Game of thrones was one of the biggest cultural phenomena for large portions of the entire world for almost a decade, and the ending was so bad that it’s been almost entirely erased from public consciousness. In terms of destruction it’s an incredible accomplishment.
Maybe that’s what Elon is trying to top up with twitter
But Twitter is so recognizable! If that’s his goal, he’s gonna have to X out the brand entirely.
I don’t use it, but anytime I see a screenshot from it in a news article or something, I find myself wanting to push the X to get rid of it.
If it makes you feel any better the directors got kicked off many of the projects they were rushing to move on to as a result of the backlash.
This reminder always does make me feel a little better. Not enough to completely quell the upset, but enough for me to enjoy a little schadenfreude.
D&D can suck it.
Not just GoT- I have a hard time watching ANYTHING because of how fucked that ending was.
If it’s a Serialized TV series that hasn’t ended yet and gotten rave reviews. I prolly ain’t watching it. 8 years and 4 massive books I invested in I ain’t got time for another massive fucking disappointment.
I feel like I knew this before GOT. If they don’t build to a good story and a payoff in one season, they probably have no actual idea where they’re taking the mystery.
Breaking bad and better call Saul would like a word
What I remember is, they do have forms of payoff within each season. The satisfaction from each “ending” they give is in some ways self-contained.
It’s not about closing off the story such that every last thread is resolved, more about whether you can appreciate it without wondering about twenty other questions.
My memory may be wrong but I thought I remembered a cliff hanger at each seasons end
Not really, I wouldn’t call them cliff hangers. BB is the less cliffhangy show compared to GOT. They did plant a few things for the future, but no scene is ever left unresolved in the middle of a dramatic event like, for example, The Walking Dead. You could watch only BB season 1 and still feel like you got a satisfying crazy story beginning to end. It starts with a chemistry teacher and ends with a that same dude and his ex-student signing a deal to cook meth for a psychotic gang leader. Nothing immediate is left unresolved.
It’s quite the achievement to have such a shitty ending that you make the whole run of the show not worth it. I wouldn’t recommend anyone start the series just based on how it ends. It’d be like eating a delicious burger, and the last bite turns out to be literal dog shit. You wouldn’t think back fondly on the first part to the burger knowing how it ended.
If you need cathartic relief from the awful writing in season 8, look no further.
Here is an excellent rewriting of the whole season that ties every loose end beautifully.
Wow I just watched this and it had some great moments.
Definitely a better way to wrap up all the plot points.
I only rewatch up to when Joffrey dies. It started going downhill (for me) after that.
I feel like season 8 started off ok and then at some point it seems like they just wanted to be done and rushed everything. If we had gotten what we were promised, which was an entire season where every episode is movie length, then it probably would have been better because they would have had time to develop all the ideas going on instead of just vomiting it all out as quickly as possible. It felt like they never finished any thought all the way to the end then just gave up entirely by the last episode and shit out a confusing and disappointing ending to tie up the loose ends in the most half assed way possible. They really should have used their whole asses
I used to feel like only 8 was bad but while attempting rewatches I’ve come to see 7 as pretty weak. At the time i thought "It feels like this because they are building to something worthwhile. " but without the payoff of a good final season the penultimate season suffers in tandem.
Honestly, that’s all seasons from 5 for me. 1-4 were (and are) genuinely great, because you’re not waiting for the awesome thing they are building towards, you’re in the awesome thing. From 5 on more and more problems crop up (probably best exemplified by “bad poosay”), and with the knowledge of how things end there is little to enjoy there.
That makes sense, as season 5 was where they started straying away from the novels and just making shit up as they went along lol
I stopped watching in the middle of season 5. I got annoyed and bored with all the plot holes and story lines to nothing.
With how it turned out, can’t say I regret stopping.
Speaking of bad poosay,I like how Dorne just kind of ceased to exist at a certain point
While the showrunners kind of forgot about Dorne…
This is precisely why I refuse to watch any plot heavy series until it has already finished airing.
Nah, it was a great ride until it came off the rails. It was absolutely worth watching once. The experience of seeing each episode and discussing it with friends every week was great. You miss out on taking part in a cultural experience by sitting in the sidelines while it happens.
How could I ever live without all my fond break room discussion memories? Absolutely worth the years of commitment and hype and support.
That and if it’s on Netflix it’ll probably get cancelled if it’s any good.
Sad JJ Abrams Noises
JJ is a fucking hack who has a raging hardon for mystery boxes and no payoff ever.
I feel the same about How I Meet Your Mother. That last season was so horrible and the ending so unsatisfying, I can’t watch any of it now.
I felt that way about all of how i met your mother, everyone in that show is terrible and unlike a show like it’s always sunny that’s not the joke…
lol himym was just a recycling of many friends jokes combined with a bad ladt season
We don’t talk about that season.
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I would happily re-watch season 8 a hundred times than re-watch any of the Dorne plot from season 5 once.
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Which was so odd to me, because I would say that Hardhome was arguably the best episode of the whole series, definitely top 5. But the rest of the season was garbage.
But why aren’t you entitled to an ending that you personally like tho!?! Aren’t you an armchair TV writer who knows better than paid ones?? Your mentality angers me !!!1
Edit: lol @ the angry armchair TV writer downvotes
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Right? I have not many thoughts about the ending honestly. Endings are hard, and it was a very hard story to tie up in a bow. It was too complicated for the amount of “I could have written it better” folks out there