When i type something and press Enter, it switches to a new line. If i try to post, it all shows in single line. It’s confusing as hell. Am i doing something wrong? I use mobile browser.

  • Ulu-Mulu-no-die
    22 years ago

    To add a new line, you need to either add 2 spaces on the previous line or press enter twice.

    Example 1. This is a first line, I add 2 spaces at the end
    New line here

    Example 2. After this line I press enter twice

    New line here

  • Slyme (Inactive, see bio)
    22 years ago

    Lemmy uses markdown formatting (for the most part, some things were added). Therefore:

    A line break is two spaces at the end of your line

    > This is a line.  
    > This is another line.

    This is a line.
    This is another line.

    A paragraph is two presses of the Enter key.

    > This is a paragraph.
    > This is another paragraph.

    This is a paragraph.

    This is another paragraph.

  • murkomOP
    12 years ago

    Got it.

  • murkomOP
    12 years ago

    It’s not the simplest way to post something.
    Will turn away lots of folks, i suppose. But it’s doable.
    I’m enjoying Lemmy a lot ;)

    • Ulu-Mulu-no-die
      32 years ago

      Markdown language is actually very commonly used for posting to different platforms, reddit uses it for example, people coming from there will have no problem knowing out to post on Lemmy.

  • southsamurai
    -12 years ago

    As the image already posted indicates, you have to double enter for a full break.

    Like so.

    Iirc, lemmy does line breaks with
    Two spaces and an enter. I know reddit did. And, lemmy does as well lol.

    So, if you want a full blank line between your paragraphs, you double enter. If you just want it to be on the next line, two spaces and enter.

    Markdown is actually really damn nice once you get used to it.

  • southsamurai
    -12 years ago

    As the image already posted indicates, you have to double enter for a full break.

    Like so.

    Iirc, lemmy does line breaks with
    Two spaces and an enter. I know reddit did. And, lemmy does as well lol.

    So, if you want a full blank line between your paragraphs, you double enter. If you just want it to be on the next line, two spaces and enter.

    Markdown is actually really damn nice once you get used to it.