>be me
>be white
>have job in landscaping for multiple HOAs
>work with a lot of latinos who speak little to no English
>white lady comes up to me
“OH thank God, someone who speaks English”
>start speaking back to her in Dutch
she continues talking to him anyway because she really only cared that he’s white
Ja, dat is logisch
Ein Deutscher kannst das auch verstehen.
Ja dat klopt
Wie ein Pferd?
goed dat we elkaar begrijpen
Ich dachte das wäre Deutsch UFF XD
Im Zweifelsfall: diese Kommentarsektion ist ab sofort Eigentum der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
Nee, G E K O L O N I S E E RD.
𝕯𝖎𝖊𝖘𝖊 𝕶𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖘𝖊𝖐𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖎𝖘𝖙 𝖓𝖚𝖓 𝕰𝖎𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖚𝖒 𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝕭𝖚𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖘𝖗𝖊𝖕𝖚𝖇𝖑𝖎𝖐 𝕯𝖊𝖚𝖙𝖘𝖈𝖍𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖉
Be me (middle aged white woman, not that it matters)
Be homeowner
Be part of HOA
Not really a huge fan but kinda hard to avoid these days
HOA pays for lawn care, so there’s that
there’s supposed to be an area that they won’t touch if they see you planted your own stuff
think it would be cool to grow some flowers
Go up to lawncare guy and ask about it
Looks confused, doesn’t speak English
I get it, not his fault
Asked four guys now, all don’t speak English
Kinda frustrated, but again I get it
see white guy (super pale)
Assume that he’s from America because we live in Virginia
Go up to him, tell him I’m happy I found someone who can speak English
Looks at me and takes in what I’m saying. Seems like he can understand me
starts speaking dutch
Go inside
Husband asks me what’s wrong
tell him everything
Tells me to not worry. He’ll go outside and won’t stop until he finds someone
Comes back about thirty minutes later
"Yeah most of them didn’t speak English, but there was one guy who was super helpful. Turns out he’s a university student making some cash over the summer "
“He’s actually from Holland, isn’t that weird?”
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Downvote this comment? Yessir!
Ask and ye shall be targeted
Not your personal army etc
lmao hivemind dumbass
Karen jokes are for boys that want to be openly sexist and hate women that they’re not attracted to (middle age). Then they specify she’s white so they can’t be perceived as racist.
Ding! It is a lazy way to pretend you are morally superior.
She may not be a Karen. The story is intentionally vague enough to simply indicate exasperation at a language barrier, and the person you replied to is the only one who noticed.
The story is vague, but the title is not.
I like the its-actually-not-a-karen viewpoint, but you did set a certain view on the story by giving it that title, there’s no denying that.
Very intentionally, yes, as I was certain that it would appeal to Lemmy’s superiority complex. I wondered how long it would take for a single comment to point out the assumption, and the answer was 12 hours. No presumption of innocence here. I don’t really have a horse in this race, I just like baiting and seeing what bites.
No, but why don’t you hold that blue arrow for me
I don’t think you understood the comment…
Go back to Facebook you bag of cunt.
lol y’all really believe Dutch is a real language
Edit: speak all the gibberish you like, you can’t fool me
It is.
Belgian is a myth though.
What about Belgian chocolate? Is it real or am I being ripped off?
It started off real but now it’s basically a parody of itself.
Like wearing nuthin at all!
I see what you did there
For sure there’s good Belgian chocolate, those seashells are just not one of them.
Sugary grainy praline.
So I’ve been ripped off. Dammit.
Ela kalm eh
Flemish or French?
There are only two things I can’t stand in this world; people who are intolerant of other people’s culture, and the Dutch.
I too can’t stand anything in this world.
Same here. Probably a shared feeling among us Dutch folk.
Lmao, love that movie!
As a German I think they are only making it up to mess with Germans
1 ei. 2 eieren.
Nog altijd makkelijker dan 97 zeggen in het Frans
Hier hebben we gelukkig nonante
nee niet echt nee
Stiekem doen we gewoon alsof.
Héél stiekem, terwijl we zo heel stilletjes in ons hoofd engels praten zo.
Lol jullie geloven serieus dat Nederlands een echte taal is
I just hear swamp noises :P
bango music playing softly In the distance
Als ik je zie dan maak ik je kapot verrekte kut!
haha ! as if that meant anything
Zeg makker
Nederlands is een echte taal. Je kan mij alles vragen en zal reageren in het Nederlands.
Kei tof
Nieuw-Amsterdam komt terug, het is slechts een kwestie van tijd
I don’t spriken zee Deutch, but this feels… ethnicly charged.
Also als deutscher verstehe ich’s trotzdem
Also also
Ja ik begrijp dat dat iets moois is om te doen.
I hate Dutch so much its almost unhealthy.
De taal zelf of de mensen? Zit nogal een heugelijk verschil in mooie randdebiel.
Okie Dookie friendokie, stfu.
Nee, jij
Is dat een vraag?
Wat zou de conversion rate van alle landen zijn omtrend reddit naar lemmy? Interesting question indeed
Bedoel je de conversie ratio?
Ik denk 3
Een beetje Nederlander kan heel goed Engels praten hoor.
Praten goed engels jaa
Sank yoo ferry muts
I like all dit. My husband is antiquair.
My husband foks horses
Yesh paarden
De achttiende eeuw belde zojuist, ze willen hun grapje terug.
VOC mentaliteit
Being able to communicate to other people is sort of an important thing that could feel frustrating.
…why are we being him, again?
Now, as ever, ‘For the lulz.’
Whenever someone says that to me I automatically switch over to my very limited Spanish. They will get no quarter from me.
Esta es la forma.
You should have said to her, “Eh güey, chinga tu madre, pinche pandejo!”
The word is actually pendejo, with an e. Pandejo sounds like you’re trying to make a bread-based pun, like dickbread instead of head
Boludo este, nó?
The universal Spanish of all manual laborers everywhere.
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You mean overalls? Overalls are perfect for outdoor labor because you won’t get straw or bugs or pig shit sneaking down your pants or up your back,. No belt means less chance to get caught on machinery or something to pull your life out.
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Imagine being European…
that’s how American farmer guys dress
Because that’s how my mom’s fucking idiot fiance dresses. It’s a thing.
Bitterballen for everyone!
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En koning pintenman, onze god
Anglich, la lengua de Wily Chipirito