• @[email protected]
    461 year ago


    Eat 1/3 of calories from protein (improves immune system, improves healing rate & mood, your blood has amino acid levels like sugar, respect them). Substitute simple sugars (2-10% thermogenic calorie loss in digestion which also correlates to low prebiotic value) for complex carbs (~30%). Eat more fiber. Just buy some dextrin it’s a lot cheaper than produce.

    Eat potassium (spinach, cabbage, potatoes, milk, oranges, NOT bananas you’d need 12 daily) and iodine and a multivitamin (lacks both in USA) so you stop feeling a weird craving for food that never can be satisfied.

    • @Tar_alcaran
      421 year ago

      former fatty here with a little addition: Also just eat less outside of your meals. Go diet in the supermarket by buying less, instead of dieting by not eating what have at home. You spend 20 minutes in the supermarket and multiple hours at home. It’s MUCH easier to be strong for 20 minutes than for 12 hours.

        • @Alteon
          31 year ago

          What helped me kick the delivery services was looking at the cost of items when buying at restaurants vs ordering vs the apps. There is a huge difference. Like, a $45 order at the restaurant is around $60-70+ via the delivery apps (menu upcharges) then you have to tip on top of that. Ugh. Like your spending almost double the cost versus just picking up yourself, and at that point don’t want to order any more.

    • Malta Soron
      281 year ago

      Yeah, it’s easy:

      • eat less
      • no fast food
      • no sugary shit
      • eat less
      • lots of fruit and vegetables
      • lots of water
      • eat less

      That’s basically all there is to it if you’re not trying to get a six pack. It takes some time to get used to, but then your body will start figuring out things by itself (like '“I need more vitamins” and “I hate feeling bloated because of empty calories”).

        • @KnightontheSun
          21 year ago

          Of course because that’s the “calories out” part. Even moderate exercise (on the regular) is wonderful to do. Game changer that is. I am a lazy workout artist, but I can ratchet it up if I know I need to match whatever I chucked down my gullet in the last coupla days. But mostly (with my lazy workout) I curb what I eat and limit refined sugar to none if possible.

      • Ataraxia
        31 year ago

        More veggies, less fruit, no high sugar fruit. Berries are good. Lots of leafy greens and fish.

  • @MegaTony
    251 year ago

    My depression says otherwise.

    • @Rachelhazideas
      51 year ago

      There’s so much we could be attacking here. Poverty, inflation, lack of access to healthy food, lack of socialized healthcare, overworking and underpaid workers, lack of time to cook, availability of cheap fast food, lack of maternity/paternity leave and proper time to recover from pregnancies, chronic stress, chronic medical issues that are comorbid with weight gain (hypothyroidism, depression, PCOS, insomnia, menopause, sleep apnea, metabolic disorders, etc), lack of walkable neighborhoods, lack of regulation on the sugar industry, the sugar industry’s shift of blame to fat through advertising, culturally massive portion sizes.

      But sure. People are just fat because they’re lazy right?

      • YⓄ乙
        -51 year ago

        I understand what you’re saying but not sure of you understand capitalism. All the things you listed is exactly how capitalism works and the ultimate power is with you. For example let’s take lack for regulation on sugar industry. Sugar industry must have lobbied hard to get that privilege but its up to the consumers to stop buying sugar when they know its bad for health.
        When the demand stops, supply stops.

        • @Rachelhazideas
          21 year ago

          I don’t think you know what capitalism means if you think capitalism is fat people’s fault and not a systemic issue with much more sociopolitical nuance.

  • DreamButt
    1 year ago

    Two things that can help depending on what kind of person you are:

    • eat what you want, but slowly cut back

    • eat when you want, but switch to healthier foods

    So in the first example, if you like eating burgers. Great! Don’t stop. Just cut the soda out next time

    And in the second, if you like snacking while you watch Netflix. Great! Just swap to fermented vegetables instead of chips

    The important thing to focus on is progress. Every little bit helps, and every little bit is a win

    • @luckyhunter
      61 year ago

      liquid fermented potatoes run through a still for me please! with a splash of sugar free Redbull.

        • @Agent641
          11 year ago

          Vodka is a healthy vegetable soup.

          Whiskey is a breakfast cereal.

      51 year ago

      I think the easiest, most important thing of these tips is to cut out soda. That shit is just liquid sugar, and that excess sugar will make you fat and maybe even diabetic.

      And if ‘fermented vegetables’ doesn’t sound very appealing, just try baby carrots, they’re nice and crunchy like chips

      • DreamButt
        21 year ago

        Oh it was just an example. Home made kimchi is baller imo but it’s not for everyone

    • @DulyNoted
      21 year ago

      To add to this, it gets easier over time too. Your body starts to get used to not eating so much, so you don’t feel as hungry, and if you manage to cut down on the fast food intake if you’re lucky it’ll start making fast food taste kinda hollow.

      I don’t really have a better word for it. I started to cook and go the decently sized portion route. You can eat an entire stuffed oven roasted chicken breast with a big plate of roasted veggies (with various seasonings to taste - I like garlic powder and red chilies) and feel comfortably full after, for the same amount of calories a big Mac meal would have been. And you actually feel full, and like you’re not loading your body with crap calories that slow you down.

    • @dlok
      21 year ago

      The problem is you can cut back and only slow down the weight gain or just break even. Need to be in an actual deficit to lose weight which in my experience involves feeling hungry and dealing with it.

  • @pissclumps
    1 year ago

    If it’s legitimate calories then the body has a way to shut the while thing down

    • @Agent641
      1 year ago

      The female foodgasm is a myth perpetrated by Satanists and degenerates

  • @[email protected]
    51 year ago

    Heed the content warnings in the video, this video is a difficult watch, but it’s really good. Thought Slime: Can I learn to love my body?

    And you can’t just say no, it’s a systemic problem that could be solved with walkable cities, better public transportation, stretching breaks at work, eliminating or greatly reducing subsidies for corn and processed foods, and other stuff. We have to consider every step food takes from its source to the shelves, and all the reasons citizens aren’t able to be more active or afford foods that could better support an active life.

    All things that are certainly achievable if we all take responsibility for community health instead of wailing on individuals.

    • KptnAutismus
      11 year ago

      but that doesn’t drive up profits, we can’t do that. look how trillionaires are struggling in the crisis they caused (to a certain degree) /s

  • @instamat
    31 year ago

    I still want to know why the hamburger on the left is sitting on top of a sliced tomato and a piece of lettuce

  • @BilboBargains
    21 year ago

    We need a new prohibition on food. It’s the gateway drug to fatness. Think about it, the amount of money we could save on mobility scooters and disabled parking, it would pay for new yachts that are sorely needed by our ruling class. Items such as doughnuts are the crack cocaine of lard asses. If you get caught with a box of them, mandatory life term.

  • Lifted_lowered
    11 year ago

    This is like the third time I’ve seen this same almond mom meme

    • Ferk
      1 year ago

      Yep, this is akin to: “Depressed? Just say no.” “Depressive thoughts cannot legally enter your mind if you don’t have them.”

      People don’t realize that overfeeding is not the real cause of the problem, but rather a consequence.

        • Ferk
          1 year ago

          You mean saying “no” to depressive thoughts?
          I feel that if you can combat depression that way, then you are not really having clinical depression.

          It’s like asking a type 2 diabetic to stop being so resistant to insuline. If your body can stop resisting insuline, then it’s not diabetic.

          • @[email protected]
            -31 year ago

            It is a very slow process taking multiple years, usually. But fundamentally changing the way your mind works and processes problems is key to keeping depression at bay. Negative thought patterns are reinforced in an endless cycle with depression.

            Of course external factors play a heavy part in depression too.

            • @[email protected]
              61 year ago

              You’re not wrong, but fundamentally changing the way your brain processes and interacts with the world takes more than just time. It takes an unbelievable amount of effort, therapy, and support. And even then it’s not a guarantee that you’ll be able to maintain it.

              So while you’re right, your comment makes it sound much easier than it really is.

            • Ferk
              1 year ago

              Just like building up your muscle, it takes time. Which is why you don’t see memes/people saying: “So weak that you can’t lift 100kg? just say no, raise your arms while holding a 100kg weight. It can’t legally fall if you don’t drop it.”

              I mean, logically stopping depressive thoughts is the only way to stop depression, the same way as how lowering the caloric intake is how you get rid of obesity, or lowering the resistance to insulin is how you stop being diabetic type 2. Or how the only way to be someone who lifts 100kg is to actually lift a 100kg weight.

              But that’s so obvious that it’s not helpful. It’s not like people don’t know what makes them depressed… or obese… or weak… what they want is advice in how to train themselves, not someone telling them they should “just” stop being the way they are (which is probably something they already keep reminding themselves about! …most of the time, that’s the one thing they don’t need help with).

            • @[email protected]
              21 year ago

              I can understand what you mean to say, I think. For example, cognitive behavioral therapy aims to change the way in which people suffering from depression think in order to cure them. It can be quite effective. However, in many cases with major depression different therapies, trauma treatment or medication is also required. In the worst cases, someone might need electroshocks.

              I think the issue is that people with depression and people with eating disorders often get blamed for it and they often blame themselves. They are legitimately ill and it is not their fault, just like having any other condition is not your fault. However, due to society’s message of ‘just say no’ to depressive thoughts or food, they might keep on blaming themselves and feel like they are a failure and should just try harder. This can make them just fall deeper in the pit they are in, instead of getting the treatment they need.

              I think the last part is not what you meant, but it sounded a bit that way.

    • DessertStorms
      -51 year ago

      It isn’t only eating disorders either, there are so many conditions (and medications!) that can cause or have the side effect of weight gain, and then a ton more that don’t directly cause it but do directly make it hard or even impossible to “work” off.

      This post is ableist fatphobic bullshit.

      • @Zoboomafoo
        31 year ago

        And? “Side effect of weight gain” makes it sound like it’s inevitable. I take one of those meds, it has the side effect of making me hungry all the time, not “weight gain”