Vote now as to whether or not I should show this meme to my conservative coworker who in earnest asked me if I was “one of those damn dirty liberals” tomorrow
He asked you this on company time? Sounds like a threat and grounds for dismissal.
This was the day after the majority of our dept., including my boss, spent a chunk of meeting time lauding Trump, Musk, and DOGE while espousing relevant canards; this resulted in one nonparticipating coworker leaving the room clearly upset by their dogma.
The conversation with this one coworker the following day went along the lines of him asking me where I went to college and I answered with the college name and campus location, both of which have a strong leftist/liberal/progressive reputation. He responded “You’re not one of those damn dirty liberals, are you?!”, and to defuse the situation without showing too many cards or creating a row, my response was to give a pronounced laugh and say that the polarity was an initial cause for me not wanting to go there and that I wanted to go to a different college that gave me a better scholarship but I wouldn’t have had the support from my parents otherwise.
Within certain industries, if you fire everyone who partakes in political soapboxing or uncouth commentary, you’ll lose half or more of the workforce and your company won’t stay afloat. This isn’t the first workplace that I’ve seen this. It is difficult to locate workplaces in which these behaviors are not common among the grunts as well as some higher-ups. A company won’t dismiss difficult to replace employees since it could cost the company its own existence. My employee handbook only “asks” that employees avoid talking about politics, and my HR rep is a self-described moderate (the HR rep self-described themself via an appropriate platform unrelated to work).
Man I had an interaction like this the other day where the dude started going off about Zelensky and how corrupt/dictatorial he is blah blah Russia is misunderstood bullshit
I just paused for a sec, chuckled and said “hey man wrong team.” He laughed, I laughed, we moved on.
I’d be worried being that friendly with someone that lives in a fantasy universe. He’s one easily convinced conspiracy away from doing something dangerous.
You are a Ukrainian spy afterall
Just some dude I met at Mardi Gras. I’ll never see him again lol
I don’t think talking politics is a fireable offense but, depending on the tone, I could see it as a threat of violence. I wouldn’t call someone a “damn dirty” anything if I didn’t feel they needed at least a good slap.
That explains everything…
I can fix her
Politics isn’t inevitable.
It is unless someone does something about it, and liberalism is the ideology of “let’s not do anything about it”.
It’s also the system that has defeated it multiple times.
More like supplanted one form of fascism with a softer, gentler kind of fascism.
Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan depending how sticky you want to be with the definition.
All three examples you gave fell to fascism and then were dragged out of it kicking and screaming at the cost of countless lives. They’re the bad ending. In the bad ending the ideology of the country defeating the fascists doesn’t matter; nobody claimed liberals can’t run a war. When leftists say liberalism can’t stop fascism, they mean that centrist liberalism* (the kind practiced by the modern DNC, for example) is incapable of avoiding the bad ending and leading countries away from fascism without becoming fascist in the first place. We want a good ending that liberalism can’t offer.
Capitalism kicked all that fascist ass though and they turned to capitalism after.
Again, getting your ass kicked by foreign powers is the bad ending. What leftists want is a way to stop the rise of fascism without a war that leaves millions dead. It should also be noted that this way of ending fascism requires a foreign army able to conquer the region going fascist, and who exactly are you expecting to come and kick America’s ass?
I’m expecting America to implode and it not be a problem.
So what do you want to talk about here?
All the capitalist countries that aren’t fascist or the fascist countries that leftists fixed?
I’m expecting America to implode and it not be a problem.
Yeah that’s also a bad ending. Because, y’know, nobody wants a reenactment of the Holocaust.
So what do you want to talk about here?
How liberalism will do nothing to prevent America’s fall into fascism, just like it did nothing to prevent other instances of fascism.
don’t worry. once we get rid of the dems we will surely be free of the republicans.
im sorry what. booooobs.
In recent times?
I feel like I’m going to say yes and you’re going to say it’s not recent enough.
What you’re saying is that you know it wasn’t recent.
No what I was saying is exactly what I said because I chose my words carefully.
That you know it wasn’t recent.
It’s pretty recent. 100 years isn’t that long, historically speaking. It seems long to is humans, but it’s really not.
But, you’re talking about a country that is only 237 years old. So, yes 100 years ago was a long time ago. And look at all the changes that have occurred since then. This is not the same system as it was 100 years ago.
That I knew it wasn’t going to be recent enough for you.
Because you know it isn’t, and you’re trying to maintain your cope. You have successfully pointed out that you weren’t prepared to back up your statement at all and just wasted everyone’s time. Reply or not, we’re done here.