Make it a good one.

  • @zxqwas
    54 hours ago

    Can I appear anywhere? Pop into white house or Kremlin during the Cuban missile crisis and say: I’m from the future, you must attack, or… Then travel back to the future without finishing the sentence.

  • Dizzy Devil Ducky
    16 hours ago

    If I ever got sick from something like COVID, I’d just go back to medieval Europe and let it spread like wildfire. I guarantee this modern disease would absolutely wipe out a large majority of Europe and everywhere else it spreads in the world. And little to no effort besides waiting for if I ever get it (which I thankfully never have had and hope I never will).

    • @zxqwas
      54 hours ago

      I’m not sure if it would. Travel was awfully slow back then.

      • Dizzy Devil Ducky
        03 hours ago

        Fair enough, but I’d at least end a good amount of family trees if I’m lucky.

    • @njm1314
      23 hours ago

      Much more virulent diseases didn’t wipe out Humanity I don’t know why that one would.

  • @esc27
    13 hours ago

    Shoot Arch Duke Ferdinand. Few people even now about it today, but he was subject to a horribly mangled assassination attempt that many scholars belive would have set off a major war in Europe had he died.

  • @BreadOven
    27 hours ago

    Let the Cuban missile crisis actually happen?

  • @LouNeko
    1412 hours ago

    Go to back to the big bang. You presence alone will butterfly effect the earth out of existence.

  • @froh42
    610 hours ago

    My name is Friedrich Trump (aka Frederick Trump) and I already did that and even had a nice hump.

  • @count_dongulus
    39 hours ago

    Buy a cheap pistol, go back in time, and shoot Gutenberg.

    We’d still be living in medieval times.

  • @[email protected]
    913 hours ago

    Bring knowledge of CFCs to a time when we’re able to make them but not able to detect the ozone problems they cause.

  • HobbitFoot
    411 hours ago

    Bring COVID and HIV to the USA in 1929.

    Maybe Zika as well.

  • ThePowerOfGeek
    8419 hours ago

    Go back in time and do something to prevent Vasily Aleksandrovich Arkhipov from becoming the Executive Officer on the B-59 Soviet nuclear sub in October 1962. He’s the guy who talked the Captain and the Political Officer out of launching the nukes when they thought they were being attacked by the US Navy during the Cuban Missile Crisis. His persuasiveness is generally considered to have avoided WWIII from starting then.

  • ComradeSharkfucker
    18 hours ago

    Lowkey, just travelling back may be enough with the amount of diseases we would carry with us

  • How much power do I have?

    If I could divert the asteroid that resulted in the K-T event, that’d drastically change history. It may not have stopped dinosaurs from eventually going extinct, but it’d have given them 33 million more years more to evolve, and would certainly have affected mammalian evolutionary history. Maybe, just maybe, raptors would have gotten smart enough.

    Ooh! Take back a lot of ravens. They’re almost smart enough already. Heck, I wonder if taking ravens back even earlier would be enough for them to evolve into something dominant. Problem is, they’re not particularly social, and I think that’s been our greatest advantage.

    Or: introduce modern octopus to ancient oceans.

    Stopping the K-T event is my favorite, though. It would absolutely have changed how life on Earth has evolved since.

    30M years between extinction events is about all you get, though.

  • @uservoid1
    5519 hours ago

    Procrastinate, the world is going down the drain just fine without my help.