• @[email protected]
        910 months ago

        Totally agree, it’s just that there is a lot of pearl clutching when it comes to this topic and we need a more balanced approach.

        A little bit of bread is not going to hurt them, but maybe there are some other options that are better. But if they get fed some bread, probably don’t need to have an aggressive confrontation about it

    • @Idreamofcheesy
      110 months ago

      Right? Let us be the fun uncles and aunts that spoil our duck nibblings with junk food. We don’t get to see them enough as it is.

  • @[email protected]
    1810 months ago

    In my defense, the only time I gave ducks bread was one time a gang of them surrounded me. One started biting/pecking my toe while the other was jumping up snatching at the sandwich I was eating. It was ducking extortion!!

  • @[email protected]
    1110 months ago

    as a treat, many ducks love blueberries! it shouldn’t be their main food though. I had a duck that would go wild for blueberries.

    • Chozo
      710 months ago

      Just be careful; once they get a taste for man, that’s all they’ll want from then on.

        • DessertStorms
          -110 months ago

          I appreciate you and your peas, but that could kill someone if you crash, much better to put the can in the glove compartment or boot.

            • DessertStorms
              10 months ago

              One what, person who shows concern for the safety of whoever is in your car (and that of whoever decides to follow your advice)? How utterly horrific that must be for you… 🙄

              • Cethin
                210 months ago

                It’s pretty obvious it’s in the boot though if you look at the image. It’s in something made of plastic, it’s dirty, and it’s with a first aid kit.

              • @[email protected]
                010 months ago

                Sorry to be blunt but the pseudo-intellectual above just assumed I was stupid enough to keep a loose projectile in the car. I mean it’s pictured next to a first aid kit.

                I shouldn’t have to post a disclaimer every single time along with a pic. “Here’s my car-peas for ducks. Please note that they are secured in the boot of the car where they cannot injure anyone and that feeding peas to young ducks creates a choking hazard and your ducks may be at risk if you do not keep up payments. Anyway enjoy the amusing picture and don’t have nightmares”

                A lot of people make the world worse while thinking they’re making it better

    • @[email protected]
      210 months ago

      Based on the meme in a freezer you have in your car as it seems it must be frozen peas otherwise they will fight you to death.

      • @[email protected]
        210 months ago

        I should explain, due to my experience in this matter. Frozen peas are better, simply because they float. Canned peas sink, so you can only throw a few at a time

        That said, I’ve seen what I am sure was a duck getting brain-freeze from the frozen ones. Can’t be sure but I didn’t imagine the stinkeye

  • Corroded
    710 months ago

    I thought the reason they say not to feed ducks bread was because they would get used it and flock to city centers.

    • Dharma Curious
      1610 months ago

      Mainly they flock to bakeries. Once they’ve tried the artesianal stuff they come up with all kinds of crazy hijinks to get it. It’s really a nuisance.

      • @[email protected]
        1210 months ago

        “Ok that’s seven loaves of sourdough- Wait. I’m gonna need to see some ID.”
        (Reasonable quacking sounds)
        “Dang it. It’s ducks in a trench coat again. Third time today.”

        • southsamurai
          1210 months ago

          No bullshit, the local crows know when I’m baking sourdough now. They smell it, I guess, and they know that I’m a soft touch. I usually do little batches of “discard” pancakes, and share a few with them.

          They have, however, decided that they will only visit the side yard because of our chicken. She rules the back yard, and they won’t fuck with her. So there’s this solid mass of iridescent black on that patch, just cawing and waiting until I open the damn window.

          I like crows lol.

          • Dharma Curious
            310 months ago

            For a few years, I had a crow friend who liked to perch in the trees across the street. I would yell hello, and they would caw back. They were great, I always have them my food scraps. Stopped coming one day, and I really miss them. I hope they just found greener pastures somewhere.

            • southsamurai
              310 months ago

              Oh yeah, crows are survivors. If they moved away, it’s because something better drew them. They don’t abandon a solid resource without a damn good reason.

          • @ChickenLadyLovesLife
            10 months ago

            I find it funny that my local family of crows will gang up on and harass the living shit out of any hawks that dare to show up in the neighborhood, but a single bluejay (like a third their size) will chase the whole family off in no time. Bluejays are some tough motherfuckers.

            I love crows and I feed peanuts to my local family, but they’re still extremely skeptical of me after more than a year and won’t touch the peanuts until I go back into the house. I keep reading that they give gifts to humans they like but they haven’t left shit for me - except one time when one of them puked up whatever he had just eaten so he had more room for the peanuts.

            I also make sourdough. Maybe I should try giving them some of that.

      • @BanjoShepard
        210 months ago

        I was always under the impression that ducks liked to eat at Subway.

  • afox
    510 months ago

    We have signs saying the same all around our local park. It seems to stop no one :(

      • @[email protected]
        710 months ago

        It’s not really that bad though, like people make out it’s killing ducks and ruining ecosystems but none of the studies show that, they’ve even shown that for urban ducks it can help give nutrition that they’re lacking due to the built up environment.

        I really think this is just a viral message started by anti-bread natural health obsessives, like bread is processed and unnatural therefore must be bad for you and even worse for animals - when studies showed that ducks were fine digesting bread the justification came that the reason not to do it was that bread will pollute rivers and causes a cascade of doom but again this was demonstrated to be totally untrue and so the story changed again to say ducks can eat bread but it makes them lazy, which again there’s no evidence of - now it seems to be trapped in a very vague ‘it’s not their natural food and if they only eat bread then that would be bad so really is better to feed them something else in the same way eating bread isn’t the best thing for humans but has been a staple for thousands of years and it pretty good in a balanced diet, certainly better than malnutrition’

        I always see stuff like ‘bread isn’t their natural food, feed them grapes, peas, nuts, seeds’ like grapes or peas are something ducks regularly eat or a handful of seeds isn’t every bit as bad if they get lazy and don’t eat anything else beside the easy seeds (which there’s no evidence of)

        urban ponds with lots of duck feedings on bread don’t have obvious problems, you’d think by now someone would have attached statistics or studies to this message but there isn’t any, I’ve read up on it a couple of times and never found any, all the serious authorities like the rspb seem to agree that it’s not really a problem but in theory there are circumstances where it could be suboptimal… While also agreeing that in some situations, urban winter for example, feeding ducks is really important and if the choice is bread or nothing then bread is by far the best choice.

        It’s fine and good to feed ducks stuff that isn’t bread and it’s great to be breaking the weird thing of only feeding ducks bread, varied diet is important… but if you see someone feeding them bread then don’t go off at them because it’s bit really a problem.

        • @nicolairathjen
          10 months ago

          If you’re feeding wild ducks, especially in urban areas, you temporarily raise the number of the environment can sustain. If no-one feeds them later there can be a shortage of food. Feeding ducks should is definitely not as dangerous as portrayed, but it is also incorrect to say that it doesn’t affect them at all. Feeding ducks should be done in moderation.

          • @[email protected]
            10 months ago

            But that’s true of feeding them anything, and the only real reason the duck feeding will stop is if people spread misinformation about it being bad for them.

            I agree there are lots of theoretical ways we could create unlikely situations by overdoing things but there is no evidence anywhere that throwing a few bits of bread to ducks when you take your kid to the park is causing any problems at all.

            The post is wrong and I hate seeing wrong information spread. I love the energy behind it and the intent