The House and the Democratic-controlled Senate are due to be in session for about 12 days before funding expires on Sept. 30, leaving little time to agree on a package of 12 appropriations bills that can pass each chamber and win Democratic President Joe Biden’s signature.

The main bone of contention among House Republicans is a demand by roughly three-dozen members of the hardline House Freedom Caucus to cut spending for fiscal 2024 to $1.47 trillion – about $120 billion less than Biden and Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy agreed in May.

The White House and Senate leaders – including top Republican Mitch McConnell – have rejected that demand.

That dispute and other hardline demands, including opposition to Ukraine aid and calls for an impeachment inquiry against Biden, could imperil efforts to pass a short-term stopgap, known as a continuing resolution or “CR,” which would keep federal agencies afloat while lawmakers debate full-scale appropriations.

  • @YoBuckStopsHere
    881 year ago

    I’m so tired of Conservatives shutting down the government.

    • @Fapper_McFapper
      751 year ago

      I’m so tired of conservatives.

      That’s my version.

      • Hot Saucerman
        1 year ago

        They don’t even want to conserve anything good. Their whole “family values” trope is just an engine for violent abusive men to have a green light to be violent and abusive to their families without repercussion.

        Every single thing they want to “conserve” are all the things holding humanity back.

        • chaogomu
          261 year ago

          They want to conserve the power of white male supremacy and the outsized power of wealth on society.

          That’s the entire platform. They want select white men to have all the wealth and power, with descending social hierarchies that are fixed in stone.

          So yes, everything that was wrong with the past, everything that is still holding us back. Literally so.

          This thread talks about how 15-20% of the economic growth of the last 60 years was driven by being slightly less shitty to women and black people.

          • Hot Saucerman
            1 year ago

            Businesses already know that diversity and acceptance mean more profits. They don’t even care about the value of human life.

            They just figured out that:

            • Not discriminating means they have a wider group of people to sell their products to, thus most profit
            • Not discriminating means they have a wider group of people to hire, thus better, more competent hires
            • Not discriminating means fewer people have a negative outlook of their company and are less likely to boycott their products

            None of that has anything to do with accepting/understanding that all human life has intrinsic value. It’s just about profits.

            Yet they would dump those profits down the drain just so they could discriminate a little longer, fucking idiots.

            • Flying Squid
              31 year ago

              Yep. Just like how the U.S. military is spending a huge amount of money investing on doing what they can to protect themselves from climate change. It’s not because they’re woke liberals, it’s because they see the writing on the wall.

          • @[email protected]
            81 year ago

            15-20% of the economic growth of the last 60 years was driven by being sightly less shitty to women and black people

            But what’s even the point in having money if I can still get cancelled for calling my wife the n-word in a restaurant full of obviously-criminal Mexicans?

        • @SheeEttin
          71 year ago

          Republicans aren’t even the conservative party any more, they’re regressives. The current conservatives are the establishment Democrats, like Joe “nothing will fundamentally change” Biden. (And yes, before someone jumps on it saying he was talking to rich people, I know. If anything, that’s worse.)

        • @[email protected]
          -11 year ago

          Every conservative woman I know is a single mother with a deadbeat baby daddy.

          Funny how these white people became what they criticized blacks of for so long.

    • Flying Squid
      31 year ago

      This is entirely avoidable. They could fund the government for the next century if they wanted to.

  • slowd0wn
    1 year ago

    Republicans pulled this same shit during Obama’s tenure. They have no intention of negotiating in good faith. They want the shutdown so they can point their fingers at Dems during their campaigns in the coming year. We’ll have a shutdown, suspending important government agencies and furloughing hundreds, if not thousands, of Americans just to manufacture an anti-liberal talking point.

    • Scrubbles
      261 year ago

      This is an annual occurrence now. It’s just break time for senators while they get to point fingers. You’re right on all accounts here. We should have term limits on these senators and get some new people who may actually want to… idk… govern or something

      • @bennel
        141 year ago

        In Canada and the UK, if the government fails to pass a budget, it triggers an automatic vote of no confidence, parliament is dissolved, and it triggers a general election.

        US politicians do not suffer any consequences for failing to do their job.

        • Scrubbles
          71 year ago

          Why do you gotta hurt me with these wonderful ideas that will never happen here?

      • @[email protected]
        41 year ago

        It’s the House that is the problem right now. The Senate might actually ram a bipartisan spending bill down their throats, they are apparently tired of this shit as well.

      • @[email protected]
        -31 year ago

        Let’s just do direct voting.

        Solves so many problems when people get to directly vote on the problems that matter to them.

    • Prox
      41 year ago

      Shit, they did the same thing this year with the debt ceiling. And now they’re already going back on the promises they made. No reason to negotiate with these terrorists.

  • Hot Saucerman
    1 year ago

    Aren’t these the same people who absolutely lost their shit over a “lockdown” that wasn’t a lockdown and “shutting down” the economy during a worldwide pandemic?

    So, in some reality, they understand that wholesale shutting things down without a plan is a bad thing, huh?

    When will anyone wake up and start screaming in these motherfuckers faces “You’re painfully transparently operating in bad faith, you piece of shit!”

    • Noxy
      111 year ago

      They know they’re hypocrites. They’re ok with it. You can’t shame a Nazi as they are proudly goosestepping, that’s just an entirely pointless exercise.

  • Rhaedas
    131 year ago

    The only thing that helps this headline stand out from so many “uh no, shutdown” headlines of the past is the included impeachment part. The shutdown will be used to its fullest drama potential just like before until the very end with some compromise, and the impeachment as well.

    Is this impeachment about Hunter Biden, or have they moved on from that nonsense? Oh, it’s about Joe Biden. Well, let’s see what evidence you have to work with and…oh, you don’t have any yet? That’s kind of necessary, guys.

    • Hot Saucerman
      1 year ago

      oh, you don’t have any [evidence] yet? That’s kind of necessary, guys.

      Conservatives: Is it, though? I don’t need proof to know God exists…

      These people live and breathe a false reality of a hierarchy that starts with God, who famously refuses to prove he exists, because otherwise people wouldn’t have “faith” and for some reason God really needs you to trust him without any evidence, and if you don’t… you’re going to Hell to burn for eternity.

      Huh, sounds a lot like the abusive demands of the conservatives. I wonder where they learned to be like that.

      It was, and always has been, a cult of purposeful ignorance.

      • @[email protected]
        71 year ago

        You’ll never convince me that they actually believe in God. If they did, they’d have to face the fact that the Bible disagrees with most of what they do. I think they just use their rhetoric about God as a means to an end, to capture the Christian voting bloc.

        • @SheeEttin
          11 year ago

          I didn’t know that that was in doubt.