I am not American enough to understand what the hell OP is even on about.
These cost the same ($1-$2, depending on store and when you buy them). The yellow cheese could be said to be presented as equivalent in value to the three slices of pepperoni.
Yellow cheese (assuming it doesn’t use food coloring) typically takes a lot more time to make than white cheese, so yeah. Though mozzarella is also just the standard pizza cheese, it seems like most people in the know prefer mozzarella’s properties (e.g. stretchiness) over other types of cheese.
I bought this big ass bag of mozzarella from Target. It was like 3 lbs for like $7. I was like “This seems like even if I have no use for it, I should buy it.”
Dude. You GOTTA buy it. Do you have ANY idea how crazy it is to walk to the fridge, grab a fistfull of mozzarella and walk back to your recliner while snacking on cheese?
It’s one of those habits that you initially think “What? Who DOES that???” and then you think “Well…if I had THAT MUCH mozzarella with no intended use…I guess I would too…”
And now I’ve eaten all of it slowly over the coarse of 2 months. Just fistfulls of late night cheese. And now I want to go back to the store and buy ANOTHER one. So from that perspective, the purpose is now to be fisted. That’s why I’m buying this cheese. To be fisted.
Mozzarella is awesome!
I mean at that price you can’t afford to not fist that mozz!
And now I’ve eaten all of it slowly over the coarse of 2 months. Just fistfulls of late night cheese.
See, that’s exactly why I don’t do that! Also I don’t think my local supermarkets actually sell 3 lbs of mozzarella for $7.
That’s bold assumption for Lunchables.
In that case, the ingredients must be so cheap that the food coloring actually makes a significant price difference for them.
Who’s adding food colouring to cheese ffs?
Every mass market manufacturer of yellow cheddar in America at least
Hmm, if they’re making Cheddar in America it’s not really Cheddar.
But American cheese manufacturers adding food colouring makes sense. I don’t think there’s a single other country in the world where I’d believe that.
“Let’s make this already yellow cheese even more yellow by adding unnecessary food colouring. Let’s make it out of plastic whilst we’re here!”
Why is American food all processed to oblivion?
Colored with annetto, just like American cheese
Ever heard of cheese analogue?
With “yellow cheese” you probably mean real, matured cheese, instead of e.g. “white cheese” mozarella, which is done so fast these days, it could be in the cow in the mornng and in the pizza in the evening.
Of course matured cheese with real flavour is more expensive.
Several cheeses included anatto and other similar things, so the association may come from that (which can dye the cheese) as much or more than the color itself.
If the cheese is dyed, it is fake anyway. Real cheese needs no food coloring.
Red Leicester, cheddar, etc. are not real cheese? 0.o
Real Cheddar does not need paint to taste good, it is the cheap variants that need the coloring and maybe even flavour additives.
And adding carrot or beetroot juice to cheese to make Red Leichester was a similar marketing ploy, just a few hundred years before it needed to be done to make cheap proto cheese look more expensive.
It could be that, despite many (most?) pizzas having more white cheese, the white cheese is more prevalent but, particularly in the US, cheese is often associated with yellow/orangish tones so they included it to match that expectation. They’re a big company and these came out in the '90s IIRC, so I imagine it was researched and focus-grouped to death before launch and, since two cheeses are almost certainly more expensive than one, there’s probably a reason there are two.