• @jeffw
    2711 months ago

    Sure as shit beats not existing. You can’t play video games when you’re dead

    • @[email protected]
      011 months ago

      You don’t know that. For all you know, this is just one arcade game out of potentially many that you’re currently plugged into

  • @Chobbes
    2211 months ago

    I’m hesitant to share my opinion because I think it’s unpopular and I don’t want to upset anybody, but in the interest of making others like myself not feel so alone… I think if we’re being deeply honest with ourselves, it probably isn’t? I have a good enough life, but if I never existed I couldn’t be sad to not experience it. I want to enjoy things to the best of my ability (and have made some pretty good strides towards this lately), and don’t want to go through the potentially painful and scary process of dying, and some people depend on me, so I’m here for the time being and I think that’s good enough for now :). But truthfully if I had the choice I think I’d rather not go through this, even though I’m perfectly happy right now. I just find it very hard to go through life and I’d be grateful to not have to work and worry so much. I kind of wish it was less taboo to talk about this because it’s hard to have these thoughts alone, and I think it’d be nice if we could come up with better answers.

  • Art35ian
    11 months ago

    We live in a time of most access, most abundance, and most peace. Even if you’re doing it tough, you still have it better than most humans in history ever have.

    Relish in that because it probably won’t last. We could be remembered as the 2 or 3 generations to ever live in a golden age of resources, space, health, access, opportunity and freedom.

    I often eat a meal and look at my plate and think… the components and flavours on this plate alone come from 5 or 6 countries, while I’m sitting in total safety and comfort, while also being entertained in some way, and if I want I can immediately talk to my family or friends, who live 3,000kms away, who I know are all alive and healthy.

    Some of that wouldn’t have been true two decades ago. Probably none of it would have been true for people 100 years ago. Probably most it won’t be true for people in 100 years.

    We really are in the sweet spot.

    • @Zippy
      211 months ago

      You could be wrong. People may have thought what you thought 100 years ago thinking it could not get much better.

      But you are right on that we live in one of the most prosperous times in history. Was said well. Possibly the next big change will be the ability to control our DNA evolution or discover a real understanding of the human brain in ways that may result in a change to humanity that would be completely foreign to us. They might think that is the pinnacle.

  • 😈MedicPig🐷BabySaver😈
    1511 months ago

    Yes. Must tune out any bullshit that doesn’t belong in your personal bubble.

    Vote, but, ignore politics as a whole.

    Try to avoid news.

    Figure out a way to get out of the house. Doesn’t need to cost $$. Walks. Visit a local park.

    Realize you do not have to put up with anyone’s personal drama. Not even family.

    Get a cat. Unconditional love. Easy maintenance and can be fine alone for long days or even a long weekend with the proper prep.

    Live for yourself!

    • @jeffw
      411 months ago

      This but dogs

      • @[email protected]
        811 months ago

        Dogs are cool but they add an additional burden of finding someone to watch them when they can’t be taken. I think cats provide a similar bond as dogs and are much less maintenance.

        • @[email protected]
          411 months ago

          Also, you don’t have to take the cat out back and shoot him when he bites your nephew’s face

        • 😈MedicPig🐷BabySaver😈
          311 months ago

          Correct. I love dogs. But, don’t have the $ for a dog walker while I’m gone for minimum of 12hrs/day for work. And, my GF and I take many random get aways because we have 3 day weekends every week.

  • Metal Zealot
    711 months ago

    I didn’t ask for this shit, I wasn’t even offered a warranty. Not worth it imo

  • @Anamnesis
    611 months ago

    There have been times when it was worth it. I keep going because I think I might have more of those.

    • @WoahWoah
      111 months ago

      Damn. Sorry to hear that.

    • @moipe
      211 months ago

      So just humans and ghosts with wifi then.

  • @[email protected]
    311 months ago

    Not by default, but if you cut life short then you can’t find the things that make it “worth it” in the end. And those things, the ones that make it so freaking worth it, they’re out there. They’re rich and beautiful and sometimes deceivingly simple.

    I’ve been in a “not worth it” place before. The possibility of a “worth it” place was so foreign I don’t remember even thinking about the future. I’m in a “worth it” place now. I know it may not be permanent but I hope that I can at least help others make their lives worth it if not always my own.

  • @[email protected]
    311 months ago

    Didn’t ask for it…but at the same time, actually existing beats not existing IMO. And since I (and by extension, you and anyone else) exist in an uncaring universe, I am free to live life as I please–within reason–so all things considered it’s…actually not bad at all. Yeah there’s sucky parts to it, but most things that are worth it have bumps in the road.

  • @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    By itself it doesn’t mean anything, I mean for the universe a rock and you are the same shit. Imo who makes life valuable, is not even yourself, it’s the loved ones. And by loved I mean those that you can trust and add positive values to your life and of course love you back.

    • TheLemming
      11 months ago

      Meaning is principically found in relativity to something else. In a database, items only have a meaning because they’ve got a connection and relation. Your shoes have meaning because their purpose is to be worn, so your feet are protected. Relational beings’ purpose, our purpose, is to live in relationship - with which I’m trying to say, our meaning can only be found in relationship.

      Wether those relationship are pleasant, gratifying and uplifting or discouraging, debilitating and grueling depends on the habits, choices and abilities of how we interact with each other

      So, by just existing there’s inherent meaning (and value, purpose) included in us already