I just realized my library card gives me access to an app I can borrow magazines from. And as someone trying to do less Lemmy scrolling at night and more long form reading, I’m wondering where to start.
I generally like politics, philosophy, interesting facts, history, social issues.
Also, I’m not American if that matters.
What’s your favorite magazines!
New Yorker. Scientific American.
Playboy in the 90’s actually did have good articles.
What would the articles be about? I think there’s some options to see previous issues in there, not sure if it goes back that far though.
Pretty much every category you said you like articles from! If I get some downtime at work I’ll see if I can send you an example or 2.
Man there was nothing better than finding an abandoned skin magazine in the ‘90’s.
Especially when all the pages weren’t stuck together.
I was telling my kid about woods porn. Which we found a lot as kids. Peoples stash in a bag somewhere in the woods. They seemed to be everywhere. God I’m old…
The Atlantic
The beating heart of zombie neoliberalism and The Worst Magazine In America.