I find them to be mostly very well made, long-lasting and would rank Japan on the same level as many European countries across most metrics

  • @brewery
    24 hours ago

    Cant really talk about product quality but from a social perspective, which I can see pretty clearly given I have worked for a major Japanese conglomerate and spent a lot of time with Japanese “expats” across Europe, it’s very far behind Europe on social aspects.

    There is a lot of misogyny, racism, hierarchy, classism and conservatism. Theres no recognition, acceptance or real change done in relation to the horrors carried out in WW2.

    Part of the reason for their very low birth rate is their poor treatment of working women and extreme tough stance on immigration or refugees. Their working culture is horrendous generally.

    Young people are pushing back and trying to change things so if it’s a small, modern company they may be OK. However, if you care for social issues then avoid the major conglomerates that run most of the economy.

    On the plus side, they are very good at technical engineering and really care about their (Japanese) workers, which still have jobs for life.

    • peachOP
      13 hours ago

      Oh that saddens me to hear about :( I think I’ll have to readjust my stance

  • @[email protected]
    14 hours ago

    I generally trust Japanese companies. They usually have a core value to make a product that they are proud of and a product that fits humans. Hobonichi, for example, they update their product every year. They look improve their quality but also usability. There’s also a focus around joy of using a product not just luxury.

    Sodateru, a towel company, is similar. They give hand written notes with your towel which is thoughtful. I also am fond of Zojirushi, Ricoh EMOOR, and Pilot pens. I use products from these companies every day.

    Luxury isn’t always tied with Joy in the West. Luxury is often just tied with expense or material only. But I find that joy is very important to me when using a product. More-so than expense or material. If the product is not joyful to use then it won’t be a good experience no matter how much money was spent.

    So, if I can see a Japanese company is committed to making a great product, that is also joyful to use, then I will favor that brand.

    Because of this I look forward to buying products from Japanese companies more than Western brands.

  • Blaze (he/him)
    4021 hours ago

    Made in Japan became a sign of quality for a reason. I don’t own much Japanese products, but they’re usually good

        • irelephant [he/him]🍭
          132 minutes ago

          Japanese imports of cars have a reputation for being lower quality than the normal version of the car, though I could have mixed up the countries.

      • KayLeadfoot
        1420 hours ago

        Came in here to mention hand tools. Japanese tools are outrageously durable.

    • peachOP
      1120 hours ago

      I actually like to buy specifically Japanese, especially audio gear :)

      • Technics for Turntables
      • Pioneer for DJ Players & Mixers
      • Yamaha for other Audio Gear and Instruments
      • Rakuten for streaming and buying movies / shows
      • Don’t own a car but if I had one it would be Japanese
      • Sony for TVs, Gaming Consoles
      • Nintendo: also gaming
      • Muji for home stuff
      • Uniqlo for clothing
      • also: kitchen knifes!


      • Jo Miran
        20 hours ago

        Yamaha acoustics and electric guitars are VERY good.

        The majority of my audio gear is not American. Not for political reasons but because outside of guitars, amps, and effects, American music gear isn’t that amazing.

        • Native Instruments - Germany
        • Audio Technica - Japan
        • Yamaha - Japana
        • Ibanez - Japan
        • Synthstrom - New Zealand
        • Polyend - Poland
        • Focusrite - UK


        The best DAWs also tend to be European.

        • Renoise - Germany
        • Abelton - Germany
        • Bitwig - Germany
      • peachOP
        520 hours ago

        Audio Technica is also good for audio / production gear

      • Sunshine (she/her)M
        319 hours ago

        To mention the payment processor JCB. They need to expand to Europe and North America though 😊

  • Sunshine (she/her)M
    1719 hours ago

    Japan is an advanced democratic country that supports human rights and the rule of law. They’re cool in my book.

  • @[email protected]
    1821 hours ago

    Japanese, Korean and even some Taiwanese products are very good. They also make tat but in general it’s still better than the chinesium stuff.

  • Meldrik
    1119 hours ago

    Japanese stuff is just really high quality. From cars to batteries.

  • @Valmond
    919 hours ago

    They make some of the best pens out there.

  • @Lauchs
    820 hours ago

    I have a Japanese rice cooker (neuro fuzzy rice cooker by zojirushi) and goddamn it is good.

    I know Panasonic was a Japanese company and my microwave is by them as well. (I admittedly splurged and got a fancy model second hand but it is the most ridiculously impressive microwave I’ve ever owned and I can’t go back.)

  • FundMECFS
    821 hours ago

    A lot of products sold in Japan are made in China. But if you’re specifically talking about made in Japan products, it really really depends the industry.

    • Chris
      820 hours ago

      A lot of products sold anywhere are made in China. That doesn’t necessarily mean much.

      It’s more important where the product has been designed (I think this is what the OP meant), and Japanese designed products are generally very good.

      • FundMECFS
        520 hours ago

        I’m just saying. My partner has lived in japan and when i visited her there, it was basically impossible to go day to day without buying anything made in China. Literally I’d say 75% of all non-food products on shelves are made in China there, way more than I’m used to in Europe.

  • @[email protected]
    621 hours ago

    That’s a BIG question! I mean, traditional arts and related products (like silicone or acrylic bentos) are generally really good, clothes are, as everywhere, from fabulously made and expensive to crap that falls apart if you sneeze at it from across the road, and there is WAY too much kawaii in everything, just – ewwww! Stationary and office supplies tend to be better quality, but personal stationary, like fashion and interior design, suffers from terminal cutes. Anime and manga have become, imho, really repetitive and derivative,and if I see one more tourist souvenir featuring Hokusai’s Great Wave, I will, so help me Daikini Shinten, invoke every tanuki pretending to be a tea pot to come tear every last copy to tiny bits of random fluff.

    Now, where was I… Oh, yeah. Good ceramics in Kappabashi.

  • DrSleepless
    220 hours ago

    Varying quality like any other country’s products