Just use your package manager. No need for this zip file nonsense.
That’s what big package manager wants you to think‽
As an amateur hobbyist, I am so glad I found out about docker with github projects. Holy shit made my life a lot easier.
./configure && make && sudo make install
…has entered the chatMe at work tryimg to open STEP file or STL with Catia… “sorry, all licenses are currently unavailable”.
Blender + FreeCAD which run despite SW installation restrictions on the work PC: " :) I’ve got you!"
Mayo is a good STL / STEP viewer too, if you don’t need to translate, but want to view, save off a few parts, measure, grab screen shots, etc
I keep seeing this. What is this from? The still frames, not the meme format.
Here’s a trimmed clip of the scene from The Founder.
The founder (2016). Good flick with Michael Keaton, about the McDonald’s franchise history.
The context of the scene is Keaton’s character ordered a burger and received* it in record time. He askes flabergasted “so where are the plates how should I eat it?” To which the clerk replies “right out of the bag!”
From the movie The Founder
I think it’s from “The Founder” about the guy who turned McDonald’s into a national chain.
I don’t get the meme though
Meme is war. Its dog eat dog, rat eat rat. If my competitor were drowning I’d walk over and I’d put a meme right in his mouth.
Now go win an oscar
Blender: Free
The know-how, creativity, and talent to make something good: Takes a lifetime to acquire.
For those who don’t know: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flow_(2024_film)
Fingers crossed it doesn’t end the same way