like what did you dream for in the future or wanted as a job for when you became an adult. what did you end up getting stuck with?

i dident really have a dream as a kid, those were the years when i messed around and learned. now im in high school struggling with life and being paranoid for dumb reasons.

    • @wreckedcarzz
      121 year ago

      You could say you are “cooking up some tasty updates”

      immediately booed off stage

    • @[email protected]
      71 year ago

      It took me actually working in food service to realize that cooking in a restaurant is way different than cooking at home.

      I couldn’t deal with the stress of a restaurant so now I do cybersecurity for an MSP

    • @[email protected]OP
      31 year ago

      you know sometimes life happens and software development is something i wish i could do.

    • Dandroid
      1 year ago

      When I started college, I was thinking I was going to major in music. Took a bunch of music classes, piano, etc. Also a software developer.

      • @whaleross
        11 year ago

        I did composition, arranged concerts, went to art school, got a masters… Can you imagine; Software developer.

    • @Thanatos931
      31 year ago

      You wanna be the very best. Like no one ever was. Catch them is your real test. To train them is your cause. You will travel across the land. Searching far and wide. Teach Pokémon to understand. The power that’s inside.

  • @[email protected]
    141 year ago

    I didn’t really know what I wanted to be, but in hindsight it’s mostly because I didn’t really know any options. In a small town in the 90s it was finish school, then go work in a shop (girls) or a factory (boys). That was the assumption and basically the whole career “advice” setup at my school.

    So it kinda makes sense that nobody there seemed to have any ambitions.

    Thankfully, I eventually found out that you’re allowed to work with computers. Maybe someone would’ve mentioned that to me earlier if I’d been male but again, 90s. I taught myself web development, made a living off that for a while, eventually had enough and pivoted into being a small-time craft YouTuber!

  • @runjun
    121 year ago

    I’ve never once known what I wanted to do. It’s working out. But I did sell my soul to Uncle Sam for a while.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      I can’t get on a ladder taller than myself but am a pilot as my job. You might want to try it, it might not affect you as far as being afraid of heights is concerned.

    • @Anonymouse
      11 year ago

      Same! I was told that I could not be a pilot because I wear glasses, so I gave up. In hindsight, it was probably OK. I’ve known several pilots and the first few years can be really hard to have a family or even a relationship.

      Ironically, 3 of the pilots I know are afraid of heights.

  • @[email protected]
    101 year ago

    Kid me had two things I wanted to be. Homeless and a soldier. I really liked war and I liked the idea of wandering around the city and being able to build a little hut wherever I wanted.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    I wanted to be an astrophysicist, then I realize that I suck at theoretical maths, so I became an engineer and worked on rocket engines manufacturing, but I realize that working on aerospace projects is way too much paperwork.

    Now I’m working with a small windows and doors manufacturing company to modernize their processes and I love it!

    • @whaleross
      11 year ago

      Astrophysicist do theoretical math?

  • Gormadt
    101 year ago

    When I was a little kid people would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I simply answered “Happy”.

    As I got older I learned what I enjoyed doing and I had some ideas.

    First I wanted to be teacher, then I wanted to be an engineer, then I wanted to be a teacher again, then I became homeless so I had only the dream of getting enough of a job to get a roof over my head.

    Then life got harder once I left highschool and basically all the support I was getting went away. I was homeless and I had a job that I was dumping all of my money into going to school to try and make it work. I really wanted to be a teacher.

    Then some stuff happened causing life to get even harder and I dropped out. What little support I had went away.

    I still had dreams of being a teacher as soon as I could get my life together.

    Then my life fell apart further.

    And further.

    Eventually I got my life together enough to try again. But then life got hard again and I had to make a call. Risk homelessness again or drop out again.

    I drive a forklift now… I have for nearly a decade and I’ll probably drive it for a long long time more.

    Sometimes I think about becoming a teacher, but finances being what they are nowadays I could never afford the schooling and rent. And with what teacher’s salaries are if I took loans I’d never be able to pay them back.

    • @[email protected]
      61 year ago

      I’m glad I wasn’t the only one that wanted to work on a garbage truck, for the exact same reason!

  • @[email protected]
    81 year ago

    Don’t worry bout it bud. Some ppl know what they wanna do and some ppl gotta find it. You’ll find it eventually.

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      I am in my 40s and still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up.

      For real though, I had a variety of jobs when I got out of school. I went into the military, went to college for something that I didn’t want to do, worked in several fields, fell into a job in technology, went back to school, and I’ll retire doing this unless something drastically changes.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      And many people think they know what they wanna do and then realize it isn’t for them when they actually do it

  • @[email protected]
    81 year ago

    I wanted to be an Imagineer and then at 50 years old, I fell into it after decades of being an IT Management Consultant.

    • @Snapz
      11 year ago

      Are they sending you to Florida? And did you consult for Disney prior to becoming an Imagineer?

  • @[email protected]
    71 year ago

    You can change careers in your 40s/50s if you want.

    It’s likely easier to get into the field you want once you’re established, have resources and work experience even if it’s not relevant.

    So don’t freak out haha

    But personally when I was 11 we got a PC. My parents put it in my room. Which tbh irritated me at the time.

    But I got super into it and started looking around the program files folder and at all the weird files in there.

    I decided my dream was to make an application that needed those weird files. Which I did about a year later haha

    But I fell in love with programming. I chose all my secondary school and college classes so I could get into university for it.

    I actually did Games Technology but realised I didn’t enjoy that as much as general programming.

    So I was lucky that i had the computer in my room and found something I was good at when I was young. And even luckier that it pays well.

    Your future isn’t generally decided by a couple big decisions but 100s of small ones.

    If you’re worried just start trying different things and you’ll likely find something you enjoy and/or have a talent for.

  • maegul (he/they)
    61 year ago

    Fighter jet pilot, but without the bombing or fighting or anything.

    Business man wheeling and dealing in a suit … seemed like fun.

  • @Redx
    61 year ago

    In high school I wanted to be an architect. Graduated and went on to struggling for years working in retail til I finally had enough and went to college. Found out quickly that there was zero demand in my area for that and pivoted to being a mechanical engineer. I now have 13 years of doing that and am glad I went that option as I can go anywhere in the world with this skill set.

    • Tar_Alcaran
      31 year ago

      I wanted to be a civil engineer and design bridges and buildings basically since I was 10. When I went to university and took my first Statics/mechanics class, I noped the fuck out and studied chemistry instead.