
Elon Musk announced that he and Trump are shutting down USAID, bypassing Congress’s authority over federal spending.

Musk claimed Trump fully supports the move, though Trump has only criticized USAID without explicitly confirming its closure.

The White House has not commented. The administration has already placed USAID officials on leave and reviewed its funding.

Critics argue the move violates federal law, setting up a potential legal battle.

  • @[email protected]
    11 days ago

    How the fuck is Elon Musk suddenly in charge of the US Government? How are the American people OK with this? How are American politicians even OK with this?

    • @[email protected]
      11511 days ago

      Remember when Republicans were whinging about “unelected bureaucrats” and the “shadow government”?

      Yeah, now they’re literally implementing that themselves.

      I wonder if Elon walks around with personal security.

      • NielsBohron
        6111 days ago

        Remember when Republicans were whinging about “unelected bureaucrats” and the “shadow government”?

        “Wait, it’s all projection?”

        🌍 👨‍🚀 🔫 👨‍🚀

        “Always has been”

    • @[email protected]
      3411 days ago

      American people are protesting. Politicians are either actively allowing this behavior or saying, “Oh-no, he can’t do that! What he did is very bad!” Unfortunately, politicians are not beholden to the people they are supposedly representing.

    • @bitjunkie
      2111 days ago

      We’re not okay with it, they’ve just removed our ability to do anything about it that isn’t a literal act of terrorism

    • @Furedadmins
      2011 days ago

      Musk can literally never show himself in public anymore for fear of assassination.

      • @formergijoe
        1711 days ago

        Why do you think he’s been running around with a human shield one of his kids at all times recently?

    • @[email protected]
      1511 days ago

      This was all outlined in Project 2025 which was made publically available for everyone to read. Then people voted for Trump.

      • @ZJBlank
        1211 days ago

        You say that like trump voters read anything

      • @[email protected]
        11 days ago

        A bunch of the conservatives I know professed to believe him when he said he had no idea about project 2025. Whether they were just masking or actually duped, I have my guesses.

  • Shawdow194
    9611 days ago

    “buT iTS aN oFFiCiAL aCt sO itS LeGAl”

    • a blatantly corrupt Supreme Court
    • @[email protected]
      11 days ago

      That’s… Not applicable here… Depending on what you mean.

      That ruling was about personal responsibility and accountability. Not whether everything the government does at the president’s request is legal.

      i.e you can sue the government, just not the president himself.

      • @AA5B
        811 days ago

        You also usually need “standing” to sue. If you’re personally affected, you have standing. If you’re a state or local government and have your government or citizens affected, you have standing. Who has standing here?

        The human suffering cost is completely amoral and the influence cost on the us should be considered treason, but that doesn’t mean there’s someone who can sue to fix it

        • @[email protected]
          1111 days ago

          Congress would have standing aince it’s their laws being ignored - but good luck with that for 2 years… I assume the people in USAID also have standing as their employment would be illegally terminated.

      • Shawdow194
        -211 days ago

        “…the President may not be prosecuted for exercising his core constitutional powers, and he is entitled to at least presump- tive immunity from prosecution for his official acts.”


        • @[email protected]
          911 days ago

          Yes, that’s what I’m saying. He can’t personally be prosecuted. You can still sue the government.

          • @Jhex
            -111 days ago

            Which translates to “Trump can do whatever he wants… if there happen to be consequences, they’ll be paid by the tax payers”

            • @[email protected]
              211 days ago

              I mean… You’re not wrong but you’ve also oversimplified too much to be right.

              He can’t personally be punished, but then no president in history has ever actually been personally prosecuted which is why it was such a big deal that Trump may have been.

              His policies and commands can still be overturned by courts though. So while he is free to command something it may or may not be done. Though chances are pretty good at the moment that he will face little in terms of opposition…

              • @Jhex
                211 days ago

                so where did I oversimplify exactly? he can do whatever he wants, there is a small chance he may be stopped (don’t know by whom, he controls all branches of gov and the courts)

                • @[email protected]
                  311 days ago

                  His grants freeze was already ordered blocked by federal courts. There is some opposition, but courts are slow and trump is throwing shit like a monkey in the zoo.

              • @TrickDacy
                -311 days ago

                It’s cute that people are still in denial

                • @Telodzrum
                  111 days ago

                  I’d say it’s “cute” when people with no grasp of the law attempt to make broad statements about it, but it’s not. It’s actually super annoying.

  • @snekerpimp
    8711 days ago

    How blatantly they are killing people and emptying coffers. This is a coup and a robbery.

    • TooManyFoods
      2511 days ago

      I believe the word for that is kleptocracy.

  • @Kyrgizion
    7211 days ago

    Elon thinks he’s pulling a Julius Caesar on us (crossing the Rubicon), but he’s actually pulling a Crassus campaigning in Parthia. I pray he ends the exact same way. There is no more fitting end…

    • teft
      2711 days ago

      And for anyone who isn’t aware of how Crassus died go watch Viserys’ death in Game of Throne. It was inspired by Crassus’ death.

      • @[email protected]
        3711 days ago

        For those of you who dont care to research. He most likely died in battle against the Parthians, but according to legend they poured liquid gold into his mouth post mortem to make fun of his avarice. Also some shenanigans with his severed head occured.

        What the other guys are referring to is some later depictions where he was executed with liquid gold being poured down his throat.

  • @Rhoeri
    4211 days ago

    Seems somehow…. I don’t know, illegal? to have non-elected officials making decisions to shut down government agencies?

    If only there were another part of our government designed to somehow… maybe, keep things like this from happening?

    • SeaJ
      1611 days ago

      Not necessarily but almost certainly in this case. Congress created USAID. Only Congress can shut it down.

    • @[email protected]
      -1311 days ago

      Hahahaha so long people like you had this argument when asked why they think Trump wouldn’t become a dictator

      • @Rhoeri
        411 days ago

        What the fuck are you even saying?

        • @Jarix
          410 days ago

          That the rules don’t matter to these people, and no one is doing a god damned thing about it, you eeeeeeeeediots.

          Or something along those lines

          • @HerrBeter
            410 days ago

            I agree, a lot of people felt somewhat safe and protected because there were some legal safeguards. Fascists overreach and install loljalists, et viola they are gone.

        • @[email protected]
          -19 days ago

          Sorry, I thought you were mentally able to understand. I mean it’s laughable that you and many like you kept comfort in that the laws (that fascist dictators have complete control over) would stop a fascist dictator from taking fascist control over your country, with his PLAN on how to do it and promises to do it out in the open. From the outside it sounds so naive that it becomes funny. I am fully aware that it’s not funny in actual, but it was just too much to read that idiotic statement. Laws or safeguards won’t help. They’re what he is removing, since you gave him power to do so

          • @Rhoeri
            9 days ago

            Considering the fact that you say, “your country,” I’m left to assume you don’t live here and therefore are here simply to antagonize, as you’re offering absolutely nothing worthwhile to the discussion.

            Tagging you as irrelevant and moving on.

            Oh, and maybe don’t assume someone mental health if you know nothing about them. It’s bad form and generally frowned upon to insult people before you even get to your point.

            Just some free advice for ya. Do with it what you will.

  • @[email protected]
    3611 days ago

    Critics argue the move violates federal law, setting up a potential legal battle.


  • @twistypencil
    3511 days ago

    Is there a reason congress is not taking legal action?

    • @eran_morad
      4311 days ago

      Congress is neutered without a democratic majority in the house and 67 seats in the senate. Congress is basically useless. Right now, the only check on the president is the judiciary. And, shall we say, measures at the fringes.

      • @makyo
        1411 days ago

        Congress has been ceding power to the President for decades, this is actually not too far off where they were headed anyway

    • @Skyrmir
      2211 days ago

      Investigations would start in the house, and have to be signed off on by Mike Johnson. He was elected with over a 70% margin and his voters love what’s happening. The other option would be John Thune, who has about a 20% margin in South Dakota, and his people love what’s happening too.

      Unless you can change those facts, America will become a fascist authoritarian nation.

      • @Soup
        411 days ago

        Also even if his voters hate what’s happening there’s nothing they can do about it now. All the power was handed over and the damage is done, no amount of regret will change anything now that the GOP feels capable of doing literally whatever they want and have all these majorities.

        The writing was on the wall but that country is largely illiterate so it didn’t much matter.

        • @Skyrmir
          11 days ago

          Nah, even with the lack of accountability, if they saw real movement in their own polling, it would change their behavior quickly. Even without an election coming up, mass plummeting of opinion polls is their warning that first their funding will dry up, they might not care, and second people will start building gallows outside their office. While the cops hide from the crowd. The police can really only control a minority of the population. If a real majority shows up, they back down out of self preservation. As happened in multiple towns the past few days, or back in 2020 when they took over areas of Portland.

          • @Soup
            110 days ago

            We say that but it only goes so far/it needs to go very far if we want to see what they’re doing right now actually stop or, if we dare to dream, be reversed. And the more they do right now the less actual support they need, come election time. Remember that conservatives are so terrified of some made-up “leftist” that they will even admit, if they have any self-awareness at all, to voting against their own interests in order to avoid that scenario. It’ll take a lot to convince to them to simply not show up, let alone hold their representatives accountable. And even if the Democrats get any sort of power, will they actually do anything with it or continue to sit on their hands while criminals run around?

            I’m still hopeful because I have to be, but we can’t just “nah” away the very real chance that the country is fucking toast for at least the next four years and that outrage will only propel them to work harder towards making sure they don’t face consequences, not to doing the right thing. It’s how it’s always happened, and it’s way more aggressive than it’s ever been.

  • @[email protected]
    2911 days ago

    This will kill people. Not that more blood on Trump’s hands will change his supporter’s minds.

      • @ZoopZeZoop
        311 days ago

        Look there are good people on both sides of the kill people/don’t kill people argument! /s

    • @AA5B
      11 days ago

      I assume:

      • “wasted” money not spent to directly benefit us citizens
      • there always seems to be racism at the core
      • they think they can get away with it - who will speak for the suffering millions in developing countries
      • Trump doesnt understand concepts like influence, soft power, long term thinking, morality

      This is “free money” where they can claim their “$2T” in savings

      • @[email protected]
        1911 days ago

        Perfectly summarized. It’s a damn shame. People well die, and the US cedes influence and leaves a power vacuum China is happy to fill.

        • @AA5B
          511 days ago

          PBS is next on the chopping block. Problem solved. /s

      • @MolecularCactus1324
        11 days ago

        The funny thing is most foreign aid projects are implemented by American contracting companies. A very large percentage of the money stays in the US and employs Americans. Look up DAI, Chemonics, Abt Associates, Creative Associates, TetraTech, etc. Most of these companies will go bankrupt because of these actions. In the case of Chemonics, they run a project to distribute HIV and malaria medication to millions around the world. These people will lose their medication. They also run a program to detect famine in Africa, South America, and parts of Asia

    • @[email protected]
      611 days ago

      Elon Musk pushes the lie that truly homeless people don’t exist. That essentially it’s a choice and we should feel no empathy for them. Add to that his well-documented history of racism and weird eugenicist beliefs about IQ and superior genes that need to survive, you start to get the picture for why he thinks taking food and medicine away from the most deprived people on the planet is a priority for the US government.

      • @Jarix
        010 days ago

        deleted by creator

      • @[email protected]
        11 days ago

        It’s probably both. Trump is an idiot, but a malicious one, and he’s very easily manipulated by malign forces both inside and outside the USA. The combination of ego, insecurity, greed, stupidity, financial vulnerability and sexual indiscretion make him the perfect target for anyone wanting to control him. Many of these things (minus the financial bit) are true of Musk too.

      • @Buddahriffic
        111 days ago

        The razors that I know of are rife for abuse but particularly that one when dealing with a group of people who are experts at generating plausible deniability.

        They are pseudo logic.

  • @xc2215x
    211 days ago

    Unfortunate but not shocking.

  • @[email protected]
    -911 days ago

    How the fuck are Republicans to the left of Democrats in shutting down this terrorist organization lmfao

    • @dustyData
      211 days ago

      I think you might be ideologically dyslexic.