In light of what other’s have been memeing … it made me think.
If you became captain of a ship, what would your warp slogan be?
I’m Indigenous Canadian and I speak my language Ojibway-Cree (a dialect in between Ojibway and Cree … it’s neither one or the other, can kind of understand one and the other but not really)
So my go to warp slogan would be … Eh-koo Mash-cha!! … basically a phrase that translates to just ‘Ok then … Let’s go!’
BTW: … that has got to be shittiest looking stereotypical Native person I’ve ever memed … lol
Luzem gayen!
I can’t believe I missed that … I completely forgot about this scene and Mel Brooks dressed up as an Indian … it’s been years since I saw that movie … now I can’t stop laughing … my warp core has been ejected …
Oddly enough, your phrase sounds very Klingon. And, lacking the impulse control:
I have a female cousin that would have passed for Klingon … she used to scream Ojibway/Cree obscenities when she got mad at her children
(in case you’re wondering … Taguy means genitals and more specifically ‘penis’ - a very insulting way to yell obscenities in my language … the variations are basically just saying … penis, penis, big penis, little penis, a very big penis, penis, little penis … and yes, she used to yell this at 100 decibels at her kids)
And then you are going to add “we are far from the bones of my ancestors”?
A coochie moya.
Go-go Gadget Starship!
Both nacelles fly off the main ship and cartoonishly dangle off the craft with big giant springs
shhh dont tell stamets loldeleted by creator
“Don’t forget to smash that warp button”
A google ad appears on the main viewer advertising some new heart drug … everyone eagerly waits five seconds to skip the ad before the ship can go to warp
“Please set your subspace cookie preferences for this warp”
Adblock has prevented this warp from starting
Elwood: It’s 106 miles to Chicago, we’ve got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it’s dark and we’re wearing sunglasses.
Jake: Hit it.
Yesssssss! I have the movie poster on my wall :)
Make Starship Go Forward
He is smart!
Honestly I love the way LD brought these guys back and made them a real villain
Ludicrous Speed!
He’s gone Argyle!
It’s warping time.
Lights go dim, laser lights start streaming in all directions, disco ball comes down from the ceiling … Funky disco music starts playing … Ship goes to warp five
Leeeeerrooooyy Jennnnkinnnssss!
Alright chums, let’s do this!
Pitter patter, let’s get at 'er
Captain Batel approves.
Ive been a car guy my whole life so Id have to have a few depending on what warp rating we were looking at.
“Helm, Warp 3, Just a nice drive in the country”
“Helm, Warp 5. Chirp the tyres”
“Helm! Warp 7. Dump the clutch!”
“Helm! WARP 9! SEND IT!”
Who gave Tom Paris a ship?
Engineering has been instructed to use 20th century automotive terms to convey messages
“Sir, we’re out of gas”
“Sir, the carbs are dirty and we need to clean them”
“Sir, the throttle cables are stretched and we need to replace them”
“Sir, we gotta go to the garage for a new alternator”
“Sir, we need to refill the headlight fluid”
Instead of Scotty in engineering I want an old man from Texas.
Instead of “I cannae hold her captain, she’s gonna blow” id get “If you lean on this sumbitch ay harder cap, the warp core gon have a new inspection port!”
When you hear gun shots in Engineering … you have to figure out if the Chief Engineer is happy … or something has gone terribly wrong.
Blam Blam Blam
“Slater in engineering must be happy”
“That was gunfire! What makes you think he was happy!?!”
“When he is angry, he only shoots once and he doesnt miss”
Alternately, shouting WARP ME in intense situations with an added slam to the arm rest.
For those that need the visual:
elaborate please
we are both very confused by that content lol
I never realised how much it looks like Gowron is just playing candy crush on his mobile.
"Silence! Let me get back to CRUSHING… my candies.”
The smell of bacon fills up engineering as the warp core powers up
I always said “Hit it” but then Pike used it in strange worlds. Not sure now.
Still bugs me that, in the more recent movies, Pike said “Punch It”. Would have been so easy to keep that for the show.
“Do it for daddy!”
First officer slaps captain in the ass … ship goes to warp 5
In the ass?
Daddy like what daddy likes