German energy giant RWE has begun dismantling a wind farm to make way for a further expansion of an open-pit lignite coal mine in the western region of North Rhine Westphalia.

I thought renewables were cheaper than coal. How is this possible?

  • @[email protected]
    1781 year ago

    I think this headline is misleading.

    A better headline might read: “Coal found beneath wind farm. Turbines dismantled to make room for mining operation.”

      • KSP Atlas
        321 year ago

        Lignite is the worst coal, most polluting and least energy dense afaik, why would you bother mining it

        • @[email protected]
          151 year ago

          Because they get subsidies from the govt bc they employ a whole region and are a super big energy company. They need to be dismantled.

        • @Schmuppes
          01 year ago

          Because it’s there and you want a steady supply of cheap electricity, that’s why.

    • @bouh
      61 year ago

      Shouldn’t they build a new wind farm though? Why aren’t the eco fanatics protesting against this infamy?

      They are litteraly replacing a wind farm with a coal mine!

      • @[email protected]
        41 year ago

        If the turbines are still good, they can just be moved, although it looks like they’re EOL anyway, so I’m guessing they’ll just be scrapped.

        Won’t make a huge difference to the general trend in the German energy mix, which is towards more renewables + importing French nuclear energy.

    • @possum
      21 year ago

      I… I dont think that really helped make the title misleading

  • @suction
    1401 year ago

    Delete this InfoWars-level bs misinformation meant to smear clean energy.

    One small privately owned wind farm is being disassembled, this is not a general new policy or anything signalling a shift away from clean energy.

    • @bouh
      -111 year ago

      Oh so you mean most arguments against nuclear energy are that bad too? Thank you for realizing!

  • DessertStorms
    1 year ago

    Ban straws! (even though disabled people need them and they create negligible pollution)

    Replace your car with an electric one! (even though it still works fine and will end up in landfill, never mind the environmental cost of producing the new one, or the source of the electricity it uses)

    Reduce your carbon footprint! (even though its a term we invented ourselves to shift responsibility to you, while we fly our private jets around creating more pollution than you ever could in 10 lifetimes)

    Recycle! (even though 90% of it ends up in landfill anyway because we don’t want to pay to actually recycle it)

    All equates to

    Look the other way while we continue to rape the planet and blame it on you!!!

    Never forget - capitalists (and the governments they’re co-dependent on) only want more money, they don’t car about you or me or the planet, only about themsleves and the numbers in their accounts, and they will never willingly stop doing whatever it takes to make more.

    • @[email protected]
      641 year ago

      or the source of the electricity it uses

      Oh, quit this noise. In the same countries where electric cars are becoming common, wind/water/sun-produced energy is also on the rise. Electric cars decouple the energy used from the means of production in ways that gasoline will never have, and the potential outweighs the temporary conditions of power generation in socially backward areas like Darfur and America.

      • DessertStorms
        1 year ago

        You are literally commenting on an article where one of those countries has shut down a wind farm to go back to miming coal (never mind that my point still stand regardless because renewables are still just a fraction of electricity production, or that it is the wealthy people buying the electric cars who contribute more emissions than the poorest 50% of the population, but good to see the greenwashing has worked so well on you), so which of us is actually making noise, and which is addressing the problems we face?

        • @suction
          31 year ago

          Do you believe every headline you read on the internet? Looks like it. This isn’t „Germany end all wind farms“, the people who wrote that headline want you to think that. Don’t be such an easy mark.

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            The title, paired with an expensive paywall and the fact that the quote below is the only part visible for free would certainly suggest that this comment is true.

            Here’s the un-paywalled article intro:

            "German energy giant RWE has begun dismantling a wind farm to make way for a further expansion of an open-pit lignite coal mine in the western region of North Rhine Westphalia.

            One wind turbine has already been dismantled, with a further seven scheduled for removal to excavate an additional 15m to 20m tonnes of so-called ‘brown’ coal, the most polluting energy source."

            I think this article from last year is relevant to this story:

            • @suction
              21 year ago

              What I’m saying is RWE is a privately owned company. The headline says „Germany begins…“ which is objectively untrue.

              It is trying to suggest that Germany passed a decree to disassemble all windfarms. Yet the opposite is true.

              • @[email protected]
                1 year ago

                I agree, that’s what I’m saying. I used “this” ambiguously, I just realized. I edited “this” to “this comment”, and added another clarifying sentence before the quote.

                Here’s an excerpt from the older article which isn’t paywalled, that I linked in my comment (before the edit):

                "Constructed more than 20 years ago, the turbines at the small Keyenberg wind park are less powerful than modern equivalents, with each producing about 1MW of energy per hour at a wind speed of 15 metres per second, roughly a sixth of the output of a more efficient state of the art turbine.

                Since windfarms in Germany are no longer eligible for subsidies after 20 years in operation, the park would probably have been “repowered” with new technology or wound down even if it were not for the nearby mine.

                Nonetheless, North-Rhine Westphalia’s ministry for economic and energy affairs on Monday urged RWE to abort its plans to dismantle the windfarm.

                “In the current situation, all potential for the use of renewable energy should be exhausted as much as possible and existing turbines should be in operation for as long as possible,” a spokesperson said."

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          Electric cars contribute less emissions than ICE cars even if the grid’s electricity supply is entirely coming from coal. Of course cars in general are a much worse solution to transport than really any form of public transportation, but that’s no reason to spread pro-ICE car propaganda.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      While I partly agree with your argument at the end of your comment, I think your examples are really unfitting.

      Only single-use plastic straws are banned. There is also an exemption for straws that are necessary for medical reasons. The needs of disabled people are included in the exemption.

      If people buy a new car, the old one (if still functional) typically enters the second-hand market, not the landfill. There is no reason why this would be different if the new car is an electric vehicle.

      The carbon footprint is a perfectly fine concept on its own, the problem is just that some people shit on it with their private jets, which are a legitimate concern. Some people also argue that “most of the pollution is done by corporations, not individuals”, completely ignoring the fact that these corporations only do it while producing goods for the people. That does not mean that we can just blame the people for it, but everybody has the responsibility to vote for policies that keep the corporations in check.

      Recycling is really bad in some countries, but works pretty well in others. For example in Germany 56% of plastic waste is recycled, 44% burned. 90% of paper is recycled.ösung4

      • @AngryCommieKender
        131 year ago

        We’ve made electric powered airplane jet turbines. If the rich want private jets, we should require those to be EVs. I don’t give a shit that the tech is untested, and neither do they judging by that “submarine.”

      • @[email protected]
        41 year ago

        The problem is we are only talking about a small fraction of the trash. >90% of waste is industrial waste, of that a third is just from Construction/Demolition.

        Consumers can recycle everything, but it won’t make more than a 10% impact. We need to start forcing industry to recycle and we can start with concrete. 8% of all global emissions are from concrete production, that’s not even accounting the energy to haul it around. We have the ability today to use concrete to make down cycled products on site (road base, filler, non structural blocks, etc) eliminating transportation and other impacts. But few even consider it, companies and customers don’t want to wait the extra day that it takes, and it’s not always profitable either.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          I doubt your numbers are factual. Depending on the industry, you’ll have very specific, non mixed waste materials, which would be way easier to recycle than mixed trash from households.

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            I just had to do a project on this for work and almost if not all of those numbers most likely came from the EPA’s site from the studies they reference. Other sources, including international sources are similar, I have no reason to doubt the veracity or the figures.

            When rereading your comment I get the impression you think I am saying only 10% of industrial waste is recycled. That is not that statement, the statement is simply 90% of waste in landfill is industrial.

      • prole
        -51 year ago

        Do you think cars are immortal, and are just passed on from owner to owner for all eternity?

        • @[email protected]
          31 year ago

          Only East German ones. Then the pigs eat some rotten parts off of them, and the remainder is reassembled into fewer cars. The circle of life. The last people on this planet will still be driving a Trabi.

        • @[email protected]
          31 year ago

          No? Nobody thinks that?

          My comment was just a response to the following:

          Replace your car with an electric one! (even though it still works fine and will end up in landfill, never mind the environmental cost of producing the new one, or the source of the electricity it uses)

          …which for some reason suggests that the introduction of electric cars leads to premature scrapping of existing cars - which is bullshit.

      • DessertStorms
        1 year ago

        That’s a lot of words to say “I lick boot”.

        But just to address my pet peeve (mostly because I can copy pasta my own comment, and no I’m not going to edit out the “ableist” because even if you don’t mean t, advocating and making excuses for the straw ban is ableist)

        There are many reasons people can’t use different alternatives.

        Never mind that to deny access to a literal lifeline for the sake of 0.003% of the plastics in the ocean (literally a drop in an ocean) because it makes you feel better and requires zero effort or sacrifice (from you), instead of actually acting to resolve the problem (like being anti-capitalist rather than just trying to apply band aids to its symptoms) is not only gross and ableist, but also a colossal counterproductive waste of time.

        As for medical exemptions - disabled people shouldn’t need to ask for basic accessibility, nor should they have to disclose personal medical information to get it, but now that ableists like you have forced this situation to boost your own egos, they do, and are often denied, because wait staff are not medically trained, and are often abelists like you (or have bosses that would fire them for “handing out straws willy nilly” if they even have straws available which now many places don’t), so they get refused and called liars and accused of destroying the environment.
        Never mind that expecting people to always have their own accessibility aids, rather than have them freely available creates an inaccessible society.

        Which is exactly what ableists like you are fighting for.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          I was exclusively talking about the EU ban, not about some random US cities’ bans (This is a thread about Germany after all). None of your points really apply to the EU ban.

          It does not ban the distribution (you can still legally buy leftover stock - my local cinema seems to have a century’s worth of supply), just the first-time sale of newly produced non-medical single-use plastic straws.

          The “medical exemption” is not on an individual basis, but an exemption for a production line of straws. Everybody can buy the straws afterwards. The EU ban is not cutting a “lifeline” for disabled people.

          The links you provided talk about bans by local city councils in the USA, which have their own (apparantly stupid) rules.

    • SeaJ
      191 year ago

      Replace your car with an electric one! (even though it still works fine and will end up in landfill, never mind the environmental cost of producing the new one, or the source of the electricity it uses)

      A new EV breaks even with a used car in less than a decade. It does not matter if it is getting its energy from coal, it still will emit less carbon within a decade.

      Recycle! (even though 90% of it ends up in landfill anyway because we don’t want to pay to actually recycle it)

      90% of plastic recycling. That is thanks to the oil companies who saw backlash against the ridiculous amount of plastic in the 70s and decided to invent a resin code whose symbol mimicked the recycling symbol. Recycling centers were flooded with a ton of plastic which they did not have infrastructure to actually recycle. China took it for a couple decades and then it became unprofitable for them. Basically only resin codes 1 and 2 are recyclable. But most people think all of it is. Absolutely recycle metals. If your city has recycling pickup and you are not recycling stuff like aluminum, you kind of suck.

      • @MightEnlightenYou
        101 year ago

        I’m from Sweden, we’re among the best in the world at recycling. We have closed all our landfills and even import combustible trash to burn for energy (we clean the fumes extremely well).

        Every time I see a discussion about trash anywhere in the world I get sad that people are so uninformed about what’s possible.

        One Swedish company, Swedish Plastic Recycling, is currently building a recycling plant that will be able to handle ALL of the country’s plastic waste and automatically recycle almost all of the kinds of plastic there are.

        This is even profitable if done right.

        Sources upon request.

      • @[email protected]
        01 year ago

        Basically only resin codes 1 and 2 are recyclable. But most people think all of it is

        I read somewhere that this is false and all of them are recyclable. Don’t quote me on it though.

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          I think you can technically recycle probably almost any plastic, perhaps almost any material in general. It’s just a question of if the recycling process is affordable and competes in price with just buying the unrecycled version of that plastic. So other plastics besides PET and HDPE I’m sure you can recycle, it’s just that the cost is prohibitive.

        • SeaJ
          11 year ago

          Technically yes but there has to be the infrastructure to do it. Most cities cannot process them. It’s also generally not profitable and does not save much from an emissions standpoint either.

    • @[email protected]
      -61 year ago

      Luckily many people live in democracies where they can simply vote to enact climate policies.

      Sadly most people living in those democracies choose to continue enabling climate change.

      The reason nothing is being done against climate change isn’t corrupt politicians. It’s the millions of people voting for them.

      • DessertStorms
        1 year ago

        Lol, no.

        The fault lies with those who built and benefit from the system, not those trapped in it who are merely given the illusion of choice.

        Get off your high horse and aim your anger at the right people, otherwise all you are doing is enabling their rigged system.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          Your first link is US only, your second link is about a completely seperate issue. You don’t need to dismantle capitalism to protect the climate.

          In Germany, where I live, the voters could easily vote for the greens “Grüne” and the left “Linke”.

          If those two parties had a majority in government, we’d have a climate friendly system in no time.

          But they don’t. We had a conservative government for 16 years. Now we have a center government, which sadly includes the small government / free market party “FDP”, blocking all significant progress.

          No systemic oppression stops people from voting Left/Greens. But they never did, and never will.

          There’s now an uprise of the far right party “AfD” in Germany, to the point it’s becoming one of the major parties.

          In Germany people have the choice readily available to stop actively damaging the climate.

          But every couple of years, they freely choose to not do that.

          I feel like many left-wing people regularly forget about the billions of people who genuinely do not care to do anything about climate change.

          • Harrison [He/Him]
            41 year ago

            Under capitalism, the capitalist class controls the media, and can use their wealth to control the political class.

            A democracy can only make choices so far as it’s voters are informed, and when a group controls most sources of information, it can control the democracy as a whole.

          • @[email protected]
            31 year ago

            You don’t need to dismantle capitalism to protect the climate.

            You absolutely do. If it was profitable to destroy the envrionment capitalism would do it in a heartbeat. And guess what it IS profitable to destroy the environment, that is why it is happening! You cannot protect the environment under capitalism.

            • @[email protected]
              1 year ago

              You can limit capitalism without abolishing it.

              In Germany people are guaranteed 20/24 paid vacation days. That’s not profitable.

              That’s a limit imposed on capitalism. It can be done and has been done without abolishing capitalism.

              That’s just one of the thousands of policies that limit capitalism.

              You can limit capitalism (as literally every capitalist nation does) without abolishing it.

              Enforcing climate friendlyness would be just another limit.

              • @[email protected]
                01 year ago

                When you try to limit capitalism you get nuclear plants being shut down and coal plants being opened and the environment still being destroyed.

      • @[email protected]
        41 year ago

        Most people don’t have a ‘green’ option for which they can vote.

        We won’t touch the Greenbelt.

        -Doug Ford, 2018

        Ford says he’s confident nothing criminal took place in Greenbelt land swap amid RCMP probe.

        -CBC news, 2023

        Not that he was a green leaning politician to begin with but this is just another example of blatant lies used by politicians to get elected and totally fuckover their country.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          I do not believe the majority of people don’t know about the effects of climate change. I believe that the majority of people voting against climate friendly policies simply choose to not think long term.

          Someone who votes to continue the status quo is to be blamed for the status quo.

      • @[email protected]
        01 year ago

        No they can’t? If it was as simple as voting for green policies we’d see more of them. The only thing people can do is vote for greenwashed policies that do not impact the bottom line of industry.

  • @[email protected]
    901 year ago

    I live next to this coal mine and the wind farm is on my monthly Autobahn trip right next to me. Maybe to shed some light on the “why”:

    The coal mine was scheduled to be mined until 2038. The plan was to extend the mine to the west, the wind farm is to the east of the coal mine. RWE of course has big investments into mining this lignite until the very last possible day. There are problems with extending to the west though: old towns still exist there and the residents would of course love to stay in their homes the family had for generations. To the east, where the wind farm is, there is nothing but fields and some wind turbines. There are about 150 turbines in the wind farm and ~15 of them are standing where the mine is extending to now. Those 15 also were the first to be built for the wind farm and they are nearly at the end of their lifespan, some of them are even deemed structurally unsafe.

    Of course it would be better to stop mining the lignite but decades ago the contracts with RWE were made and just forcing a company out of a contract that is worth billions of Euros is extremely bad precedent and would hinder future investions. Buying out the contract to cease mining faster also was not possible, because RWE was unwilling to settle for a reasonable sum of money.

    • TGhost [She/Her]
      1 year ago

      What a beautiful society where companies have more powers than an state…

      Ofc theses companies have our futurs in mind, right ?


      • hh93
        271 year ago

        They don’t have more power - the government was just stupid to give them contracts this longlasting

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          Thinking of that one us city that sold its parking rights for a century for just millions

          Also the many private-partnered public infrastructure projects built in Turkey with billing rights given to the companies that will let Erdoğans friends leech off the public for decades even if he loses political power

      • @Zippy
        11 year ago

        They don’t have more power than the state. The state could easily legislate any demands they want. Do so though and you end up rapidly like Venezuela. Contacts matter. Unless you think the state should be able to take your house with little to no compensation as well? That is not capitalism. Don’t be obtuse.

    • @[email protected]
      191 year ago

      It’s really bad for $$ to do the responsible thing, so we’re going to proceed with existential environmental degradation. Because $.

      • @[email protected]
        51 year ago

        To be completely honest (and I am a huge anti-coal-mining dude), currently I’m happy that we still have the coalmines running. It would not have been possible to build solar and wind power fast enough to compensate for the coalmines, the only feasible alternative would have been gas and that comes from russia

        • @Crashumbc
          61 year ago

          Or to have kept your nuclear running and not freaked out after the fukushima disaster…

          Just saying

        • @[email protected]
          41 year ago

          Correct. You can add the vastly underestimated methane emissions of natural gas to that. (They are hard to measure but nobody seems toooo interested)

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        Germany is still going to use the same amount of coal whether this runs or not, they’d just import it from another country or have another mine go faster if there’s one that still can

        The way to reduce coal is to increase low carbon sources of energy and to reduce consumption

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          Nope. Dont import and scarsity will drive prices up and people use less. It’s pretty simple really.

          We need to keep all fossil fuels in the ground. The way we do this is reduce energy usage.

      • Firnin
        21 year ago

        Do you really think it’s more responsible to force the families out of their homes and demolish several villages/towns over some old wind turbines? Or did you mean the responsible thing being investing in renewables? I really can’t tell, sorry 😅

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        A lot of towns have been dug away for the lignite. The town now not digged away is just one of the few surviving ones. Also a lot of towns have been drowned for water storage lakes and Hydropower. Europe is populated way too densely to do any large infrastructure project without destroying towns in some ways. The residents are compensated with huge amounts of money, but for some they would still rather stay in the homes they have lived in for 50-80 years.

        In this case the original plan was to move westwards because that’s where the coal lies in the ground. The lignite in the west is enough to keep the power plants running until 2050, the lignite in the east only until 2030. Because the date is now pushed forwards, it’s feasible to dig to the east. Also advanced technology plays a role: the original plans destroying the westwards towns were made when there was no technology to efficiently burn the lignite on the east, which is way less dense.

  • RickRussell_CA
    851 year ago

    So, if I’m reading this correctly, this is the Konigshovener Hohe wind farm which is built on the site of the Garzweiler open-pit lignite mine. According to this article, the site was inaugurated in 2015 with 21 Senvion turbines.

    The problem is, Senvion went out of business in 2019, and customers have been struggling to support their turbines. Apparently the Senvion design is exceptionally dependent on software access. Siemens and others have stepped in to offer support contracts to Senvion turbines in good working order, but with the opportunity to mine more lignite at the site, maybe RWE felt that it was time to spin down the Senvion turbines.

    It seems like there may be many factors in this decision.

    • @BilboBargains
      151 year ago

      We should be using open source solutions for things like energy security. It’s not like our civilization can run without energy generation. The control ought to be in the hands of people, not corporations.

      • RickRussell_CA
        21 year ago

        Yeah the Senvion situation is an object lesson in the dangers of proprietary systems.

    • @[email protected]
      131 year ago

      Thanks for providing this context. From what you say it sounds like a bad initial decision from RWE - tieing themselves in to 'wind turbine as a service’doesn’t seem sensible.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      I’m not sure that’s the right wind farm. According to this guardian article, it’s actually the Keyenberg wind farm that’s being dismantled, a retired site from 2001.

      Apparently the site is retired because the operator’s permit ends in 2023. Making way eventually for the mine expansion was part of the original deal allowing the land to be used for wind turbines, and so it’s not indicative of any change in climate policy from the German government. Additionally the turbines are somewhat outdated, having only a sixth of the power output of a modern one. They would have to tear down and modernise the turbines anyway even if not for the mine.

      However from a publicity standpoint it’s not an ideal move. Could have given up on the lignite and put new wind turbines in instead, perhaps.

    • TWeaK
      1 year ago

      I’m not sure if that is the wind farm. Looking at the article photos, there are a lot of turbines in the area, so there is probably more than one wind farm adjacent to the coal mine. Even with Senvion out of business, it still feels far too early for them to be pulling down turbines - normally they have about 30 years’ life in them before they’re sold on to another country. However, the article also says they’re only pulling down 7 turbines, so even if it is the same wind farm they’re not fully dismantling it.

      Edit: Actually I think you’re right about the site. It looks like it might be these turbines they’re pulling down, and I imagine the motorcross site could be included in the project also.

      RWE Garzwiler

      • RickRussell_CA
        21 year ago

        Yeah, but look up the story on the Senvion turbines. Basically, Senvion operators have had to pay big money for service contracts with 3rd parties since Senvion went out of business.

  • @[email protected]
    521 year ago

    It’s about density. Renewables Are great, but not on terms of value add per square foot. The coal under the wind mill is worth orders of magnitude more than the windmill.

    And, it’s not as bad as it sounds. In general, the number of windmills keeps increasing.

    • @[email protected]
      271 year ago

      If you care about energy density, nuclear is the best solution, not coal. I guess Germans don’t care though

        • @[email protected]
          151 year ago

          It was meant to be replaced by renewables but our minister of economics dumped the whole solar and wind turbine industry. Additionally his party made up bullshit rules about a minimum distance for turbines to households, which was apparently 10x of the reasonable distance and which made it very hard to find spots in densely populated Germany. And to this day, the federations with a renewable energy surplus have to pay more for electricity than those who give a shit about renewables. -it is discussed to be changed now but idk

      • Caveman
        31 year ago

        That’s true, although I think they decided on coal since it’s cheaper financially (not ecologically and healthwise of course).

        It would make sense to just simply move them but the fact that they want to burn coal is just weird.

        • @[email protected]
          31 year ago

          So that means it will not be cheaper in the medium to long term. Since they will have to deal with the burden on their healthcare system, especially among their ageing population. Plus the scummy carbon offset trades that they have to wiggle themselves into.

          • Caveman
            21 year ago

            Exactly, I prefer gas and oil to coal any day but that’s only because the “better than coal” bar is incredibly low.

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        I didn’t say density is the paramount parameter. Also, once you optimize one drawback, it generally gets less important.

        I just wanted to put the image into context, and show that it isn’t a big step backwards, just sideways perhaps. Or in other words, a sigle wind farm isn’t relevant, the sum is

  • TWeaK
    431 year ago

    That’s an old wind farm that would be due being taken down. Wind turbines have a finite life span, they oscillate slightly and this loosens the ground around the base, so after around 30 years they’re taken down. Typically they end up being sold to poorer countries where they’re installed on a new base.

  • CrimeDad
    301 year ago

    I thought renewables were cheaper than coal. How is this possible?

    The value is simply more densely packed in the coal under the wind farm than in the surface area of the wind farm.

    • zkfcfbzr
      201 year ago

      Expanding on this: OP seems to be conflating wind power being cheaper than coal power, with… What? A wind farm being more profitable per unit area than a coal mine?

      • @[email protected]
        81 year ago

        There is no rule that forces you to copy the real article’s name. In this cases you want to make your own title to spark better debate.

      • izzent
        -51 year ago

        This should be all that’s needed to invalidate the comment you’re replying to, but it seems people are dumb.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Didn’t the green party in Germany have power in government right now? And weren’t they the same guys who dismantled their nuclear plants?

    I’m not very informed on German politics but if the answer to both was yes they should really rename their green party to the coal party.

    • @duviobaz
      111 year ago

      The greens sadly are forced to form a coalition with the social democrats and the neo-liberals, the latter of which are trying to hold every progress back

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        Why not step out if the coalition then? Seems better to not be in power if your coalition partners stand against everything your party should stand for.

        That happened here when our centrist, nationalist and far-right parties made a coalition. The far-right one was messing everything up so the centrists just went yeet and broke the coalition resulting in their coalition being in the minority.

        • @duviobaz
          31 year ago

          We still live in reality, you have to be pragmatic. The greens are the second most leftist party in the Bundestag and the most leftist party in the government coalition. Them leaving the coalition would mean the social democrats and neo-libs wouldn’t get any majority anymore which would result in a conservative government. We had that the last 16 years, there’s a reason why we elected someone different this time.

          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            That’s fair thoughI feel like that’s a position they could easily use to get actual green policies through. But again I know very little about German politics so that is a purely feels based idea.

            • @duviobaz
              11 year ago

              They do what they can. In the beginning, all over media this coalition has been praised to have done more for the people in 100 days than the previous government has done in 16 years. Thing is, the yellows are actively trying to sabotage everything the greens put forth. Our green ministry for family and social affairs wanted to pass a “basic child social security”-law, for which they planned to allocate 12 billion euros, like previously agreed upon. The yellows however have control over the ministry for financial affairs, being able to determine which ministry gets how much resources. That’s why said law only ended up getting 2.4 billion euros. It was an absolute shitshow.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          No. They are this close to legalising weed in Germany. Should be end of this year. After that, whatever.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      The original contract with the company RWE was made in the 1990s and included destroying whole towns for the coal mine, which was planned to be in use until 2038.

      What we see now is a compromise between RWE, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the federal government to save the remaining towns and close the mine earlier (in 2030). The wind turbines are from 2001 and are nearing the end of their lifecycle.

      • @[email protected]
        41 year ago

        Why not introduce a coal tax of 1million per ton, no need to modify the contract at all. If they want to pay 1million per ton to mine the coal, RWE is more then welcome to do so. It is their legal right after all.

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          This would likely end up hurting consumers more than RWE, because the “merit order” pricing system sets electricity prices depending on the production cost of the most expensive unit of electricity that is being consumed at a given time (usually coal). So raising the production cost of coal-based electricity sadly will also raise electricity prices, so long as renewables don’t take over a larger share of the market.

          • @[email protected]
            -31 year ago

            I mean of course it would hurt consumer absent government intervention, that is the design of the market system. Socialize costs, privatize the profits. But it doesn’t HAVE to be that way if Germany actually wanted to go green.

  • IHeartBadCode
    211 year ago

    I thought renewables were cheaper than coal. How is this possible?

    This is one of those in general vs in particular things.

    In general, yes coal is way more expensive versus renewable energy. In this particular instance, they’re just expanding the site, all of the really expensive stuff like logistics and transportation are already paid.

    This is the same reason just keeping old nuclear plants running is cheaper than building a new one. Each industry has expensive parts and cheap parts. If you’re doing something that only expands the cheap parts then you’ll be able to beat out competitors.

    • @[email protected]
      131 year ago

      Additionally those turbines are at the end of their lifespan. They would need to be dismantled and rebuilt anyways, since they became structurally unsafe

  • emmanuel_car
    171 year ago

    12ft paywall removed link

    The demolitions are part of a deal brokered last year between Robert Habeck, the Green party’s minister for economy and climate action and Mona Neubaur, who is the economy minister for North Rhine Westphalia, to allow the expansion of the mine.

    In return, RWE had to agree to phase out coal in 2030, eight years before the previous deadline. “It’s a good day for climate protection,” Habeck said at the time.

    What’s the timeline for getting this expansion built? And what’s the lifecycle of the plant? I understand there are energy scarcity concerns, but how is this the most economical option when it’s ~7 years until they’re supposed to phase out coal?

    • @[email protected]
      121 year ago

      The wind turbines are already at the end of their lifespan and they knew RWE had the license to expand the mine there when the wind turbines where build.

      Of course it’s economical for RWE, they are not building a new mine. Just continuing their mining operation there for another 7 years.

      • @Fosheze
        21 year ago

        I mean, that’s probably actually it. Short term profits are all shareholders care about. We’ve seen that time and time again where businesses will absolutely mutilate themselves just so shareholders can enjoy a short term price spike. This is just a pump and dump but for the energy industry.

      31 year ago

      Most likely they have no intention of stopping coal production and will just move the deadline again in 2030 and no one will do anything about it.

      • TWeaK
        11 year ago

        That’s possible, particularly if different parties are in power at that time. However the article also notes that lignite is becoming less economically viable and may need to be wound up anyway in 2030.

    • @Not_mikey
      21 year ago

      I’m guessing their bracing for winter without Russian oil. Which will hopefully be transitory, but also sort of delays the inevitable. If they can’t survive a winter without fossil fuels they need to figure it out quick.

    • Ooops
      1 year ago

      This expansion is the last one although actually many more in the next decades were already approved and contracted, which got renegotiated with the energy companies. But of course this was already mispresented earlier this year when everyone reported on Germany destroying the village of Lützerath for their newly started coal digging when it was actually the last one (with half a dozen more similiar small villages originally scheduled for destruction more than a decade ago). But lobbyists pay to push lies and publications love the clicks for the popular outrage about evil Germans. Who cares for facts, anyway…

      Those wind power plants were originally build with the knowledge that they have to be disassembeled in less than a decade again. Also those models proved to be very problematic and the company building them went out of business after only 4 years (since then there was only some auxiliary technical support from other companies).

      Counter question: How economical is it to stop digging up coal today when the phase-out is 7 years away. They can either increase the pit or dig deeper. The latter is not only more expensive but also more damaging (pumping groundwater away from the hole etc.).

      PS: A decade is also the usual life time of a wind power plant nowadays… After that time the gear boxes and blades need to be replaced and the foundation needs to be checked because of constant micro vibrations… In theory the installation itself could run up to 30 years but the technical development is still moving ahead so fast that replacing the whole thing with a newer and more efficient (also often bigger) model usually makes more sense than replacing parts to keep them running. So for now wind turbines are rather short-lived as their replacements see constant substantial improvements.

    • @[email protected]
      -61 year ago

      I suspect that they have no intention of phasing out coal, or there are certain unrealistic requirements that have to be met before the “agreement” to end coal is enforced. It’s just pageantry, Germany has no intention of ending coal dependence.

  • Tarte
    1 year ago

    RWE has no conscience left at all (doubt they ever had one). Coal is scheduled to be faded out by 2030 (recently rescheduled from 2038) and I do wonder if there really was no other option than to demolish those 8 windmills (and the nearby village).

    That being said: This is a singular incident caused by long-time contracts of the fading industry. It’s not some paradigm shift in Germany. Coal will be gone soon and new windmills will be build.

    • Ooops
      11 year ago

      Realistically speaking they need to get coal another 5 years. Which means either widening the pit or digging deeper. And the latter is massively more damaging, just for the management of ground water levels needed (also more expensive).