All religions have it’s own myths, own stories, own set of values. And these are/were good stories, I mean, even though they are not true, they are certainly interesting. You won’t feel bored by it.

Harry Potter has the same effect on people, like, why should I take Harry Potter seriously, why do I care what happens after Dumbledore dances with Snape (won’t give actual spoilers :')

I mean, it doesn’t make sense to me. Why do I care so much about a soap opera that I am watching. Harry Potter is the product of just one brilliant woman’s imagination. It has no real value on my life. I have no real motivation to read that other than the fact that I like it and I want to know. Harry Potter is somewhat irrelevant to my life, than why does it or any other good story capture our imagination?

Why do I care what the next season of House M.D. entails? Why? What should I care if he dies or lives? Why :')?

  • AFK BRB Chocolate
    391 year ago

    I’m not a sociologist, but it’s worth noting that for many thousands of years, humans passed on knowledge by story telling. If you had zero interest in listening to elders telling stories, you were less likely to learn important stuff, and so less likely to survive. It seems likely that we’re naturally selected to be interested in stories.

    But, in the same way that craving sweets used to drive people to eat fruit, but now that same urge drives us to eat candy, our inclination to listen to stories gets people to watch soap operas or marvel movies, which isn’t exactly improving our chance of survival.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        No it doesn’t. Evolution is an explanation for species to adjust to the environment . This comment says “the environment was stories”. But how our ancestors developed the habit of story telling in the first place is still unexplained with this little piece of fiction.

      • AFK BRB Chocolate
        31 year ago

        It sort of does. Groups who told stories and listened to stories survived better than other groups. It doesn’t matter that there might have been another way to pass on information, that one worked and helped the group thrive. Lots of different animals solve the same issue in different ways - evolution doesn’t care.

  • @[email protected]
    311 year ago

    Sharing, and believing in, fictions is how distilled units of information are efficiently passed down generations and is one of the bedrocks of our development as a species. This is what allows us to have laws and corporations and agreeing to drive on particular side of the road.

    Yuval Noah Harari covers this more eloquently in his book Sapiens. You would definitely dig the relevant chapters.

    • Ganesh VenugopalOP
      1 year ago

      Yuval Noah Harari covers this more eloquently in his book Sapiens.

      time to read it again I think. It is a wonderful book, but I dont remember reading about this particular topic in enough detail. Thank you for your comment

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        You are more than welcome! The chapter is called Unification of Humankind for anyone else interested, here is a little excerpt:

        “Myths and fictions accustomed people, nearly from the moment of birth, to think in certain ways, to behave in accordance with certain standards, to want certain things, and to observe certain rules. They thereby created artificial instincts that enabled millions of strangers to cooperate effectively. This network of artificial instincts is called ‘culture’.”

        • Ganesh VenugopalOP
          21 year ago

          time to read it again I think. It is a wonderful book, but I dont remember reading about this particular topic in enough detail. Thank you for your comment

          haha, thank you again!

    • @PeteZ
      11 year ago

      Seems like there’s a bunch of Sapiens books. Which book and which chapters were you thinking of?

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        It’s literally Sapiens, the first book. The chapter is called the Unification of Humankind, from the quick look I had online.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Humans have brains and are social creatures. Brains love processing information. Learn from things that happen to people around you or even fictional ones. Are curious and want to connect information. Also we’re built to empathize with others to be able to form groups/a society. We will even empathize with fictional characters and inanimate objects that have big eyes and a mouth.

    Evolution gave that to us. We wouldn’t have survived as a species if we had cared zero what happened to our neighbours. A story about Harry Potter is probably on the same level for our brains.

    • Ganesh VenugopalOP
      31 year ago

      Beautiful explanation. I just learned something else. Our brain can’t learn and listen to everything, so if you listen to stories from the point of view of a certain ideology or person, the more you feel justified to defend that person as long as that person is within rational limits of actions.

      You get what I am trying to say, I think this is a factor in why we are so polarized today. We are empathizing with and listening to people who have a particular bent of ideology more and more and since our brains don’t really like contradictions, the more we listen to one kind of stories, we can’t listen to the other kind of stories, what do you think?

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        I’m not so sure with the contradictions. People love being hypocrites. I’ve seen otherwise very intelligent and educated people believe in hocus pocus like homeopathy but adhere to scientific results in other aspects and be happy with both. Religion is just contradictions on steroids…

        • Ganesh VenugopalOP
          21 year ago

          I agree with you completely here. Although I too am not sure about contradictions. I think I was going for the word coherence here.

          Religion is just contradictions on steroids…

          This is so true. I mean, for something which is holy, our fingerprints are all over it and it shows.

        • @FooBarrington
          21 year ago

          But usually hypocrites don’t see themselves as such. They think they are behaving rationally, and lie to themselves as to not see the contradiction.

          We’d rather discount new information than confront our biases.

  • @RizzRustbolt
    81 year ago

    Empathy and projection.

    You can understand how they feel, and by doing so, you can place yourself in their situation.

  • @[email protected]
    81 year ago

    The world is complicated and difficult to navigate. Stories usually give you a simplified world where it’s easier to understand and relate to. Just think of most religious stories and myths, they exist to explain something unexplainable (how the world was created) or how to behave in a society (cautionary tales and parabolas)

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      how to behave in a society (cautionary tales and parabolas)

      I find the best cautionary tales are quadratic

  • NaibofTabr
    71 year ago

    We tell ourselves stories about our own actions, choices and beliefs (internally). We desperately want to believe that our own behavior is consistent and coherent. Fitting our behavior into a narrative helps us maintain this illusion (“I did Y thing because X thing happened to me, and then Z thing happened because I did Y”).

    We tend to assume that cause-and-effect relationships are true and real, that we perceive causes and effects correctly, that we associate causes with effects accurately, and that we perceive all causes and effects that are relevant. These assumptions give us a narrative structure through which we make sense of our own behavior… though they are about as reliable as any of our other assumptions.

    Anyway, the upshot is that framing the actions, choices and beliefs of others into a story helps us to understand and empathize with them (or condemn and villify them). The stories are a construct formed mostly from confirmation bias, but we struggle to make sense of reality without them.

  • Hot Saucerman
    51 year ago

    I would say the simple answer is in why we still teach “story problems” in math.

    The “story” of the math problem gives us a way to contextualize knowledge in how it can be applied to real life.

    Most stories impart social knowledge, not math knowledge. Stories are primarily about relationships and how to (or how not to) navigate them.

  • JamesBean
    1 year ago

    In philosophy, what you’re asking about is called the paradox of fiction.