From Jez Corden. Further supporting the idea that the next Xbox is just a PC with a custom shell, which is about the only way a new Xbox makes sense anyway.
EDIT: Also from Jez Corden, Xbox handheld coming later this year.
Why do they want Microsoft to overhaul the controller? There’s literally no reason to, and the way they’re writing it really does just read as “because I want something different.“They’ve stuck with the same design since 360 more or less with small changes for a reason. It’s a fantastically designed controller
I just fucking want HE joysticks.
Gyro support wouldn’t hurt.
Love that for others but I never use it except for Mario Galaxy with my kid lol
Did Mario Galaxy use gyroscopic controls? I thought it just used the IR sensor. If I’m correct, these are two different things. If you’ve played Splatoon with the gyro controls, you might see the benefit. Alternately, you can do this with Steam input on just about anything if you have a controller with the feature.
Switch version (3D all stars) uses gyroscopic controls. No IR/light bar and such .
Gotcha. It still might not be the best sample set for getting a feel for what the controls have to offer, if you have the means to give it a try in other games. I think it’s better at aiming/shooting than the right analog stick has ever been.
I guess I’m just not really looking for a competitive edge and don’t really feel like moving my wrists and hands around that much. Part of what I like about controllers is that it’s very easy on my wrists. But I totally get why people want that!
Not even a competitive edge, as I don’t really play multiplayer shooters anymore. It just feels more intuitive (though some additional bothersome setup is often required to tune it right). You can also move it via your elbows rather than wrists. But in any case, gyro would be nice to have in Xbox controllers. I found playing something like Returnal on an analog stick to be a huge pain, and it’s great when you can get that extra oomph out of your input device.
The Nintendo Wii used gyroscopic controls (first gen original controllers only had accelerometers. The Wii Motion Plus add-on added gyroscopes, but later controllers integrated both into a single unit). The IR bar was just for the Wii controller to figure out which detection was towards the TV.
Xbox execs run from Gyro like it personally killed their mother
Gyroscope and back buttons would be nice. Maybe even a touch sensitive stick like the steam deck has. I like the shape and layout of the Xbox controllers, but they really lag behind feature wise.
If we got a Gyroscope on Xbox, then all major controllers would have it - allowing for the possibility of cross platform games where people can use gyro ironsights to aim. That would be awesome.
The elite controller has customizable back buttons, which are awesome.
I just don’t miss those features I guess!
And that’s perfectly fine :)
Well I’ve had three of thier controllers die due to stick shift so there seems to be a fucking reason to me.
Well that’s bizarre. Frankly you’re the only person I’ve heard ever complain about this with the stock controllers (which I assume you’re talking about). Unfortunately I’ve had a few friends who had trouble with the “elite” controllers
I’ve had this too.
I’m sure plenty of people have experienced stick drift. It happens to every controller eventually. What I am saying is it’s hardly a hallmark problem for them in the way it was for Nintendo for instance.
That’s an impressive ability to ignore an extremely widely known issue. Hey by the way just as a heads up there’s also this thing going on called climate change.
I’m not sure what the hostility is about. I’ve never heard it. I didn’t say you were lying or something.
Not sure why people are acting surprised about this. The generations usually have been between 5-7 years. It will already have been five years this upcoming November. So 2027 sounds about right.
What the fuck we’re 5 years into this console gen? They didn’t even start releasing the real games yet. I can’t think of a single Xbox exclusive titles and ps5 has what, astro bot and the friggin 17th FF7 remake?
PS5 had Spider-Man 2.
For Xbox Series X there’s Starfield.
For the generation as a whole, it was worth upgrading for Baldur’s Gate 3.
A windows PC with a custom shell is surprisingly good for gaming. I modified my gaming machine to skip sign in, windows explorer, and a multitude of other services so it boots straight into steam big picture. My Epic, EA, and gamepass games are automatically added to Steam with proper artwork. Feels like SteamOS but with some nice things from windows like working anricheat and lossless scaling support.
How do you skip sign in? That’s the single worst feature in windows.
Sounds like I’m never going to have a reason to buy a current generation console.
Xbox lost the console wars and is retreating to PC. This makes sense
No love lost with Xbox/m$ but this is going to make Sony even more insufferable lol I can’t believe they had the stones to release the pro and basically go “it’ll do 4K60 for real this time we promise.”
Imagine paying $200-$300 more for the promise of what the old machine was supposed to do. Baffling. They even tried to say the original PS5 would run 8K!
Sony’s not doing great right now either. They’re either matching or several million units behind where they were with the PS4 at the same point in the console generation; given that their closest competition has been decimated, that’s not great for them. They don’t make games as quickly as they used to, which means they don’t make as many as they used to, and their margins are slimmer on their successes while the failures like Concord and PSVR2 hurt more. Both of those consoles are rapidly headed toward a future that only looks like personal computers for high-end gaming. Nintendo is at least mostly immune to this for at least the Switch 2 generation.
Ask and ye shall receive
Can I have a turkey sandwich?
That’s comparing Pro to Pro. I meant all PS5s were trailing behind all PS4s by several million units at the same point in time as of a few months ago. Allegedly, after that report was published, Sony had their best PlayStation quarter ever, but I don’t remember if they disclosed which metric they were measuring that in, and there’s a good chance their best quarter ever still didn’t make up that deficit.
Totally agree and also realizing I responded to the wrong comment with the above lol
Retreating to PC makes sense, because PC won the console war.
PC will never “win” a console war because it lacks the plug and play convenience of consoles.
Tell that to PC’s growth and consoles’ decline. Plus the new Xboxes mentioned in this very article are seeking to be exactly that, much like what the Steam Deck does today. It will play PC games but will be called an Xbox.
Okay I will.
PC isn’t a part of the console war and therefore can’t “win.”
Happy? I told it.
If consoles cease to exist as we know them because they just became PCs, then what does that mean for a console war?
Why is there even a console war in the first place? Who really cares these days? Just get what you want.
Me? I’m lazy and don’t want to put the effort into building a PC or worrying about optimization, viruses, etc. So I just get a gaming box to plug in and play.