clue how to play

    • DemandtheOxfordComma
      91 month ago

      Trump flips the board, pieces go everywhere and exclaims, “I win! I’m the best at Checkers!”

  • @urno
    541 month ago

    Honestly, it’s almost embarrassing. Democrats continue to fight using Queensberry whilst Trump et al are, again, acting with impunity. They’ve got to smell the coffee and take the gloves off.

    • @WhatYouNeed
      51 month ago

      Take the gloves off right now and do what?

      Use harsh language? Encourage Democrats to engage in acts of violence?

      I understand your frustration of feeling helpless while the tangerine terror fucks everything and everyone up, but without control of the house and/or senate, there isn’t that much they can do right now.

      • @urno
        141 month ago

        I think they need to be aggressive, publicly, with their highlighting of Trump’s “shortcomings”. Like billboards. Or interviews on TV. Or (ab)using privilege in the House. Etc. Just say stuff that’s true that they wouldn’t normally want to say. “Trump finger raped a woman”, “Putin’s lapdog”, “Pornstar fucker”, “Friend to pedophiles”.

        In your face shit that’s inappropriate. Or was inappropriate until Trump changed the rules.

        Just keep repeating it day after day, and like Trump, it’ll become part of the narrative through repetition.

        • OBJECTION!
          51 month ago

          This is the same playbook they’ve been using since Trump first appeared and it doesn’t work. People don’t care that much about Trump’s scandals, they need to focus on economic messaging. Besides, he’s ineligible to run again so they need to have a strategy aimed at countering the right more broadly, not just one specific person.

          • @[email protected]
            41 month ago

            Saying he’s a “sexual predator” and that he “finger-raped a woman” are far from the same thing. One is dry and intellectual, the other conjures up memorable mental imagery. It’s the same way that “damp” and “moist” can be synonyms, but only one of them squicks a lot of people.

            • OBJECTION!
              51 month ago

              That’s ridiculous. You’re thinking way too small, you can’t just use the same line of attack over and over again with slightly different phrasing and expect it to suddenly start working.

              Trump repeatedly crossed lines that were supposed to tank his campaign. You can’t just chalk that up to some people using slightly less visceral language than you think they should have. The reason nothing sticks to him is because people have decided, “We don’t care how much of a dirtbag he is, because he’s our dirtbag.” The only thing that can challenge that is to attack him on economics and demonstrate how he isn’t actually working towards people’s interests, and in order to do that convincingly, it’s necessary to adopt a platform that does benefit people in a direct, material way.

              For all the words that have been spilled about things like finger-raping a woman or January 6th or any of the other shitty things he’s done, how much of it directly impacts the average voter? The best way to reach people is by appealing to their own material interests. Instead of, “Donald Trump fucked a pornstar” how about, “Donald Trump is fucking you, right now.”

              The only time Trump lost an election was when his botched handling of COVID directly impacted people’s lives. I’m not sure what would have to happen for liberals to understand that the electorate does not give a shit about Trump’s character. And even if they did, as I pointed out, he’s not eligible to run again, so the whole thing’s moot. Maybe next time they’ll run someone clean as a whistle with the exact same policies, although, I suppose if they’re smart, they’ll run another dirtbag so liberals get distracted focusing on that.

              • @[email protected]
                01 month ago

                It’s not just slightly different phrasing, it’s phrasing that packs an emotional/visceral punch. The economic angle has been tried to death, and a constant refrain I hear is, “how can people vote against their own self-interests?!” It’s because the other side speaks to the animal brain, not the frontal lobes. The murder of a pretty, young nursing student activates strong emotions and has a lot more cognitive stickiness than economic arguments about who gets paid how much to pick our strawberries. Guarantee that if voters picture his grubby, little fingers sliding into a vagina in a department store dressing room, they’ll remember it.

                • OBJECTION!
                  1 month ago

                  The economic angle has been tried to death

                  It really, really hasn’t lol.

                  and a constant refrain I hear is, “how can people vote against their own self-interests?!” It’s because the other side speaks to the animal brain, not the frontal lobes.

                  Yeah, and the animal brain wants stuff. And so do the frontal lobes, so it doesn’t really matter what part of their brain they’re using. Of course, you can’t just maintain the status quo and talk about how the other guy would be worse. The status quo sucks and is getting worse and even if it didn’t our brains aren’t wired to be satisfied with it. That messaging, sure, it’s been tried and failed, because it’s basically just lecturing people on how they’re not smart enough to understand economics and should be satisfied with what they’ve got. When I say economic messaging, I mean promising people new stuff beyond maintenance of the status quo.

                  The murder of a pretty, young nursing student activates strong emotions and has a lot more cognitive stickiness than economic arguments about who gets paid how much to pick our strawberries. Guarantee that if voters picture his grubby, little fingers sliding into a vagina in a department store dressing room, they’ll remember it.

                  Ok, I would like to collect on that guarantee, right now. Because you tried it already, over and over again, and it didn’t fucking work. I guarantee you that it won’t work if you keep trying it. If your position was at all true, Trump would’ve lost in 2016 when it first came out, when they could hear it straight from the horse’s mouth! No matter how you phrase it, it’ll never be more compelling than that moment when it first came out.

                  I repeat this for the third time since you seem to have missed it the first two times I said it: even if you were right, which you’re absolutely not, Trump isn’t even eligible to run again. Even if you’ve finally hit on the exact right phrasing that’ll definitely get through to people, this time I swear (you didn’t), you’re too late.

        • @kreskin
          21 month ago

          They first need to admit that running as corporatists, ignoring people who are suffering in this economy, and funding a far right genocide were wrong, and the genocide was a war crime that people should go to jail for. They will never admit to that stuff though, theyd sooner disolve the party.

        • @WhatYouNeed
          01 month ago

          Hard to do when conservatives have cornered the media market.

          • @[email protected]
            61 month ago

            The media gets high on sensationalism. If a Democratic politician came out and said that the President was “deep-throating Putin’s cock,” oh believe me, that’d get coverage right quick!

            • @WhatYouNeed
              -21 month ago

              Wrong type of coverage though. Sinclaire group would spin that so hard it would cost bigtime.

              • Lightor
                21 month ago

                I dunno man, your stance comes across as defeated, like nothing is worth doing. I disagree with that take.

                • @WhatYouNeed
                  11 month ago

                  Wounded but not defeated.

                  There certainly is lots that can be done. Just aware that there is an uphill battle to be fought, and the number of allies is limited.

      • @[email protected]
        71 month ago

        Same thing I’ve wished Democrats would do for years and years: Learn from psychology and neuroscience that language and how you use it matters, then learn how to use language to improve their messaging.

        And then do it.

        Politics in a big country like this is like an arena show, and Democrats treat it like a university lecture hall. Play to the cheap seats! For example, compare how I read that Harris would “address health care disparities which disproportionately affect Black men” versus “death tax.” Which one is more likely to reach Joe Six-Pack? Which one has more visceral impact? Which one is more, as they say, cognitively sticky?

        • @WhatYouNeed
          31 month ago

          The one that showed tits while making the announcement would get engagement.

          • @[email protected]
            11 month ago

            It would, but it’d be a poor political tactic, because the idea is to make your issue/position cognitively sticky, that is, make people remember it involuntarily. All of the engagement around flashing would be “huhuhuhuhuh boobs,” and nobody would talk about or remember the actual issue.

      • @Katana314
        21 month ago

        This is often my point. There’s a major problem with the statement “Democrats need to do something in the house”. And that problem is not with the second half of the sentence, but the first. “VOTERS needed to do something in the election.” America is not just the DNC no matter how much we love finding scapegoats.

        Very very very tired of the circular logic used to blame them for losing an election to an imbecile, against promises two brain cells could have realized would never ever be delivered.

  • @CatZoomies
    491 month ago

    Democratic National Committee, don’t just stick to your old tired playbook of telling everyone that Trump is bad and doing the things he said he’d do. It didn’t work last time.

    DNC, start immediately telling all Americans why this is wrong, what you will do different with the executive power, and keep up that messaging in a media blitz to win back all the working class voters who didn’t show up last time. Get a plan now for who you want to run on your ticket, and push them into the spotlight to advocate for us with progressive policies that help the working class. I’m a dreamer, but for the love of all things good, please let them be an actual progressive.

    “We are the Democratic Party. Democrats are fighting for a better, fairer, and brighter future for every American: rolling up our sleeves, empowering grassroots voters, and organizing everywhere to build a better America.”

    Really? Fucking prove it, then! Be the party of brawlers and stop maintaining “decorum”. MAGA is playing dirty because you’re weak and they know you won’t do shit. Fight for the working class like your mission statement alleges.

    So tired of backsliding to the right on this tilted table.

    • @[email protected]
      131 month ago

      Dems serve the same capital as Trump. Never going to control inflation. It’s a feature not a bug.

      • @TheFonz
        11 month ago

        Inflation rose globally and the US was able to do the biggest inflation reduction within the G7. I’m sorry we’re not living on the starship enterprise in some comunal utopia and there are still imperfections in the world

    • @[email protected]
      51 month ago

      I mean, it’s pretty hard for them to do much when they never seem to have both houses of Congress.

    • @GaMEChld
      151 month ago


    • @Kaput
      131 month ago

      How do I filter out those stupid meaning ngless words? Under fire, roasted destroyed… I just can’t anymore according to headlines Trump should be molecular paste by now.

    • @Snowclone
      111 month ago

      Donald Trump PILED DRIVE’D HEAD FIRST INTO A FOLDING TABLE by Democrats pointing out his policy promises are a 50 ton diesel trunk full of horse shit. . On the one had it’s a good criticism because this is what he cult thought he wasn’t lying about it. On the other hand, he fully admitted his polices would cause run away inflation and fuck the economy to death in his ‘‘When I said I’d ruin your life last, I lied’’ secret sex metaphor dungeon 30 feet below Mar-y-lago.

  • @drunkpostdisaster
    441 month ago

    Everytime I ask a republican what it is that Trump is doing that will help with prices they say ‘wait and see!’ like he is going to pull some sort of magic trick.

    • Queen HawlSera
      191 month ago

      Same “Oh there’s a plan, it’s just a long term one.”

      I guess that makes sense, afterall, if he de-humanizes enough transpeople all our groceries will become free, that’s just logic! /sarcasm

      • Flying Squid
        71 month ago

        He has concepts of a long-term plan.

        • @Nitchevo
          51 month ago

          We did, that’s why we voted for the adult instead of the orange turd that claimed he could fix it in one day. So since we were obviously wrong, and it’s been what, weeks of one days, it seems fair to mention.

      • @sudo42
        1 month ago

        “Now is not the time to talk about gun violence high prices.”


    • @VinnyDaCat
      21 month ago

      For some reason the Republicans voters I know seem to think that their party is going to pass all the regulatory legislation that that Democrats were suggesting.

      I just don’t understand them. How did they get this brainwashed? It’s not just frustrating. It’s depressing.

    • @[email protected]
      11 month ago

      The very second prices come down on their own, with nothing Trump did affecting it, he and his cult will point and say “SEE?!”

  • GladiusB
    401 month ago

    Call him a liar. To his face. To his subordinates. To his mother. To his cousins. Keep calling him a liar until he understands he is the Dishonest Don.

      • @[email protected]
        161 month ago

        And neither will his supporters.


      • @a9cx34udP4ZZ0
        111 month ago

        He actually does seem to care, a lot. It’s why he always says fake news, if he didn’t care about being called a liar, he’d ignroe it entirely. Losing control of the narrative drives him absolutely insane, it’s why the whole “weird” thing got him so unhinged.

        • Queen HawlSera
          21 month ago

          God I wish Hillary hadn’t talking Harris into abandoning that strategy

          • @[email protected]
            1 month ago

            Hillary’s campaign advisors who Harris was more than happy enough to bring on. These are people like:

            • Her brother-in-law West, the CLO of Uber who told Harris to stop attacking big business.
            • Plouffe the senior vice president of Uber and advisor to Zuckerberg and Clinton
            • O’Malley Dillon, who was, (oh hey look at that) an advisor for, Gates, Zuckerberg, Lyft, & GE, and was the first non family member of Biden to serve in his campaign as well as Clinton’s
            • Richmond who had to resign from his position in 2021 after it was found out he was the top receiver of bribes from the oil industry in the DNC
            • Jeffrey Katzenberg, who apparently is known as the kingmaker of of the DNC for how much money he throws in which… What the fuck are you doing Katz, go back to making Quibi a thing.

            It’s all of them and it’s purposeful. They apparently wrote 129 page documentals weekly about how Harris had already won while these advisors take pay in fractions of millions of dollars.
            They pay themselves to talk to themselves to pat themselves on the back for having done nothing to change anything.

            • Queen HawlSera
              31 month ago

              Wouldn’t common sense tell you not to bring on people who already lost against Trump?

              • Eugene V. Debs' Ghost
                31 month ago

                If they had common sense, they’d win more elections against the orange man who has no sense at all.

      • GladiusB
        21 month ago

        I think he’s such a narcissist that he doesn’t know. Or convinces himself this is righteous attention. We need to take a play out of their playbook and not care. Keep repeating. Make it ruthless.

        • @[email protected]
          31 month ago

          What? Saying mean things about Trump to his face is not even close to how ruthless we ought to be. Its not even on the same planet. I promise you, he’s had people call him out to his face for the past 10 years. That wont help.

          • GladiusB
            31 month ago

            No. I’m saying they need rebrand him and not let up. And not try and make it make sense.

  • Queen HawlSera
    371 month ago

    Reminder: Kamala’s plan was to pass anti-price fixing legislation that we’re not getting now

    • @T00l_shed
      151 month ago

      But but but I was told kamala was exactly the same!

    • @[email protected]
      11 month ago

      Then they can say that now, then.
      Say what plans they would take and push for them instead of waiting it out.
      Let us know what they would do with power to make things better and hammer it that with power they would be fixing things and show they are being stopped.

        • @[email protected]
          1 month ago

          The DNC instead of just commenting about how Trump has failed to reach his goals (which should be pushed on as often as reasonable) should be united in making plans of action and stating what they would do with the power of the government when/if its given back to them by the people.

          We are seeing that we have given an insane amount of power to certain offices and that by avoiding “decorum” it can be wielded to change things or at least start a very public conversation on them.

          We will be worn out by everything being a slam and call-out but this is a great time to start announcing their plans as a party to what they would be doing same as project 2025 was. The power shown by Trump is out of the box. It can not be put back in.

          The DNC exists outside of just criticizing Trump. They need to show why they deserve this power too.

  • @P1k1e
    281 month ago

    What’s with the fucking eggs, why does everyone focus on fucking eggs. There’s more food than God damn eggs for fucks sake

    • Sippy Cup
      311 month ago

      Speak for yourself heathen.

      I eat eggs.

      I would rather starve than eat something other then eggs.

      Meat? Gross. Vegetables? Ick. Sugar? Fuck off.

      Eggs. Just eggs.

    • @BigBenis
      261 month ago

      Just guessing, but eggs are a major staple in the average American diet that don’t have a whole lot of comparable alternatives like grain or milk. So when there’s a shortage or prices go up, people don’t have something to replace it with so it’s more apparent that they’re missing out on something and that gets attention.

    • @TheHotze
      101 month ago

      They are particularly high right now due to non economic reasons (disease).

      • @sudo42
        61 month ago

        Everything is particularly high right now due to non-economic reason: oligopoly and greed.

        • @[email protected]
          11 month ago

          Authoritarian reasons: thousands of businesses forcibly shut down a few years ago, leading to massive market consolidation, leading to less competition, leading to the greed being unchecked.

          Greed didn’t recently appear on the scene. Attributing the inflation to greed is like attributing Ukraine war deaths to gunpowder.

    • @[email protected]
      1 month ago

      Never mind, on the next election we’ll vote for someone else, to lower the price of vegetables at that time

      • @5too
        91 month ago

        Next election?

        • @[email protected]
          71 month ago

          Yes, we’ll still have them. Red states will just throw out any votes they don’t like.

    • @[email protected]
      51 month ago

      It’s a staple used in a fuckton of recipes in addition to being a go-to breakfast item. Many Americans stupidly ignore politics, but still pay a lot of attention to the prices of common goods like milk, eggs, bread, gasoline, etc. Folks are living hand to mouth because the billionaires hoard all the money.

    • @dx1
      31 month ago

      Reminds me of the Republicans with the “raw milk”.

      • @_stranger_
        31 month ago

        I wish they’d drink all the raw milk they can get their hands on.

  • @[email protected]
    271 month ago

    If anyone actually thought that piece of shit trump was going to do anything about grocery prices, they are fucking fools.

    And I fully understand that this letter is just theater. Stupid, shitty, ineffective theater.

    Fuck this whole fucking piece of shit grift called a government.

    • @werefreeatlast
      11 month ago

      Looks like Trump is way ahead of you since he asked everyone to resign or be fired later.

  • @CaptPretentious
    261 month ago

    Just do the same thing they did. Print stickers of Trump saying ‘I did this’ pointing to high prices of things like eggs.

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      1 month ago

      It’s crazy to see “price of eggs!” as a talking point appear on every major broadcaster a month before the election as the defacto rubric for economic strength. Then trillions invested in Western based AI gets obliterated within a week of the new administration taking office.

      • @[email protected]
        61 month ago

        Well since 50% of Americans don’t own stocks and 93% is owned by the top 10%, eggs definitely affect the average person more.

        • @UnderpantsWeevil
          31 month ago

          A factory worker may not own a single share of stock and still rationally express concerned when the firm’s stock price plummets.

          The enormous upfront investment of capital in a rapidly outdated administration model should be extremely alarming to individuals whose employment is predicated on the output of that model.

          • @[email protected]
            11 month ago

            Are you trying to say that people being fired from Nvidia is more important than egg prices? Maybe let me check how many employees they have. Seems to be about 30k. Idk man comparing human experiences at this scale gets pretty sticky. Maybe it’s just confirmation bias, but egg prices and by extension grocery prices are probably more important to the average person. Infact they even affect Nvidia employees that are fired.

            • @UnderpantsWeevil
              21 month ago

              Are you trying to say that people being fired from Nvidia is more important than egg prices?

              People from Nvidia, from Facebook, from Microsoft, from all the attendant businesses surrounding those firms.

              Compound this with the consequences of money invested into AI at both the private and public levels that was supposed to supplement neglected spending in basic science R&D on the ground that AI could do R&D better (because it’s God? Idk)

              So there’s a knock on effect to egg prices, given that the egg shortage is driven by Bird Flu and we’re neglecting Bird Flu to build AI God.

    • @alekwithak
      21 month ago

      I wanted to do this but I gotta figure out how to print my own because the prices I’ve been seeing on those are ludicrous for stickers.

  • @crystalmerchant
    251 month ago

    S L A M

    So fucking do something about it, Democrat dipshits

    • @_stranger_
      81 month ago

      Did you forget that the Republicans have control of all three branches of government?

        • @_stranger_
          11 month ago

          The past is gone, the now is republicans. I know it’s hard to remember, but they’re in control of everything. The voters could have also not voted trump in, why not get mad at them?

          • @[email protected]
            101 month ago

            dude that was a few months ago. =) they literally wasted 4 years. again. I’m pissed because my entire adult life the democrats have been worse than ineffectual at improving the american baseline. The republicans managed to take all 3 branches because of how piss poor democrats have been at representing their base. after harris’ disgusting behavior on the campaign trail and biden absolute disgusting policies w/ respect to israel im basically done with the DNC at the national level, they can rot.

            • Queen HawlSera
              31 month ago

              Harris had disgusting behavior on the campaign trail? She didn’t piss me off until she said “Fuck confirming judges or demanding recounts or investigations, I’m going to Hawaii!”

              • @[email protected]
                1 month ago

                Yes. Her campaign shit all over Muslim americans. She refused to condem or even admit to the genocide. She repeatedly tried to gaslight americans over bidens mental fitness. And completely ignored the economic hardships many are experiencing. Wouldn’t commit to keeping ms khan because her family member was under investigation by the ftc.

                Absolutely disgusting. Never mind the fact she had no real policies positions that would have improved anything.

                And then on top of all that nonsense, palling around with Cheney. And rank and file members immediately throwing lgbt+ under the bus post election in an attempt to deflect responsibility for the loss because of their shit policies.

                Dont get me started about actions she took over the last 4 years as VP.

                But she and the dnc lost because they refuse to acknowledge how absolutely pissed americans workers are atm. And keep trying to gaslight us.

                • @sudo42
                  71 month ago

                  “Nothing fundamentally will change.”

                • @Shardikprime
                  21 month ago

                  It’s telling how much they downvote your sensible take

                  Keep on it guys! If downvotes were real votes, you’d surely win the election!

                • @_stranger_
                  1 month ago

                  Yeah a bunch of people were pissed off. They should have voted for her anyway. The choice was shit, or radioactive shit. Personally, I’m kind of fucking furious over everyone with the privilege of washing their hands of participation because they knew they wouldn’t feel the consequences.

                  The sad truth is that everything you posted is right, and it still wasn’t the reason she lost. A third of the country just didn’t fucking vote. And it wasn’t even in protest.

          • OBJECTION!
            11 month ago

            The voters could have also not voted trump in, why not get mad at them?

            This is so completely upside down it hurts. “Why punch up when you could punch down?”

            Even if voters were the ones at fault, it’s completely pointless and unproductive to blame the public at large because changing their behavior is a hell of a lot harder than changing the behavior of the handful of people running the campaign. They should be the ones to change based on what the voters want, it shouldn’t be the voters who have to change based on what politicians want to do!

            • @_stranger_
              -11 month ago

              Yeah, but that point is in the past. And back then, a whole shitload of people decided it wasn’t worth their time/energy/feelings to vote for the not-a-nazi.

              The reality of now is that no one can do shit. Feel free to post more theory about how shit should work. It won’t amount to shit, we’re in fascist oligarchy times. You’re not going to change their behavior.

  • @Tronn4
    231 month ago

    Meanwhile all lawmakers had gains in stocks larger than the average Joe. The fuck they care about prices