• @hperrin
    11 months ago

    You can definitely tell how old it is because both Rust and 3D printed guns have gotten way better.

    And TypeScript is just the JavaScript sword, but with a cheap leather hilt.

    • @ours
      4511 months ago

      And C# now can be taken off the donkey and mounted on a penguin and works rather well.

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      It’s a heavy duty hilt that’s easily detachable by a small recessed switch labeled “any”.

      (It does its job very well as long as you don’t opt out of using it)

      • @[email protected]
        1711 months ago

        Except the tool you use to build the hilt in the first place has 100 permutations of settings, and most of them kill you on the spot.

    • @9point6
      3211 months ago

      because it makes it (type)safe to use…!

    • @alokir
      11 months ago

      Also C# (or should I say the .net framework) is now cross platform, which wasn’t really the case when I first saw this meme.

      This joke made sense when instead of .net you could only use Mono with C# on other platforms, which wasn’t very good at the time.

      • @ours
        811 months ago

        Mostly right. Microsoft showed off how .NET 1.0 worked on FreeBSD but it was absolutely pointless since they didn’t provide commercial licenses to run it on anything else but Windows until .NET Core.

      • r00ty
        811 months ago

        Yes, especially when you’re running linux, and the project you started on windows that uses serial ports suddenly doesn’t work any more and you wonder why.

        Hint: The events for serial data received didn’t fire under mono, for reasons.

      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        I hosted my personal site using Mono over 10 years ago now and it mostly worked well. I contributed some code to Mono to fix a few edge cases where their behaviour deviated slightly from Microsoft’s.

        Of course, I couldn’t actually look at Microsoft’s shared source code when doing that, so I had to just observe its outputs. At the time, Mono code had to all be clean-room implementations, since Microsoft’s shared source program, where they released parts of the .NET Framework 4.x source code publicly, had a very restrictive license that didn’t permit reuse (it wasn’t open-source). Even just looking at the code meant you couldn’t contribute to Mono.

        I was very happy when .NET Core was announced and switched to a beta of 1.0 as soon as I could.

    • @[email protected]
      1611 months ago

      And Python’s migration to 3.x is more or less complete. Took a while (15 years since 3.0), but it’s to the point where migration is not a common topic of conversation.

    • Pyro
      211 months ago

      Perhaps a paper hilt. It’ll trick some people into thinking it’s safer but as soon as you begin using it you realise it still has all the same problems as before.

      • @hperrin
        311 months ago

        I don’t know, man. I migrated one of my libraries and found 3 bugs just from that. It’s prevented a number of other bugs and issues too.

    • AtHeartEngineer
      111 months ago

      And I haven’t seen anything python 2 in a while

    • @[email protected]OP
      3811 months ago

      Thank you! The original source of truth! 💎 As IT people, this is part of our culture and should be transmitted. 🤣

      • Deebster
        911 months ago

        It seems the image is a screenshot of the original page, slightly upscaled, but since the source page includes links to larger images we can make the HD remaster. Shotgun not me.

  • @[email protected]
    6911 months ago

    C++ and ruby are weird, especially since C is somehow considered a reliable rifle. Rust betrays it’s age

    • @[email protected]
      2511 months ago

      As does C#. The Windows-specific parts are not the parts most developers will use these days.

        • @_danny
          1111 months ago

          C# is .Net though. It’s only syntax without it.

          I think it’s definitely a dig at windows, because that used to be the primary issue with c#, you could only really target windows and you could only write it using windows. You could run .net framework applications on Linux, but it was a lot of work and it really underperformed (which would fit the timeline of 2015, when this comic was first posted). Now with .net core you can make a self contained executable that can run on anything.

          • @[email protected]
            211 months ago

            You can even compile to a native executable these days I believe so you don’t have to have the .net runtime installed or bundled.

          • @trolololol
            011 months ago

            2015? I’m sure last time I saw this it was way before 2015

    • @[email protected]
      1211 months ago

      The M1 Garand is known for having a problem during reloading where you have to stick your thumb in a slot that’s about to shut very hard. There are techniques to avoid getting pinched, but “Garand thumb” is a well-known phrase among vintage rifle enthusiasts.

      This fits C very well.

    • @Pipoca
      411 months ago

      The old joke is that C++ is an octopus made by nailing legs to a dog.

      So it should probably be a rifle-chaku made by connecting two Garands with a chain.

      C# vs Java is also really weird since C# started out as basically a Java clone.

    • @[email protected]
      311 months ago

      I watched Jon Gjenset’s stream where he implemented the beginnings of a BitTorrent client in Rust and of the four hours about 25% of it was spent wrestling with quirks in serde and reqwest.

      It was pretty discouraging watching a pro have to fight the ecosystem so hard.

    • @marcos
      811 months ago

      And before the time people actually talked about the multidimensional clusterfuck that C become.

        • @marcos
          11 months ago

          C changed from the 90’s to now. It got a lot of syntactic improvements, and a ton of semantic madness.

          Our C is not the same as the last generation’s.

          • @uis
            111 months ago


            • @marcos
              111 months ago

              It doesn’t change the madness. Just the syntax.

    • @[email protected]
      511 months ago

      It’s not as common any more, but there’s still things using logic programming languages (Prolog and similar) even today.

      Java uses it in the type checker. From the JVM spec:

      The type checker enforces type rules that are specified by means of Prolog clauses.

      There’s some other compiler and NLP (natural language processing) use cases for it too. I’ve seen some companies use it to define restraints for their business logic, which isn’t too different from the type checker rules use case.

      It’s definitely fallen out of common use though.

      • @[email protected]
        411 months ago

        We did Prolog in university - actually it was one of the two languages we had to learn in CS, the other one being Pascal.

        I always considered Prolog a pain in the ass and unsuitable for anything bigger than a piece of homework due to the “we don’t do loops, we have tail recursion” making the code unnecessary complex and hard to read. On a list of Write-Only languages I’d rate it a few steps below Perl.

        • @uis
          311 months ago

          Tail recursion is just fancy way to loop.

        • @[email protected]
          111 months ago

          There’s a few things it’s very good at, but anything outside of that tends to be painful.

          I also used Pascal and Prolog in university, in my first year. That was… 15 years ago now. Wow.

          • @DepressedCoconut
            111 months ago

            I’m using Prolog in university right now. And Scala :(

  • @Siethron
    4011 months ago


    • @fancyl
      911 months ago

      In Clojure it could be

      (-> Oi , you got a problem , bruv ?) 
  • @[email protected]
    3711 months ago

    It’s funny because people describe PowerShell as powerful, but really they mean it’s also a hammer to mash everything with. “Powerfull!”

    • 𝘋𝘪𝘳𝘬
      2711 months ago

      Powershell suffers from the typical Microsoft problem: Ignore for decades, and then go completely over the top with it.

      • @[email protected]
        1511 months ago

        I see Powershell as a nuclear bomb. It is extremely powerful and complex and barely anybody uses it because of it.

          • @[email protected]
            11 months ago

            Powershell is so much more than bash, not in a derogatory way.
            It’s a full fledged object oriented programming language, and it’s written in .Net I believe. You can integrate tons of plugins to manage your whole infra (exchange, Cisco, AD, VMware etc), just from the Powershell shell.
            I hate it because it’s slow, clunky and overly complex for its prime use, which is scripting.

          • @alokir
            1611 months ago

            Yes and no. They serve roughly the same purpose.

            I actually hated Powershell until I was forced to work on some automation scripts with it and realized that it’s actually pretty cool.

            Bash is good for quickly doing something in the terminal but for longer script files I prefer PS now. It feels much more modern and has a less janky syntax.

            Funnily enough the reason I had to use it was to make my scripts cross platform between osx, linux and windows.

          • @[email protected]
            711 months ago

            People tend to hate on PowerShell but it’s cross-platform these days, and far easier to write than shell scripts once you understand the syntax.

            You can pipe objects between functions, rather than just string streams like in Bash. Often there’s no cut, sed, grep, etc needed as what you want is probably a property on an object.

            It’s not just a basic scripting language like Bash. It’s built on top of .NET, so most of things you can do in C#, you can also do in PowerShell (and if not, you can call into C# code).

            It’s especially popular for administration of Windows systems - if there’s anything you want to do on a Windows system, it’s likely there’s a PowerShell module for it.

            • R0cket_M00se
              111 months ago

              Whether it’s pulling AD/O365 objects for security analysis, or SSH into a network appliance, PowerShell is a handy little tool. It’s everything we used to use CMD for and more.

              • @[email protected]
                111 months ago

                Some old-school Windows sysadmins are still holding on to VBScript and batch files for automation, but I think most have switched over to PowerShell. Definitely a useful tool.

        • R0cket_M00se
          111 months ago

          Barely anybody uses it? Maybe on the dev side. Cloud and Data engineers use it all the time.

  • GamesRevolution
    3611 months ago

    It’s a pretty good representation of Rust, being 3d printed means that it’s the only gun where you can’t shoot yourself in the foot

  • tiredofsametab
    2911 months ago

    “perl was probably useful once”?!

    I’m willing to bet a TON of medical and banking data is still making its way through perl today. (I’m not necessarily saying this is a good thing, but I have years of experience in healthcare IT).

    • For that matter, there are still folks out there coding, professionally, in FORTRAN.

      Thing is, back then, we didn’t know any better. Software was a commodity, and both the people who wrote it and the people who bought it had grown up in a time before the internet, before SaaS; people whose parents who, if they made things, made widgets.

      Back then, you could write a piece of software, and it was done. Then you sold it, and moved on. If the old software had bugs, if they weren’t catastrophic enough to cause a lawsuit, buyers learned to live with them. It was too bad; you already shipped the tapes. And few companies employed their own software developers unless they were software development companies. Man pages have a BUGS section, and that’s because there’s no intention to ever fix those bugs, because that software is done.

      Software today is never finished. Our first reaction if we see a project with no recent releases is that it’s abandoned, or dead, and certainly that it’s worse than a project with recent commits to the repo. Github is a huge culprit in reinforcing this mentality, but mobile app platforms (stores and OSes) are terrible about this, too. Google constantly changes the Play store in ways that force developers to tweak their apps lest they become incompatible, booted, or get flagged as being “old” a.k.a. “inferior.”

      Yet, still, there’s so much software out there that’s complete. An institution may hire a developer to come in and make a change, but it’s usually a contract one-off; it’s more like taking your car in to have the starter replaced. Those systems are going to continue keeping “dead” programming languages (commercially) alive for years to come.

    • r00ty
      711 months ago

      I use perl for that stuff (mostly automation) that’s a bit too complex for bash, but doesn’t need a proper project. Modern people would use python for this kind of thing. But, I’m too old to change!

      • @assa123
        211 months ago

        and perl is orders of magnitude faster than python for document parsing

    • @[email protected]
      411 months ago

      When it comes to surprising behavior, Perl isn’t any worse than JavaScript. Which admittedly isn’t a great comparison for either language. Most of the bellyaching around Perl has to do with regular expressions, but every other language out there picked up Perl’s regex syntax in a mostly verbatim way (PCRE).

    • palordrolap
      111 months ago

      Perl is still as good an interpreted language as any of the others tbh.

      Most of its “problems” are cosmetic, which is probably why Python ended up being its successor in many fields.

      Given the choice between brutalist and Fisher-Price architecture, most people are going to opt for the latter even if everything’s effectively the same inside.

  • @calypsopub
    2511 months ago

    I spent my career writing COBOL. Sad not to see it on the list. I think it would be a shield you can bash people with; clunky but effective

    • @MajorHavoc
      911 months ago

      Cobol as a shield would also fit with it inexplicably still be in popular use long after anyone expected!

  • @TrickDacy
    1911 months ago

    Fuck a bunch of 50000 pixel tall images

      • r00ty
        811 months ago

        And someone would pick up the phone 30seconds from the end, and there was no resume!

        • @[email protected]
          11 months ago

          there was no resume!

          IMO the HTTP Range header (the thing that lets you resume downloads) was one of the best innovations back then. It let the client tell the server where to start the download from, and how much of the file to download. This means it also let you speed up downloads by downloading multiple pieces in parallel. I used to use a program called GetRight and loved it.

          We still split up downloads like this today. These days, internet connections are often fast enough that you can’t reach full speed with a single connection, so speed tests and things like Steam will open multiple concurrent connections for their downloads to maximize download speed.

      • @TrickDacy
        711 months ago

        In my day it looks like shit

    • @[email protected]
      211 months ago

      I, too, have met Richard Stallman.

      (I kid. Mostly. He’s amazing in so many ways, but he’s a little off sometimes.)