• @[email protected]
    527 months ago

    The pictures are an angel and a demon from the Amazon Prime series “Good Omens”, if you were wondering.

    • CashewNut 🏴󠁢󠁥󠁧󠁿
      157 months ago

      Is it worth watching? I’m not sure what kind of show it is…I watched about 10mins of the first episode and couldn’t get into it. Couldn’t figure out if it was fantasy, comedy, comedy-horror, or something else. It felt weird. An angel and demon meet up and chat about the apocalypse?

      Does it get better?

      • @[email protected]
        267 months ago

        The first season is incredible. Tennant and Sheen have an amazing chemistry together and they’re both phenomenal actors. The story is very Pratchetty if you’re familiar with his work. Second season is a bit so-so but still good, mostly because I didn’t really like the ending.

        • @RunawayFixer
          87 months ago

          I concur, first season was incredible, one of the best series I’ve watched in the last few years. And it had a real ending + finished storyline: no aggravating cliffhangers or loose ends, no endless milking or filler episodes to uselessly extent the viewtime, just a very good finished story that never left me bored. This feels so rare these days.

          I’m now watching the 2nd series and so far it’s been so so indeed. I’m not very far yet though.

        • @[email protected]
          67 months ago

          Yeah the second season honestly felt a bit like a fan fict. Not bad, per se, just an excuse to keep using the characters but nothing new in terms of message.

          Probably nothing to be done about that with Pratchett’s death.

          • @shneancy
            67 months ago

            yeah it was absolutely a fan fic, but tbh I’m still glad it was made! If you have the time and money to create a work of art (that isn’t meant to just be a cashgrab) flipping go for it, and Neil clearly had fun making it, and brining the shipping crowds to their knees lmao

          • @[email protected]
            47 months ago

            Apparently the sequel was planned by Pratchett and Gaiman a while ago. Season two only took some elements of it, and the rest of it should be what season three is about. I trust Gaiman to make it work.

            • GratefullyGodless
              37 months ago

              IF we get a season three. It hasn’t been renewed yet, and won’t be until after the actors strike, if it is renewed. But, Gaiman has promised that if a season three doesn’t happen on TV, he’ll write it as a book, so as to not leave everyone hanging.

        • CashewNut 🏴󠁢󠁥󠁧󠁿
          47 months ago

          I read Diggers as a lad and enjoyed it but I’ve never bothered to get into his Discworld stuff cos it seems too vast. I’ll watch the first two episodes and see if it clicks. Thank you. 👍

          • Clay_pidgin
            47 months ago

            While there are many connections between discworld books, none of them are required reading. You can jump in anywhere. I’d recommend starting at Guards! Guards!

      • StarDreamer
        7 months ago

        It’s based on a book by Sir Terry Pratchett (GNU Terry Pratchett, you shall be missed) and Neil Gaiman. If you know Pratchett then you know it’s mostly going to be an absurdist comedy.

        Other works I recommend from Pratchett are Going Postal, Equal Rites, and Guards! Guards!

        • @[email protected]
          27 months ago

          My favorite ‘intro’ to the discworld is Wyrd Sisters, even if it’s not the first Granny Weatherwax book. It feels like it’s the first one that’s really got its footing, and is a fun subversive parody of Macbeth amongst other things.

      • @[email protected]
        107 months ago

        I definitely enjoyed watching the first two seasons, and will wait eagerly for the next. I’m sure it would be disturbing for someone with fundamentalist Christian views, but the story and humor were right up my alley.

      • @TheDoozer
        67 months ago

        It’s comedy, mostly. Not horror at all.

        And it’s more that an angel and demon who are friends (because they’ve spent so much time on Earth they felt they ended up having more in common with each other than their own side), and upon finding out about the approaching apocalypse, decide to try to avert it (without actually going against their own side) because they don’t want Earth to end, as regardless who wins The Final Battle, it will suck.

      • GladiusB
        27 months ago

        The book is better. Good TV and good acting. But the book is so good.

      • @[email protected]
        27 months ago

        I think it gets better, but it is a bit of a slow burn. It’s just a comedy that’s a satire on religion and systemic oppression, that uses an angel and a devil being friends to convey that.

        I enjoyed it, but I wasn’t glued to the screen. I think it’s absolutey worth the watch, but it did take an episode or two to gain my interest.

  • PugJesus
    517 months ago

    The Powers That Be: “Why do you have that hammer?”

    Angry Masses: “To destroy and/or repair the system. Your pick, depending on how cooperative you are.”

    • @MindSkipperBro12
      7 months ago

      “The whole fucking city is on fire cause of what you did.”

      “I know, isn’t it beautiful?”

  • @masquenox
    187 months ago

    We are going to need a whole lot more than pitchforks…

    • @AngryCommieKender
      147 months ago

      We collect those from fallen enemies. We were taught in the US military that if you are facing an unarmed hostile force that outnumbers you 5:1, you need to retreat and withdraw, as your position will be overrun, and you just armed the hostile force.

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      But big daddy govt says we would never ever need an AR-15 or body armour, just the Police (and sometimes military) that patrol the same streets

  • @samus12345
    137 months ago

    Sometimes the only way something can be fixed is by dismantling it first.

    • @assassin_aragorn
      97 months ago

      You want just the right amount of dismantling to accomplish your goal. Too much, and we create extra unnecessary work for ourselves.

    • Queen HawlSera
      77 months ago

      The “Turn it off and back on again” method, which has been in my house nicknamed the “Take out the trash and put it back in.” method

  • @VonCesaw
    7 months ago

    One thing y’all gotta understand: the strongest proponents of ‘the system’ who are not an active controller of that system do not belive there even IS a system.

    Every fault, every tragedy, every bit of corruption? They hold it as the fault of an individual who failed only themselves. It’s why they took ‘bad apple’ and ‘bootstraps’ idioms and misinterpreted them as individual successes and failures, not systemic ones

  • Mellow
    7 months ago

    And neither can agree on what “the system” once it’s fixed/dismanted should be so the rest of us suffer while the world burns.

    • @AllonzeeLV
      7 months ago

      The real debacle is between the people who agree that in our nation with such vast resources and technology, everyone should get their basic needs met, and the people who want to live larger than others, and insist some people deserve to die in the streets for not being hard enough workers, or making mistakes, or whatever other bullshit irrational false narrative they come up with to revel in the suffering of others.

      The saddest bit to me are all the non-wealthy at all Americans who will fight you to the death for the second one. They refuse to live without an economic class of people to look down on as they drink in the dopamine hit of schadenfreude, watching those suffering human beings, and declaring “good, that’s what you deserve for your bad decisions or something, suffer more!”

      That’s why I agree with you that the world will burn, but why I don’t find it that sad in the US with our near univeral punch down attitude. We tell our most victimized citizens to fuck off and die on the sidewalk, we throw them away like the defective capital batteries our owners consider them, so unlike the increasingly rare societies that care for one another rather than worshipping capitalist economic growth/metastasis at all costs, we won’t get, nor do we deserve a future.

      • @TokenBoomer
        -57 months ago

        It amazes me you explain a problem so clearly and coherently, and some still don’t understand it. Hope you’re doing well.

      • Mellow
        7 months ago

        I think it’s because us non-wealthy people would rather not have more taken from the remaining 50% of our income after taxes as more taxes to cover something we may not agree with thereby leaving us with even less to get by. Why should I go out and bust by ass every day just to pay for someone else’s lifestyle?

        • @AllonzeeLV
          7 months ago

          Hello, the problem.

          Don’t worry, the peasant circular firing squad you love so much will remain intact.

          The capitalists that indoctrinated you from childhood to believe its better to work against one another instead of being a society wouldn’t have it any other way. And they own the media, the government, and effectively you and I, so they’ll continue to get their way.

          So you’ll keep getting what you want, because they trained you to want what’s against your own interests.

        • @[email protected]
          47 months ago

          Yeah just ignore how you’re paying more for that shit anyways because a lot of it is actually societally necessary, it’s just that now you have profit seeking private companies handling the funding as opposed to the government which would provide it as a service, likely free at point of exchange.

          Taxophobes will literally pay extra just for the bill to not say uncle sam was the one who charged it.

  • @Damaskox
    37 months ago

    I get The Matrix vibe out of this

  • @MindSkipperBro12
    -37 months ago

    I always feel bad for revolutionaries who never organized anything in the real world.

  • @[email protected]
    -57 months ago

    This is bullshit. It suggests that the system is intended by someone or some group and that getting ird of that group would get rid of the system. This is not the case. The system is so strong and prevalent precisely because it is not intended and reproduces itself.

    • @[email protected]
      197 months ago

      It suggests that the system is intended by someone or some group and that getting ird of that group would get rid of the system.

      No, it doesn’t… It literally says to dismantle the system itself. Idk how you got “attack a specific group of people and hope that works” out of that.

      • @[email protected]
        07 months ago

        Idk how you got “attack a specific group of people and hope that works” out of that.

        It’s because they’re just here to be inflammatory. No surprises there.

    • @[email protected]
      67 months ago

      contemplating other possibilities is almost humourous when you consider the pervasiveness and magnitude of incompetence that is our collective baseline

    • @masquenox
      27 months ago

      The system is so strong and prevalent precisely because it is not intended

      Oh really? I’ll just leave this here, then.

      • @SCB
        7 months ago

        casually drops a 16 minute opinion piece by leftists

          • @SCB
            -97 months ago

            No leftist makes good economic points because nothing they say is real.

            Their points often sound good tho

            • @[email protected]
              7 months ago

              Care to support your statement with evidence or reasoning?

              Karl Marx’s Kapital is actually required reading for studying economics, because it is such a thorough analysis of capitalism. Implying leftists simply don’t understand economics is laughable.

            • @AngryCommieKender
              27 months ago

              Ahhh good old right wing projection.

              Fuck off faschist. We don’t tolerate right wing morons here.

              • @SCB
                7 months ago

                A) not right wing or fascist (note that it isn’t “faschist”)

                B) You can find leftist havens at Hexbear and Lemmygrad, and to a slightly less insane extent at a few other lemmyverse sites.

                As this place gets more popular, leftism will increasingly be fringe. Them’s the breaks. Communists are the minority in the world so it’s unreasonable to expect the internet to be different

                • @masquenox
                  17 months ago

                  A) You’re a right-winger. No, you don’t have to thank us for making you aware of something you should already have known.

                  B) The more popular online spaces become, the more leftist they become - that’s why your hero Phony Stark had to “intervene” with twitter. Sorry to be the one to break the news to you.

                  C) Them’s the breaks - if you don’t like it, you are free to leave and beg Phony Stark for a blue check mark.

            • @masquenox
              27 months ago

              Oh look… a fascist having a reactionary fit.

              Ho hum.

        • @masquenox
          17 months ago

          If that was too short for you, here’s the book.

          No need to thank me, right-winger- we like debunking your horseshit.

          • @SCB
            -37 months ago

            Please keep responding lol

            I’m traveling for business today and you’re making my layover so much more enjoyable.

            • @masquenox
              07 months ago

              Oooh, how fancy.

              Soooo, you are either working for parasites… or you are a parasite. Which one is it?

              • @SCB
                7 months ago

                Whichever one gets you more aroused!

                I can be whatever you want me to be 😌

                Edit: except a commie lolz

                • @masquenox
                  -17 months ago

                  except a commie lolz

                  We reserve compliments for those who deserve it, right-winger.

  • @SCB
    -87 months ago

    Man you’re gonna be pissed when you find out most of the things that are broken are broken because of just average people. Housing market, for instance, is fucked because people want their houses to be “nest eggs.”

    Who you coming after with those pitchforks, specifically?

    • @[email protected]
      57 months ago

      Housing market is broken because banks and enormous corporations treat housing as investment and commodity, and using enormous resources they have as a leverage to increase the price of housing to enormous levels. Retired middle class families buying second home have nothing to do with it and make no difference at all

      • @SCB
        -67 months ago

        This is up there with MAGAs blaming poor people for not wanting to work.

    • @trolololol
      37 months ago

      If only people had government backed retiree funda so people didn’t need to worry about money when they’re old

      • @SCB
        27 months ago

        If only people had government backed retiree funds

        Social security? Hard part’s done. Let’s crank the value and means-test it. You don’t hear this much, for obvious reasons, but social security is totally solvent if means-tested. Same should apply with student loans.

        But also, I’d argue people will always chase free money, so the best thing to do is disincentivize owning a home specifically because it’s an investment. This is very doable by simply changing zoning laws, and this change can be effected locally (but is very challenging because homeowners love their free money)

    • @AllonzeeLV
      7 months ago

      It only has traction because it’s a gross oversimplification that appeals to those that seek simple answers to complex realities.

      “The answer” isn’t somewhere in between white nationalism and Universal Basic Income, for example. Centrism is a ridiculous ideology. It’s honestly more of a lack of any coherent ideology at all.

      • @WaxedWookie
        27 months ago

        The centrist ideology is “I’m above a consistent ideology - things are too complex, so I’ll smugly dismiss everyone as wrong while I stand for nothing, have no discernible values, and no solutions to anything.”

        The alternative (and usual practical outcome), is that they’re just hiding strong right-wing tendencies behind the flimsiest of veneers. I’m looking at you, Tim Pool.

    • @Viking_Hippie
      47 months ago

      Horseshoe theory: a bunch of bullshit invented by ideologically deficient people to make themselves look good while lumping in leftist reform advocates with fascists.

      • @MindSkipperBro12
        -27 months ago

        Sorry to hear that you won’t admit that Stalin was trying to be in the same league as Hitler.

        • @WaxedWookie
          27 months ago

          Please - make the case that Stalin was left wing.

          I could use a chuckle, and i don’t think you’re capable of running the standard tankie script.

    • @[email protected]
      37 months ago

      Do tell me more about this mythical horseshoe that can somehow align anarchism (a complete lack of a state) with fascism (an all-powerful state).

        • @[email protected]
          7 months ago

          Such a configuration would be useless as a metaphor for distant things ending up in the same place

          47-dimensional hypercubes would essentially have all points touching at all times