• @SoftestSapphic
    84 hours ago

    Oh look, the police get another toy to terrorize us with.

  • Phobos
    196 hours ago

    No one going to mention the thin blue line flag… Hard to project an air of rationale with that background.

  • @[email protected]
    6923 hours ago

    Oh look at that. They can safely end a pursuit and arrest someone without pitting the car into traffic or an embankment, and without assaulting or killing the person.

    • @rImITywR
      3321 hours ago

      Still way more dangerous than just not chasing. A traffic violation is not worth putting the lives of any bystanders at risk.

      • @ghostrider2112
        20 hours ago

        Also, being very familiar with Parma Heights, this is absolutely not a device that is needed by a suburban police department.

  • @dhork
    23 hours ago

    This nutter got it all wrong; if she wants to ignore laws with impunity, she should have gotten herself elected President.

    • @CharlesDarwin
      36 hours ago

      Or just scrape up enough to be a billionaire.

      • @kreskin
        03 hours ago

        Soon the US dollar will be wrecked and we can all be billionaires carting around wheelbarrows of worthless dollars.

    • @[email protected]
      517 hours ago

      Just file an llc and do whatever you want. Cops don’t hassle company vehicles. I see dump trucks with no plates all the time.

  • @[email protected]
    1119 hours ago

    Sovereign citizens and trumpers must have a lot of overlap since they’re both delusional.

    • @CharlesDarwin
      616 hours ago

      Sovereign citizens always made me laugh, ESPECIALLY when they go quoting the Constitution! I mean, what the actual fuck!?

      The Constitution? You are not a fucking citizen of this country, so it does not apply to you, motherfucker! And none of these jackoffs should even be allowed to use our roads, our postal system, none of it. What are they going to do? Sue? In the courts of a country they are not even a citizen of? Well, fuck you!

      • @[email protected]
        37 hours ago

        I know someone in England who had a stroke and then got into the sovereign citizen thing, flat earth etc. Sane professional prior to the stroke.

        Another person I knew who was into it was later diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic.

        It’s obvious that these things are at least borderline mental illness, as is trumpism.

        • @CharlesDarwin
          26 hours ago

          I’ve often wondered the very same thing. You see people when they get into their 60s, 70s, 80s suddenly do this weird turn into Republicanism and I wonder if something happened to their brains. I’m sure other factors may enter into it - they form a nostalgia for an America that never really was, or they are very lonely and the con cult offers a lot of love-bombing at the outset, anyway. Maybe it’s the kayfabe/WWE aspect that Faux was explicitly set up to offer and it appeals to a certain mindset…

        • @CharlesDarwin
          36 hours ago

          Yes, you are of course correct. I’m being a bit facetious here, obviously.

  • sp3ctr4l
    21 hours ago

    So … the Moor’s are a unique kind of sovereign citizen.


    Moorish sovereign citizens, who consider Black people to constitute an elite class within American society,[3] are in a paradoxical situation of using an ideology originating in a White supremacist environment.[4]

    In addition to the Moorish Science Temple doctrine that Black Americans are of Moorish descent, Moorish sovereign citizens claim legal immunity from U.S. federal, state, and local laws,[5] stemming from a mistaken belief that the Moroccan–American Treaty of Friendship (1786) grants them sovereignty.[2][6] In reality, the 1786 treaty was primarily a trade agreement.

    Some also believe that Black Americans are indigenous to the United States.[7] The Moorish sovereign citizen movement has also expanded to include a few whites.[8]

    They’re roughly hoteps, but instead of appropriating and falsifying Egyptian history, they base it off of a made up history around the Islamic populations of Iberia and northwest Africa circa roughly 700 AD to 1300 AD, and then do sovereign citizen style ‘one weird legal trick that lawyers hate’ nonsense to conclude that laws do not apply to them.

    Their version of history is about as legit as the Mormon conception of American history… which is to say it is crude historical fan fiction at best, horrendously offensive to actually indigenous peoples at worst.

  • Laser
    1423 hours ago

    I love watching vids of sovereign citizens explaining their rules

    • @CharlesDarwin
      616 hours ago

      My favorite thing about all of it is their fetishization of The Constitution.

      I’m always like - you mean the Constitution of the country you say you are not a part of? What’s it to you? Also, they usually worship Republicans - again, a party of a country they claim they are above…

    • SatansMaggotyCumFart
      1421 hours ago

      I feel bad for them because they see people saying fancy words and terms in courts and they think that if they use the magic language they can do whatever they want.

      There’s whole industries of people selling guides and licence plates to them too and it’s just people taking advantage of gullible people.

      • @FireTower
        719 hours ago

        Well said. A sober look at the lives of these people often reveals a sad truth.

      • @CharlesDarwin
        316 hours ago

        Yeah, but didja know that if your name is in ALL CAPS that’s not really legally about you the person, it’s about you the corporation, and if you see a flag with fringe on it that means you are not in a real court of law and it’s all very sooperdooper unlegal, brother?

    • @[email protected]
      718 hours ago

      My favorite is P. Barnes explaining to a sovcit how he isn’t getting into the courtroom, and the sovcit just won’t take no for an answer and ends up getting himself arrested…again.

    • @meco03211
      521 hours ago

      I’m not the all caps fiction!

  • @FireTower
    319 hours ago

    9/10 sovereign citizens are victims. 1/10 are charlatans selling a fiction to those in dire need of a way out of legal trouble.

    • @BonesOfTheMoonOP
      19 hours ago

      I think more like 7/10 victims,1/10 scammers, and 2/10 people who are just obnoxious and oppositional and greedy. That’s my observation from looking at them so often…

      When an individual who is sort of weird and conspiratorial gets into this, I understand why, and the Moorish ones because they have sort of an organization or the American State National ones; there’s a loose organization of people there being suckered as a group. But when an individual average person finds their way to this, and they have just your average middle class family, I honestly wonder where this comes from. I discovered a friend of mine on Facebook had a friend in one of these groups and told her, and she was taken aback because she was just someone who she took a Photoshop class from that she met through her business network, and she has a business of her own and seems so normal. Those are the ones I don’t understand how they got there.