Do not allow your kids to be alone with religious leaders at any level. Ever.
We should respect his beliefs and punish him in accordance with the old testament
Still not trans or a drag queen. Curious!
It’s almost like Conservatism and Religion are propaganda, architected to protect and defend the ruling classes, authoritarianism, narcissism, megalomania, pedophilia, and criminally corrupt psychopaths… stretching back thousands of years?
Literally at this point I assume any headline that mentions a pastor in the first half ends with CSA.
At this point I assume any massive church leader is guilty until proven innocent. You don’t get to the head of a bullshit organization like a megachurch without being a shitbag.
Why does it always have to be kids though. Kids aren’t a magical ticket to avoid sinning.
Oh they don’t believe in god. The question still stands though.
Why is it always kids?
Kids are easy to manipulate in general. But kids raised in this environment are a predators dream come true.
They are told they are sinners from birth and therefore unlovable outside of god’s infinite generosity of murdering his own kid. They are told whatever happens to them is for a reason and doesn’t need to “make sense” as it makes sense to god. They are taught never to speak out against “gods anointed” and see everyone around them they trust speak of this pastor figure like they are a god.
Predators like these pastors know there is a low chance they will ever talk. Beyond that they know they will be “forgiven” if they are caught a lot of the time. Thinking of that viral clip a couple of years ago of a pastor being given a standing ovation for “bravely coming forward and confessing sexual sin” [r*ping a 14yr old]
The whole thing is a god damn mess and the sooner we are done with it the better.
you don’t and can’t know that.
Just because their awful people and bad christians doesn’t make them not-christians. it makes they shitty people and shitty christians. Remember, according to their scriptures, the only necessary quality is to attain a state of grace by reciting a magical incantation. That’s it.
It’s always the ones you most expect.