As an example, you’re having a good conversation but have to part, and the other person goes, “Oh btw are you on [social media/messaging app/whatever]?”
I think I already know what the common answer may be, but I’m curious to see how wrong I might be.
WhatsApp is the go-to thing around here
None. A Phone number and email is more than enough.
We trade callsigns and frequencies or repeaters. CQ CQ CQ.
Insta where I’m from, which is fine, unless you don’t have an account like me 🤷♂️
Someone at work was upset that I didn’t respond to their G Chat. 🤨
That’s one of Google’s many attempts at a chat service, right? If so, can’t blame ya for being mildly confused…I can never keep up with which of those are still running.
Whatsapp whenever I’m traveling.
WhatsApp if I’m talking to an Indian crowd, Instagram or Snapchat otherwise
I don’t happen to use any of the above though
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Do you mind me asking what kind of group/situation you are in where you’d be using Kik?
I used it before I had a cellphone and my coworker uses it to cheat on his wife but I haven’t heard of many other people using it.
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The vast majority of people I speak with just use regular old text messaging. If it’s someone I meet via networking at work, I’ll occasionally get asked about LinkedIn; same thing but with Discord if it’s someone I meet gaming online.
I usually ask the people I dont know much if they’re on simplex. The rest i usually ask to add me on signal. Massive groups I interact with are usually on discord but I move to simplex if they want a one on one discussion with me
AIM/ICQ. Hello from the nineties.
Zoom, Teams, Google Meet, WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram, LinkedIn
I have some friends who seem to inform each other of things via Instagram.
I also get a lot of weird SMS/MMS messages that I think have been generated automatically by iMessage to try and map things it has to things actually in the spec.
Those friends do it via goofy images, right? It’s Instagram, that’s gotta be required by the terms of service, else what’s the point? lmao
Facebook Messenger. I hate Facebook but I had to create an account so I can communicate with my coworkers.
In Thailand it’s 100% Line.
Sales people for both buying a house and a car wanted to exchange Line info. They were baffled both that I didn’t have line and that I would want to exchange phone numbers.