Trump and Zelenskyy’s confrontational Oval Office meeting advanced “mob boss foreign policy” serving Russian interests.
Trump and Vance bullied Zelenskyy when he refused their “extortionate” minerals deal or to thank them despite Trump’s stated intent to reduce support for Ukraine.
Zelenskyy effectively countered their claims by noting Russia’s 2014 invasion and correcting historical inaccuracies, which angered the Americans.
This represents the first openly “anti-US, anti-Western, anti-democracy foreign policy in American history.” Russians embraced it, and Putin ally and former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev celebrated the exchange.
America humiliated itself by voting this orange twat back in
100% knew this shit would happen. Knew he was going to take this all as some massive win. His cronies probably all patted him on the back and gladly licked his nuts.
He doesn’t think it, Krasnov simply knows he has to keep repeating that talking point to get people that haven’t seen the “discussion” to side with him. Why this talking point instead of another? Using the same criticism against the other side turns it into a matter of whose word those people value more to begin with. It’s him relying on his popularity. Those that don’t value Krasnov more (that also haven’t seen it) could potentially be swayed to at least think both sides were in the wrong.
I’m with Trump on Ukraine.
And I don’t support Trump on other issues.
It’s fucking stupid supporting them. Whole thing started back in the days, but the world changed dramatically since.
What a stupid take. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and inform you that when the USSR fell a substantial amount of their nuclear weapons were within Ukraine’s borders and Ukraine was the only new state in a position to actually maintain and potentially deploy their nuclear arsenal.
Ukraine gave up those nukes on the promise that Russia and the USA wouldn’t invade Ukraine. Now Russia has invaded and the USA is siding with fucking Russia. This sends a message to every other civilized nation that the USA won’t back them up if another nuclear power invades. Where does that logically lead them then? “Better build my own nuclear deterrent” and now we’re gonna go from 7 countries with potential to end all life on earth to god knows how many. The downstream impact of this could literally end humanity.
I don’t agree with you, but I’m glad you’re allowed to say this without being censored.
Thanks USA, we don’t want another Afghanistan.
how is life in Russia nowadays, by the way? we get almost no reports of it other than the occasional protestors getting shut down
boeing whistleblower found dead:
open ai whistleblower found dead:
So… If China tries to take Taiwan, is that ok? Is it perfectly normal for the US to threaten to take Greenland and Panama?
Or are we pretending that war, genocide and taking over neighboring counties is just a one-off situation?
Yes. And I will tell you even more - we can’t do shit for Taiwan.
It’s too far away to resupply, and legally - it belongs to China.
The fuck are you talking about?? The US managed to resupply in Iraq and Afghanistan for 20 years,and they’re a LOT further away.
years,and they’re a LOT further away.
but its completely different situation.
those were 3rd word countries that were without any strong party backing.
with Taiwan - what’s your plan? openly engage China? start ww3 over Taiwan?
this is - i’m sorry - this is fucking nuts.US can’t win that even with conventional weapons, those transports gonna be sunk before getting anywhere close to Taiwan.
Troops in Vietnam had ice cream and cold Coca Cola.
There are mobile Burger Kings that can be loaded into military supply transports.
That’s just food.
You have no idea the capabilities of US logistics. Why do you think we have military bases on 6 continents and half the countries in the fucking world. It’s not just for fucking fun. The whole point is that the US can have a fully supplied fighting force anywhere in the world within a couple days.
Go lick fascist boots somewhere else. I still stand by the idea that democracy should be defended.
Why do you think we have military bases on 6 continents and half the countries in the fucking world.
completely different situation.
Vietnam - US was fighting against 3-rd world country. Sure with USSR/China backing, but indirect still.When you talk about Taiwan - you are talking about directly engaging China for a Chinese island that’s 60 miles from China and thousands of miles from US.
how do you picture that going?
if there is a hot war between US and China that’s somehow without nuclear (again - im asking you how is it going to be without nuclear) -> none of those transports gonna reach Taiwan for’s a simple production math - they can outbuild US in rockets probably 10 to 1 and with modern technology - none of US carriers/strike groups gonna be able to do shit. they gonna be sunk super quick.
math is not mathing - give that fucking island to China, I dont want ww3 because of it.
In that case the US should be British still. Fucking uppity colony is what it is.
come and take it
You know there’s something wrong when Putin and his cronies are the only ones applauding you.
You know there’s something wrong when Putin and his cronies are the only ones applauding you.
did you know there are BYD chinese cars sold all over europe.
if they are US allies - how does that happen?
This should have been over the second he mocked that disabled reporter, the fact that it didn’t says more about America as a country than the fact that it was allowed to get HERE.
Has Trump done anything in the past month to not humiliate the US and drastically weaken our global strength and influence?
Some drone strikes on some Al Qaeda guys I guess? But nothing of significant note. The rest has been a complete humiliation of the US.
The same drone strikes he said were illegal, and instead of stopping, removed reporting of so he could say he didn’t do it but Obama did… ugghhhh
And he does it on a daily basis.
The sick fucks at Fox said Orange Numbnuts should receive the Nobel Peace Prize. Did Neville Chamberlain make the nomination list when he licked the sweat off of Hitler’s sack?
The most embarrassing moment in American history. Regurgitating Russian propaganda to the ally currently under attack from Russia. It’s almost unbelievable that this actually occurred…
I don’t think Ukraine is an ally anymore. I don’t think much of Europe is our ally at this point
I’m certainly not an ally, and I live here.
I mean, same. I hate that I’m an American rn.
Good thing we have the 1st and 2nd Amendments.
Perhaps useful idiots on the left should stop trying to take them away.
most embarrassing moment in American history
so far.
Its wild how much damage is being done in such a short time and how powerless everyone is to do anything.
That’s the real kicker, everyone is not powerless. On the contrary, as a matter of fact, everyone is powerful. America could change tomorrow if Americans wanted it bad enough.
People feel powerless because the country is split. They can’t change tomorrow became that would require onboarding 150m people and convincing them to standup to a tyrannical regime.
So it doesn’t matter how bad people on the left want it they can’t change anything. There is the option of revolution but you only get one shot at that and the Feds will see it being organised from a mile away.
Almost. But some of us could tell he was a Manchurian Candidate
Most embarrassing, wtf, have you read american history past the first grade. Hell in the first chapter you’ll find ethnic cleansing of natives and the three fifths compromise. This isn’t even the first time we’ve done a shakedown like this. Half of Latin America got this treatment in the 19th century, albeit less crude and poorly executed.
Even on the regurgitating authoritarian propaganda front, in the 70s we were running diplomatic cover for fucking Polpot and playing down the genocide because we wanted to get back at Vietnam and cozy up to China.
Those were all closed door dealings that boomers children could’ve only learned from hindsight. This was a public display of WTFery that rewrites the last century of geopolitical history, something like this hasn’t happened since… Oh god.
More embarrassing than Holocaust denial and the slaughter of indigenous people?
There’s lots of embarrassing things. There’s lots of really bad embarrassing things.
I hear the French had a most fabulous invention that could help with these sorts of problems.
The Etch-A-Sketch?
You could draw it on an etch-a-sketch.
But not quite as embarrassing as your comment history.
Dunning Kruger indeed
What matters to trump is what he makes himself feel about the event, not what actually happened. The Führer feels he was strong, therefore America strong, because he’s all that matters in the picture. Absolutely no other factors need intrude.
It’s an infantile vision of what a strong man is. He’s a caricature and the US is a joke as a result.
Of course it is. The country as a whole is infantile since they identified enough with him to vote him in.
Hey, this country’s been infantile for a lot longer than Trump has been alive
Most embarrassed I’ve been to call myself an american. And I’m a veteran.
Absolutely disgusting.
I was pretty embarrassed when he was elected the first time, then really embarrassed when he was elected the second time too, but yeah, this is a new low.
Embarrassed? I went into a deep depression and could barely get out of bed, the second time.
I kind of did too. But then I realized there’s still a chance to turn things around so I started getting involved with local activist chapters. Do what you can and try to get your family involved. It all helps.
Sorry to hear, that’s terrible and understandable. The country is definitely in a bad place right now and hopefully the safeguards that haven’t already been dismantled will hold and he can’t do too much damage.
I voted by mail went to Hawaii hoping to tune it out. All it did was depress the fuck out of me during my vacation. I put on a fake smile and tried to enjoy myself, but the 2nd half of that trip sucked.
Yea, me too. That was a sense of doom on another level.
I’m so angry and embarrassed. What a total shit show.
Since 2015 ish I started unfollowing both left and right side friends because of political talk from people on my friends list on Facebook. I really have pruned it to be only people that post stuff they’re doing. Same for people that only forward stuff. (News or whatever).
I broke down and posted about yesterday on my feed with a link to a YouTube video of the press conference. Expressing how utterly disgusted I was.
It’s a minor thing but it should make it very clear how I feel and the line we crossed with that display.
Seems like you did an unnecessary pruning then. You just weren’t angry yet.
No I was angry but wanted a clean online space that I was kinda stuck on due to remote family…
Edit: I am more angry now so you’re not technically wrong <sigh>
I have followed a lot. I’m passionate too. However, this. This was just too much. It’s upsetting and disgusting and embarrassing for us. I really wish Obama and Biden and Clinton and everyone would be more fucking vocal. They do it for silent respect? There is nothing respectful about anything Trump has done. We need real leaders.
I’m a veteran and a minority as well. It’s great knowing more than 1 language because I can claim a different country that speaks my language as my own to avoid the negative association of being an American.
I also get discounts speaking my native tongue compared to white folks who come blaring in disrespectfully.
Who said there were no “perks” being a minority in the United States <sigh>
Removed by mod
You should look up war criminal, because I don’t believe you know what it means
Don’t feed the trolls :)
Easy there calling veterans war criminals…maybe you should serve before judging
As a veteran I disagree with the war criminal comment just as I disagree with you saying you should serve before judging.
People who join are split into thirds; a third are actually drunk off the Kool aid who believe the USA is God’s endowment, a third are there because lack of economical opportunities back home, and the last third are trying to get out of their shit situation, whether it be near homelessness or abuse.
It’s by design from the government to make us citizens desperate enough to sign our lives away for a chance to have our heads above water.
Government is more interested in using your body as a meat shield than educating you.
Remember when Rep Jim Banks if Indiana said forgiving student debt would make it harder for the military to use free tuition as an incentive to enlist? Nothing says “I represent the people” like intentionally making education unaffordable so get more people to join the military!
I feel contempt for the drunk off third and pity for the other two thirds.
Are you dense? I just told you they’re warcriminals.
Anyone, from a truckdriver to cooks, when part of the US military are equally guilty of all the shit they do.
From droning weddings to torture while looting poor defenseless countries.
I have nothing but contempt for them.Maybe you should try war crimes before calling someone a war criminal
Too edgy 4me man.
That sentence is written in a way where they could have easily meant “I should be far more embarrassed for being a veteran but this is taking the cake”.
And most people who serve in the US military are pushed into because they can’t afford life otherwise. I’m sure many are pretty shit, but most are honestly kinda just your average person. As an institution it’s not got the best track record but it’s not the IDF gleefully and openly murdering children.
Now please stop making me have to defend the US military of all things, it feels icky.
I really don’t care for that excuse.
"I really don’t want to but I’m a poor black kid and no chance of education otherwise. " If you CHOOSE to better yourself at the expense of others, and think your solution is joining an organisation that is in the business of murdering and looting then they can go to hell.
They most certainly murder children and are also guilty in helping the IDF do it. Not just supplying weapons.They can choose to get a gun and rob banks or rich assholes.
That would be way more honorable and fair than cowardly bombing brown people from a distance for some money.Except most of them are fully brainwashed. Recruiters literally go into their schools and start when they’re young, and they leave out all the important details. These days it’s pretty obvious, and there’s a reason that they’re struggling to get numbers like they used to, but if someone is already a veteran then they joined up many years ago.
Telling someone to go rob a bank is just insane. I get the sentiment, I really do, but c’mon man have at least a little empathy. I’m not asking for anything more than maybe chilling on the default “war criminal” stuff. I’m even happy to agree that the institution is shady as fuck and full of issues. There’s nuance here, and nuance is not an synonym for “excuse”, it just means that it’s more than 0 or 100.
I will copy/paste my response and add that I also have a hangover:
This is a subject that pisses me off every time. No organisation in the world is more harmful and it causes enourmous misery for millions. When someone defends those, make’s excuses for them or bring up someone’s a veteran implying they deserve respect, have done some service for the country or even heroes I get indeed very confrontational. You’re 100% right that it doesn’t help to convince people. I usually try a more tranquil approach on other subjects. Even then the reaction is almost invariably insults and accusations. At least it will be an eye opener for some that believed everyone is like them and they are universally loved. But thanks for your sensible advice.
I forgot to mention it doesn’t really matter what I say since much less controversial comments of mine sget removed systematically and rapidly when they go against the narrative.
I never said they deserved respect, I mean calling someone a war criminal while they actively criticize GOP foreign policy is fucking wild. You started this all on your own.
Dude, it ain’t that easy to escape the claws of propaganda. Being all confrontational with the grunts of US imperialism ain’t gonna create class solidarity.
This is a subject that pisses me off every time.
No organisation in the world is more harmful and it causes enourmous misery for millions.
When someone defends those, make’s excuses for them or bring up someone’s a veteran implying they deserve respect, have done some service for the country or even heroes I get indeed very confrontational.
You’re 100% right that it doesn’t help to convince people.
I usually try a more tranquil approach on other subjects.
Even then the reaction is almost invariably insults and accusations.
At least it will be an eye opener for some that believed everyone is like them and they are universally loved.
But thanks for your sensible advice.
The US federal abomination continues its rapid deterioration
Anyone know how fox news is spinning it to the Maga folk? I can’t bring myself to look at the cancer.
Idk, but I’ve seen “Zelensky is a welfare queen asking for a handout” narrative and Zelensky is short and Donald tall so he gooder takes from the right. They are absolutely fucked in the head.
I remember before they criticized him for not wearing a suit which is a talking point that conveniently made to that meeting. Appearance doesn’t matter to them so much as the coverage.
Zelensky hasn’t put on a suit since the war started. He also has been maintaining a short beard and keeping his hair slightly mussed. It’s a powerful image for the men and women fighting for Ukraine’s freedom, showing that their president is right there with them where a suit and tie would make him look more like Farquaad.
I liked his reply to that. That black shirt looks miles better than that ill fitting suit on that guy
He should come to the next meeting (if there is one) in a tan suit.
Eating a hamburger with Dijon mustard
Zelenskyy gave Fox and interview which came off quite well.
Zelenski is an ungrateful bitch who got bitch slapped by Trump and will now give the US everything trump wants because trump best!
Something like that, probably
Just to clarify: I think zelenski is an example to the world and I think it’s very fair to call him the Churchill of our generation.
Churchill was an asshole garbage too
The leaders you want in a war aren’t the ones you want in peaceful times and vice versa. But when there is war, it’s important to have one of the leaders who’re good at managing the country in such a situation, and that applies to both Churchill and Zelenskiy.
Yes, they both have many flaws. But that doesn’t mean someone else would be better.
The difference is zelensky has always been a puppet of the US
Sounds like something a Hitler glazer would say.
Care to explain or link an article?
He was kinda shit to India and probably some other things. But that’s just internet contrarian nitpicking stuff. When someone mentions Churchill everyone knows it means a leader that held strong against what seemed an impossible enemy to defeat.
That was their goal. Humiliate Ukraine like he tried to humiliate Canada and Mexico. He’s a bully and conman and lying, cheating, and breaking deals is how he has gotten through life and it’s all he knows. He thinks that by humiliating and making other leaders feel small and helpless he can make himself look big and strong and get a better deal.
He hasn’t figured out yet that dealing with sovereign countries with millions of citizens whose politicians need to answer to them, not Trump, is different that cheating a small paint store or a small architecture firm.
He’s bankrupted everything he’s tried to, the-art-of-the-deal and he’s going to bankrupt America.
If the world works together it can bring the United States to heel.
He tries to run diplomatic relations like he would be dealing with NYC mobsters. That man is entirely unsuited for office. The US population which elected him has shown to be unsuited for the leadership role they claim their country has. That’s the reality the rest of the world is facing. The US is a troubled state and an unreliable ally. Moreover, they are acting in the interests of adversarial nations to world peace and prosperity. Other nations who did that have been deemed rogue or terrorist states.
Humiliate Ukraine like he tried to humiliate Canada and Mexico.
Trump’s tariffs are about to come into effect against Canadian goods in a couple days. I fully expect to see another meltdown from Trump. I really hope Trudeau records the entire meeting/phone call and makes it public so the whole world can witness it.
I am sad that due to the sheer mass of stupid new shit trump is pulling the impending implosion of north American trade (and therefor economy) is getting very little coverage (even Canadian news at the moment is covering other things).