The White House reiterated on Friday that President Biden would not pardon his son Hunter Biden if he is convicted of a crime.

When asked if Biden would commute his son’s sentence if convicted on gun charges, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said no. This marks the first definitive answer the administration has given since Hunter Biden was formally charged on Thursday, though a similar message was first floated in July.

“I’ve answered this question before,” Jean-Pierre said, referencing the July briefing. “It was asked of me not too long ago, a couple of weeks ago, and I was very clear, and I said no.”

Hunter Biden was indicted on three felony gun charges, alleging that the younger Biden illegally purchased a gun while on drugs. The charges could carry a 10 year sentence if convicted.

His attorney has denied the charges, and said their constitutionality is “very much in doubt”

“It is a unique and unjustified charge. Hunter owned an unloaded gun for 11 days,” attorney Abbe Lowell said Thursday. “There has never been a charge like this that has been brought in the United States.”

The president’s son is also under investigation by a federal special counsel for alleged tax misconduct and by a Republican House investigation into prior business deals.

Special Counsel David Weiss stated in court filings that he intends to finalize charges related to the tax misconduct by the end of the month.

Republicans allege that Biden used his position to garner lucrative deals for his son. Members of the House GOP have used the claims to push for an impeachment inquiry against the president.

  • OctopusKurwa
    1509 months ago

    Meanwhile Trump sold people like Lil Wayne pardons for 2 million quid a pop and sprung Roger Stone and Paul Manafort.

    • @biker_bard
      849 months ago

      Doesn’t matter because they’re not playing by the same rules. Things like ethics are NOT relevant to the right. They only care about perceived wins. We are quickly approaching the point where ALL things will be on the table.

      • @[email protected]
        9 months ago

        Just curious because my imagination can’t reach that far - but aside from outright civil war (because they’ve explicitly voiced support for it), what other things can happen that are “unprecedented” when we’ve already had plenty of instances of domestic terrorism and a literal coup attemp where the mob wanted to lynch the sitting VP

        • @crypticthree
          39 months ago

          There is very much a precedent for civil war

    • @NevermindNoMind
      349 months ago

      Right? The precedent has been set, the president can use the pardon power for favors or profit or whatever. Biden should just call it a witch hunt, pardon Hunter, and everyone will forget in 2 weeks.

      • Bizarroland
        179 months ago

        That’s the kind of thing you only get to do when you sell your soul to the devil.

        If you’re the soul having variety of politician then that option simply isn’t available to you.

      • Problem is that it still damages the institutions and weakens the rule of law and democracy. The right always has an advantage because they want to destroy democracy while playing politics, whereas the center and left need to also protect democracy on top of playing politics.

        • @madcaesar
          49 months ago

          Too many people, even on the left, don’t understand this point. The Democrats have to fight bad faith actors while not stooping the their shitty level.

          So every time I hear lefties screaming why isn’t Joe doing more, it’s because he has to play by the rules and not act like lunatic Trump.

    • partial_accumen
      229 months ago

      And Rod Blagojevich who tried to use his power as Governor of the state of Illinois to literally sell a senate seat to the highest bidder. He was convicted and sent to prison…and Trump pardoned him.

    • hudson
      169 months ago

      2 million quid a pop

      Thanks for the mental image of Trump forcing Lil Wayne to pay in British Pounds rather than USD in some sort of sadistic mind-game.

      • PupBiru
        59 months ago

        i believe the current policy is to force people to pay in rubles

        • loobkoob
          39 months ago

          Two million rubles? Let me check down the back of the sofa

    • Nougat
      119 months ago

      And Flynn, who is an unindicted co-conspirator I’m Georgia now, for things he did since he was pardoned.

    • @linearchaos
      19 months ago

      Yeah, honestly he should just wait until the 11th hour of his presidency in part in them it’s not It doesn’t happen for practically every president since the beginning

    • @[email protected]
      129 months ago

      Because it’s a bullshit charge to begin with. He should just pardon everyone with a conviction for that.

  • Flying Squid
    389 months ago

    I’m going to keep asking this question and you should too: why is the NRA being so silent?

    • @[email protected]
      129 months ago

      The NRA, and Republicans supported gun control targeted at armed people of color, so this really shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone.

      Gun control in California comes from Republicans being afraid of the Black Panthers, and Ronald Reagan is actually the one that banned open carrying in the state. Now Republicans blame liberals for the strict gun laws in California, because the brains of Republicans have been eaten by amoeba.

    • @charles
      129 months ago

      Obviously because they agree that the federal government should be taking guns and locking up anyone who uses any drug. /s

    • @30mag
      9 months ago

      deleted by creator

    • @[email protected]
      39 months ago

      I’ll ask that of 2a rights groups that actually do stuff, but the NRA has existed solely to fill Wayne LaPierre’s pockets for a long time, they don’t actually do shit.

  • NotAFuckingBot
    359 months ago

    The GOP is what occurs when a sewer full of used condoms reach critical mass.

    • FuglyDuck
      59 months ago

      This explains why they’re anti-abortion. They want to live…

  • @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    “If Joe pardons Hunter, then he’s a terrible father for not teaching his son to take responsibility for his actions. And if Joe doesn’t pardon Hunter, then he’s a terrible father for not showing his son unconditional love and understanding.”

    Coming soon from Fox or NYT near you…

    • @BrianTheeBiscuiteer
      109 months ago

      Oh, I heard pretty much the same thing on on local radio. I think they all get the same newsletter that tells them what their talking points should be.

      • @saruwatarikooji
        49 months ago

        You’re not far off… Basically any news outlets with any ties to murdoch get a script for what they have to say.

        There was a YouTube video not long back that pulled clips from a bunch of local news stations and showed how they were all saying the exact same thing almost verbatim… It started cutting between them in succession and the report was still coherent.

  • @Zerophnx
    299 months ago

    I mean, obviously he’ll just pardon himself!

    He’s running for president, and that’s why we keep hearing about him, right?

  • @[email protected]
    239 months ago

    Hunter Biden was indicted on three felony gun charges, alleging that the younger Biden illegally purchased a gun while on drugs.

    Do Republicans really want to open the Pandora’s box of combing through firearms sales? Surely that leopard wouldn’t turn on them.

    Hunter owned an unloaded gun for 11 days

    That kind of sounds like a straw purchase, and is something with a legal precedent. Why wouldn’t they go for that?

    • @DocMcStuffin
      159 months ago

      That kind of sounds like a straw purchase, and is something with a legal precedent. Why wouldn’t they go for that?

      He only owned it for 11 days because his wife threw it in the garbage.

      • @AbidanYre
        169 months ago

        That does not sound like the right way to get rid of a gun.

      • @[email protected]
        79 months ago

        Ahh, the old “My wife threw it in the trash”. Second only to “I lost it in a boating accident”.

        I jest. Thanks for answering, I didn’t know that part.

  • @[email protected]
    239 months ago

    Hey president, so are you going to do something corrupt?

    No? Really? Why the fuck not?

    America is silly place…

  • @[email protected]
    129 months ago

    Hol’ up, this is bullshit. Even if you think there’re other reasons to go after him (heard some noise about business dealings overseas, don’t know what that’s about), this is clearly bullshit. First of all, those republicans, like me, are supposed to support gun ownership, and imo that should include nonviolent felons. In fact, a court case recently ruled drug users can possess firearms, so I’m interested to see how that plays out.

    Get good republicans, gun ownership is not a crime, nor are bump stocks, FRTs, DIAS, etc.

  • blazera
    119 months ago

    Awesome, so republicans are on board with more gun regulation right?

    • @30mag
      9 months ago

      deleted by creator

  • @[email protected]
    119 months ago

    If he did the crime, he should do the time. See how fucking simple that is, you republican monkeyspanks?

  • @30mag
    9 months ago

    deleted by creator

  • @PetDinosaurs
    9 months ago

    I want the book to be thrown at Hunter.

    Ten times the penalty that Trump got the last time he was evading taxes and ten times the gun charges the last NRA fluffer got when they had a gun on probation (or whatever that charge is)

    We can’t send the message that the children of our president can just enrich themselves at the teat of the government.

    Of course he shouldn’t pardon him. How has it come this far?

    Edit: Did I really have to be more obvious that this is a criticism of Trump and his family’s behavior? Seriously? I even used the word fluffer.

    • @AbidanYre
      249 months ago

      We can’t send the message that the children of our president can just enrich themselves at the teat of the government.

      We missed that boat by about 6 years.

      • @BrianTheeBiscuiteer
        109 months ago

        I can’t believe nobody has even brought up all the taxpayer dollars that went into the Presidents hotels while he was in office.

        *checks notes*

        Oh, wait. Biden is President now?

        • @takeda
          19 months ago

          Don’t worry, because the hotels were his, he charged a special rate.

      • @PetDinosaurs
        9 months ago

        I mean. Did everyone really not get that?

        Did I have to be more obvious that this was commentary on the trump family?

        I’m down voted a lot already, but seriously?

        • @AbidanYre
          139 months ago

          Sarcasm died under Trump. Sorry.

          • @PetDinosaurs
            9 months ago

            Sigh. My wife and I are currently talking about a “this is why we can’t have nice things” movie parody of the godfather or something.

            I can’t find it because the Internet now sucks and t swift has over taken that query.

            I didn’t know that was a thing!

          • @BrianTheeBiscuiteer
            29 months ago

            Sadly true. The level of ass-kissing and cognitive dissonance is really at an all-time high.

    • FuglyDuck
      89 months ago

      So. You’re for prosecuting Jared Kushner, too?

      Who received 2 billion dollars from the Saudis for no stated reason. While serving as a senior advisor to his daddy-in-law?

      Hunters employment might be a bit shady…. But it wasn’t illegal. kushner’s bribe was.

      • @PetDinosaurs
        29 months ago

        Of course. That was commentary on the trump crime family.

    • @takeda
      79 months ago

      Unfortunately we were shown time and time again that GOP doesn’t care about looking like hypocrites. Their base is completly disconnected with the real world.