Even though President Donald Trump’s administration has taken multiple actions that have effectively weakened the economy, Fox News is helping Trump prepare to place the blame for worsening economic indicators on former President Joe Biden, who handed off a strong and stable economy to Trump less than two months ago.

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  • @taiyang
    2410 hours ago

    Ironically this is usually true in the first month because a president usually doesn’t act in such a brazen and illegal manner. Biden inherited a terrible economy thanks to COVID and Trump’s stupid policies, but of course this isn’t factual reporting. It’s propaganda for people too busy with confirmation bias to question how hypocritical this all is. I just hate how fucking effective propaganda is, ugh.

  • @AlternatePersonMan
    6713 hours ago

    Ingraham said the economy is “weighed down with $36 trillion and counting in debt,” calling it “weakness.” …

    Where do you think that giant fucking debt came from? Hint: republican tax breaks for the mega rich and military spending

    • @jacksilver
      11 hour ago

      Also a fair amount comes from the first Trump administration and their terrible handling of Covid.

      • @[email protected]
        13 hours ago

        the entire national debt is due to tax cuts given to the wealthy over the last many decades. much, much more has been given to them over the years, transferred from lower and middle class to the wealthy, than what the debt is.

        had those tax cuts and other policies that benefit only the very wealthy not happened, we could literally be living in a utopia seen only in movies.

        • @taiyang
          210 hours ago

          Well, maybe. With globalization it’s hard to keep them from putting things off shore or even just leaving entirely. I’m sure there’s an involved solution that requires global cooperation, but there’s always that threat so long as there’s mega rich people out there.

          • @[email protected]
            1110 hours ago

            The megahoarders are leeches on society anyway. Them leaving isn’t a real threat. Putting things offshore is always an option but there are ways to reduce that loophole.

    • @NimdaQA
      1313 hours ago

      They cut spending on actually useful things but their tax cuts for the rich always overpower the cut in spending meaning that they only add to the debt.

  • @[email protected]
    1713 hours ago

    Don’t Worry! Republicans are KNOWN to Do Their Own Research so they’ll be QUICK to Fact Check these OBVIOUS and HILARIOUSLY Wrong Claims!

    • @joekar1990
      48 hours ago

      One guy said the tariffs on Canada were needed bc Canada tariffed some of the US product at 100%. I asked for a source and to his credit he sent me a legitimate document from the government. Problem was he did not understand it was a court document because the US had a trade dispute between the United States and Canada regarding dairy tariff rate quotas (TRQs) of reserving 85-100% of 14 separate dairy tariff rate quotas. It wasn’t a 100% tariff.

  • @TommySoda
    1212 hours ago

    Fuck fox news and fuck Republicans. And fuck Nazis. You blame Biden for a shitty economy that Trump left him and then blame Biden for the shit economy Trump is currently creating. I understand that everyone is vulnerable to propaganda and I can even forgive some people that fell for it and regret their choice. But if you are falling for this shit at this point you are either willfully ignorant, extremely stupid, or just plain evil and I have no sympathy for you.

  • @finitebanjo
    712 hours ago

    See it’s funny because it wasn’t that long ago that they were praising Trump’s positive impact on the economy.

  • @Harvey656
    713 hours ago

    This is nothing new, just happening a nit earlier this time around.