“I love Steven Wright but as far as him being an influence, I can’t measure that. Let me say this… if I made potato chips, and I decided to pack them in a skinny can, people would say I was like Pringles. But what if I packed them in a bag?”
I’m not smart.
Is the humor that bagged chips are less creative or unique or “trying” than bagged chips so it’s a diss on Steven wright? I don’t know about their relationship so may be missing some info. Or is it that everyone is a potato chip in a bag so he’s saying there isn’t really a difference?
Not sure either, but my guess is that he was saying his humor is similar without copying Steven 1:1
And as far as my opinion, their styles aren’t that similar. Steven didn’t invent one liners, right?
His standup special is amazing. I love watching it and listening to him deliver lines… And then seeing how long it takes for the audience to get it.
Mitch hedberg is / was fabulous.
Problem is, You were trying to buy a candelabra in a bakery.
Only because that was the only kind of candle holder they carried.
I used to like Mitch. I still do, but I used to, too.
That’s either two, or four lines, depending on your definition of a “line”
That’s not Rodney Dangerfield.
This joke isn’t even funny tbh. He has a few good one liners, why did you pick this one?
I’m thinking maybe you just don’t get the joke. The joke is that cakes hold candles. It’s one of those jokes that takes you a second to get and it’s funny because you didn’t see the connection at first. And that it’s absurd. Absurd that a cake could be a replacement for a proper candle holder. It’s an excellent joke.
I got the “joke” it just isn’t funny.