• @orangeNgreen
    318 months ago

    Coffee. Unhealthy amounts of coffee.

  • @Fosheze
    128 months ago

    I eat like I’m in an apocalypse survival game. What did my survivor find to eat today? Ooh, root beer and string cheese.

  • Kalash
    8 months ago

    Cheese. I’m pretty sure I never go a day without eating some cheese. Cheese is the best.

  • @[email protected]
    108 months ago

    Breakfast on weekdays is peanut butter on wholemeal toast. With a huge cup of coffee.

    Throughout the day I drink water flavoured by raspberries and blueberries.

    Dinner (or lunch to the rest of the English speaking world, I’m from northern England) is a chickpea and mixed vegetable salad I prep for the week on Sunday.

    Tea (main evening meal) is normally a pie or something breaded like a Kiev or fish served with chips (chunky fries) and mixed frozen vegetables. Then Greek yoghurt with mashed frozen raspberries and blueberries for dessert.

    As a snack most days some digestive biscuits with a cup of tea (what’s normally called breakfast tea).

    Saturdays I skip breakfast and have a bacon sandwich for dinner.

    Once a month I order a huge calzone for tea on a Saturday (my local takeaway calls it the Monster, it has every kind of meat they serve in it) which I dunk in mayonnaise and pig out on whilst drinking a Doombar. Then I have another Doombar whilst smoking a cigar afterwards. Normally there’s enough calzone left for food the following day.

    • @Duvidl
      58 months ago

      This… what?

      I’ve never heard of these Northern English pecularities. Fascinating.

    • @[email protected]
      48 months ago

      Ooh, gonna have to try that. I just do peanut butter on wholemeal toast. With a huge cup of coffee.

    • @BertramDitore
      38 months ago

      For some reason I can’t eat peanut butter in the morning, it’s weird. I’ve tried, and it makes me gag. But I LOVE peanut butter in general, and crunchy with honey is my favorite. If I’m feeling extra special I’ll add some salted butter…

  • @thorbot
    98 months ago

    Unsweetened Greek yogurt with berries and granola for breakfast or a bagel and a hard boiled egg

    Lunch: whatever leftovers I packed from dinner yesterday

    Dinner: tacos, pasta, burgers, steak, sandwiches, wraps, or if I’m feeling lazy a bagel and cream cheese

  • @lupercalia
    68 months ago

    At 8 o’clock in the morning, I’ll have fish and a rice cake. At 10 o’clock, I’ll have fish. At 12 o’clock, I’ll have fish and a rice cake. At 2 o’clock, I’ll have fish. At 4 o’clock, just before I train, I’ll have fish and a rice cake. I’ll train and I’ll have me fish and I’ll come home, have some more fish with a rice cake and then have some fish before I go to bed and that’s it for the day.

  • @[email protected]
    58 months ago

    Rolled oats with either yogurt or milk for breakfast, 9 out of ten days, and 2 L of water during the day

  • @Lazylazycat
    8 months ago

    I’m part of a veg co-op so get amazing, locally grown veg pretty cheap. So I’m eating very seasonally lately and it’s nice. Last week was an aubergine glut so I made baba ganoush. This week we get squashes for the first time this year, I’m excited!

  • @[email protected]
    58 months ago

    I get to work and make myself a toasted bagel sandwich with jam and vegan cream cheese. I also make a flask of earl grey tea with a teaspoon of sugar. Lunch is often a veggie burrito. Dinner depends. Usually stew or curry or stir fry.