Just a sanity check here but… yall ever been mid conversation with someone and confused that they’ve forgotten a thing you talked about… until you realize that previous conversation took place entirely in your head?

  • purplexed
    231 year ago

    Yeah that happens to me a fair bit.

    The other one I found myself in, is that something they say reminds me of A, and I think it would be funny if B, so I jump to conclusion C, and then try to make a joke about D, completely skipping past and not even mentioning everything that transpired in my head that lead to E.

    • dindonmasker
      111 year ago

      When i try to describe my train of thought that led to the funny thing it often takes too long to keep any kind of momentum and everything falls flat…

    • Rhynoplaz
      71 year ago

      This is me every day.

    • @SweetBlueAlienJunk
      1 year ago

      This happens with me and my on-the-autism-spectrum friend who also does it. We somehow managed to have a lot of the same traits while being entirely differently neurodivergent.

      Our conversations are very ehm… ‘dynamic’ as we have to constantly loop back to point B that got lost somewhere in the path to point E and also have you considered point M?

      Nobody else can follow the train of thought.

  • @turbodrooler
    151 year ago

    Big time daydreamer and conversation pre-planner over here. So, yes.

  • Rhynoplaz
    121 year ago

    Maybe not so much that I remember saying things that I didn’t, but more like:

    I need to tell them X, Y, and Z.

    “Y!” 🤦🏻‍♂️

  • @sfcl33t
    91 year ago

    My wife does this all the time. Multitasking on her phone, talking to multiple people at once, she’ll often say something to me with zero context. She had the first part of the conversation in her head. Sometimes she will swear she told me something that she definitely hasn’t as well.

  • RQG
    91 year ago

    I go through a ton of hypothetical conversations like that in my head. So far I was always able to discern between real and made up though as far as I can tell.

  • Ada
    81 year ago

    I can’t “imagine” conversations in that way, so it’s not something I’ve experienced

  • @Acamon
    31 year ago

    I often have dreams about having conversations with peoole I know, often abiut really mundane stuff. It’s very annoying, because my memory isn’t great i genuinely struggle at times to figure out if it happened for real or was just a dream. Often I realise because it was impossible, like I’ll be telling my parter that I chatted to X about something and they’ll ask “when did you see X?” and I’ll realise that I haven’t seen them in weeks so I can’t have had that conversation. It’s even come up at work and I’ve had to check with coworkers, “have we spoken about this already?” (although I try and keep the “or did I just dream it” to my self).