UFC star Paige VanZant said OnlyFans allows her to make ‘life-changing money’

  • @xc2215x
    2849 months ago

    That says a lot about UFC.

    • @Cato_the_Posadist
      799 months ago

      UFC pays like shit for all but the top talent.

      Tbf, she was never at risk of being considered that so it doesn’t say that much about the pay scale vs OF.

    • @Rakonat
      529 months ago

      And people wonder why all these teachers are ending up on onlyfans

      • KᑌᔕᕼIᗩ
        499 months ago

        It’s not like the profession has been treating them with any more respect anyway.

    • @jeffwM
      419 months ago

      One of the only major sports without a union

      • @ChickenLadyLovesLife
        339 months ago

        I always say the NFL is the worst sport for athletes because their bodies get destroyed in return for relatively little money (at least for everybody except the superstars), but that’s because I always forget about the UFC.

        • @[email protected]
          179 months ago

          Still though a practice squad player in the NFL is clearing $500k+ a season. So it’s at least a decent amount of money. Is it worth the future health problems with no pension? Not my decision, but at least it is an amount of money where there is a decision to be made.

          MMA, Boxing, WWE… Haha go fuck yourself.

          • @ChickenLadyLovesLife
            99 months ago

            Still though a practice squad player in the NFL is clearing $500k+ a season.

            It seems practice squad players actually make a minimum of $12K per week or $216K per season. Still not that bad compared to conventional jobs, but it’s not like you can have a 40-year career doing that.

          • WashedOver
            19 months ago

            And with the effects on long term brain health they have been unraveling in the past few years its a no dawg from me thanks. Unfortunately I’ve already gone through my sports playing days so it was already a yeah dawg.

          • @Raiderkev
            19 months ago

            Pretty sure they have a pension if you make it like 3 years iirc

      • @David_Eight
        19 months ago

        Don’t most sports league have unions? At least all major sports in the USA have player unions.

        • @jeffwM
          19 months ago

          Yeah, in the USA all the main ones do. Idk about less popular ones like lacrosse or even MLS though

    • Tedesche
      339 months ago

      I don’t think so. If it was a male UFC fighter, he’d stand no chance of making as much money as her on a site like OnlyFans. And the UFC is pretty good about equal pay based on gender.

      No, this is simply the newest iteration of one of the oldest truths in history: attractive women can milk desperate men for a king’s ransom any day of the week.

      • @Rhoeri
        59 months ago

        100% correct.

          • @[email protected]
            49 months ago

            Women and men are in different leagues and often hired by different organizers. The same is true with people hired in all forms of entertainment. Thier skill and demand judge thier wages.

    • hh93
      309 months ago

      And probably a bit about UFC fans, too

  • @LemmyIsFantastic
    9 months ago

    She made that much because she’s a known fighter established within the UFC. UFC pays shit but it pays shit across the board unless you are a superstar.

      • @LemmyIsFantastic
        239 months ago

        She’s making 50k a year + payouts from her fights.

        Assuming a 100k win bonus (it’s actually closer to 400 if you believe random books blogs and Internet rumors) even on the low side shes already made 1M in the past 5 years or so.

        Again estimating in their favor let’s say 60% of that goes to get camp and taxes. 125k a year for 3 fights is more than reasonable. It’s likely she is making more than that however.

        She isn’t very popular and would never be able to support her own card. She’s also used her popularity to get on network TV, and rake in a few million by getting laid. It’s not even porn shoots. It’s her own terms and partners.

        I’m not going to shed a tear for her. She’s set for life with any form of reasonable money management and clearly has leveraged her popularity from UFC and done well for herself.

        • @Alexstarfire
          129 months ago

          If true, how much did she make in 24h on OnlyFans. She said it’s more than her entire career. I can’t believe she made over 1M in 1 day on OnlyFans.

          • @Hardeehar
            99 months ago

            You underestimate the power of thirst

          • @StillWatersPony
            39 months ago

            It’s just 100k people paying 10 bucks each. It sounds like a lot of money but when you think about the numbers involved it gets really quite reasonable for someone in her position to do

        • @Hoomod
          79 months ago

          I’m forgetting which UK news channel it was but they had a successful OF person on, tried the “what will your kids think of you” and she replied “they can cry about it in a Ferrari”

            • @Soggy
              189 months ago

              There’s nothing inherently immoral about sex work.

        • Cosmic Cleric
          29 months ago

          It’s not even porn shoots. It’s her own terms and partners.

          To somebody who doesn’t know the industry, can you explain to me why that matters in any way?

          • @[email protected]
            119 months ago

            There’s probably a subtle difference between “exploiting yourself” and getting most of the money after OF fees, vs getting paid essentially minimum wage for a shoot which then gets repeatedly repackaged and distributed for the company that makes way more money off it than you ever did. Which on one hand is essentially the same as being any other actress, but also not remotely the same considering the material, and how many women regret being convinced to take part in it because of exposure and social backlash.

          • @LemmyIsFantastic
            49 months ago

            Would you like to shoot porn when someone you love and trust or a random person?

            • Cosmic Cleric
              9 months ago

              Would you like to shoot porn when someone you love and trust or a random person?

              For me personally it would honestly depend on if it was for work or for pleasure.

              For others, I have no idea.

              My understanding of the original comment I replied to with my question was concerning business/work.

      • @LemmyIsFantastic
        129 months ago

        Not without some work and a nice set of titties or dick. Or maybe the fetish route.

          • @DillyDaily
            129 months ago

            Marketing, promotion, quality content generation - which in itself is a bucket load of work.

            You’ve got actual production work, setting up a decent lighting/camera/sound system for your content, preparing everything you need to film or run a quality live stream. Post production, editing takes longer than people think.

            But pre-production, there’s work to do on yourself, grooming and preparing physically, especially if you are going to be getting into anything fetish related, it adds another level of preparation (and possibly an extra level to post production clean up)

            It’s also not something you can always compartmentalise, I have a friend who does some generic feet stuff, she had to quit swimming and change her entire gym routine to allow herself to shower at home, because catching athletes foot meant she’d loose income. She has to choose her socks and shoes based on protecting the physical appearance of her feet. She can’t just chuck on some thongs (flip flops) in summer because her clientele don’t like the tan lines and are vocal about it.

            PR is important, you need to have time to engage with the audience, reply to messages and maintain the illusion of the parasocial relationship, to keep your subscribers keen. It can take easily take an hour a day to do if you have large enough fan base and want to maintain it.

            There’s a lot to like about the “person next door” charm of a low budget, low effort approach to nudes and clips, but that’s what most people on OF are already doing, so if you want real money you have to set yourself apart from that.

          • key
            89 months ago

            Crybaby squat cobbler can pay in spades.

  • @[email protected]
    509 months ago

    I think it’s sad seeing this considering all the women I know who have been suckered into making OFs only to make a few bucks from weirdos saving their nudes.

    Porn is the same, really. Most people who do porn make very little money from it, but still have to deal with their naked bodies on the internet.

    • @[email protected]
      379 months ago

      Seems like you should only do fans (and similar pages) if you already have a fan base in some other area. Otherwise it will end like you said.

      • @captainlezbian
        289 months ago

        Or if you just actually want to do sex work. It’s like camming. It can be a hobby where you pick up a couple bucks here and there. If you want it to be a job it’s going to be more like trying to make it as a musician or actor.

        In general if you’re more or less normal you aren’t going to make any real money as a sex worker. Either you aren’t famous or attractive enough or you aren’t willing to do what it’ll take to make better money or you won’t settle for the little you’ll get or be willing to deal with people who have odd fetishes, possibly of your body type.

    • @[email protected]
      309 months ago

      All internet media is basically the same on pay. Most people on you tube or twitch don’t make much either.

    • @[email protected]
      89 months ago

      Yep, even more so if they had to due to unfortunate reasons. Though not entirely, it works the same way as any average person starting something likestreaming and thinking of making it big quick.

      I reckon she only had this much success due to having some level of popularity to begin with.

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      Trust me, it’s not.

      For every story like this, there are literally millions where regular women make next to nothing for their nudes.

      Most normal women with OFs usually end up having a few subs from people they know who just want to distribute their nudes among peers. Imagine thinking you’re going to make thousands when you end up making less than $100, and now everyone has your nudes.

      That’s the reality for most people on OF. And it’s sad.

      • @Aceticon
        9 months ago

        It’s all down to exposure and even minor celebrity status can be leveraged to generate lots of views.

        You see a similar thing in the acting community: celebrity actors aren’t really better as actors than lots of unknowns out there (the quality all around of acting in places with very good acting colleges and a strong acting tradition, such as Britain, is really good) and often you get stories of people’s careers taking off due to a mix of luck and persistence, and once people are in the public eye their careers pretty much shift gears (for reference, the average actor in the UK earns in average less than minimum wage from Acting).

      • @TheControlled
        179 months ago

        If you consider “people having your nudes bad”. I’m sure some do/have but many just don’t care. My friend’s sister has one. I subbed to support her and because she’s hot. Unsubbed later because she was too expensive. Hung out with her at a party once and she didn’t give a flying shit I had seen her buck naked. We just talked about normal stuff.

        • @investigationsale
          149 months ago

          Lol, no joke, I thought you said “your sister” instead of your friend’s sister.

          I was like wtf lmao.

  • @[email protected]
    319 months ago

    I can’t believe this stuff, because it is a fox “news” article. Why was this even posted here? How can we be sure that this is even real considering everyone on this post says you don’t make jack squat on that site

  • @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    OK but she wouldn’t be as popular and wouldn’t have made that much on OF if it weren’t for her time in the UFC. I mean she’s hot yea, but she’s famous because of her mma career.

  • @Etterra
    -139 months ago

    It’s amazing what showing your boobs can do for a woman. It’d be infuriating if not for all the gender-based discrimination and life endangering bullshit they also have to deal with. Instead it’s just another example of why we deserve the extinction we’re currently bringing down in ourselves.

    • @Godric
      339 months ago

      “Women showing their tits online is another reason humans deserve extinction” was not on tonight’s bingo card.

      • @KredeSeraf
        109 months ago

        “women feeling the legit need to expose themselves for others to make a good living is another reason we deserve extinction” might be a better explaination.

        But even if not for that, there’s lots of other reasons.

        • @daed
          29 months ago

          They don’t need to expose themselves online to make a good living though. I think it’s important to distinguish that - this is an easy and accessible way for most women to make a few extra bucks or a good living, but they don’t need to and there are plenty of options to make a good living that don’t require showing off your naked body out there.

          The middle class is being squeezed and many if not all jobs should pay more than what they do - not trying to debate that here. But to pretend women have no other options or somehow feel a need to do OF… Disingenuous at best.

          • @KredeSeraf
            29 months ago

            I’ll tell all those women who have tried basically everything else and still ended up there that because it’s not literally their only option they should just be okay with it. That our society has this problem to the tune of thousands or tens of thousands who all claim it’s the only way to make a livable wage is an enormous problem and censoring it with needless and pedantic clarifications like this is a big part of why our society is this way.

          • queermunist she/her
            -49 months ago

            The majority of them already have jobs, sometimes multiple jobs. There’s no other options for them.

            • @daed
              19 months ago

              OF has only existed for 7 years. The lower and middle class has been struggling for much longer than this. Wages have been stagnant for much longer than this. What did these women with ‘no other options’ do before OF? What do the struggling men do?

              People almost always have options… They just may not like them. Let’s please all stop pretending these women are forced into or have no other option than OF. They are choosing to because it is a convenient way to make extra income. It’s a convenient side hustle. Why would they spend time creating a product to sell or learning a trade or skill when they can point a camera at themselves? Much faster and easier. And there’s nothing wrong with that - let’s just be honest when we have these conversations.

              • queermunist she/her
                -59 months ago

                What did these women with ‘no other options’ do before OF? What do the struggling men do?

                They were forced to do other degrading things. Or illegal things. Or both.

                They still are; but they used to, too.

                Why would they spend time creating a product to sell or learning a trade or skill when they can point a camera at themselves?

                They literally are creating a product to sell. Camming is a skill. Don’t shit on sex workers.

                let’s just be honest when we have these conversations.

                Okay! All jobs are degrading! Your choices under capitalism are just different ways to sell your body and time and mind for a pittance, there is no dignified choice to make where you don’t have to sell yourself to survive. This isn’t new, OF is just a modern innovation of the same thing.

        • @Godric
          -19 months ago

          Oh jeeze, that’s rough, a person showing themselves online for money, society must be truly be breaking down for that

      • @nutsack
        9 months ago

        why do incels hate hot naked women so much? makes no sense

        • @Godric
          39 months ago

          I genuinely feel rough for those with the incel mindset. It’s a no-hope, bitter mindset, where objectively good things for them are ideologically bad.

          Women having sex outside of marraige? Bad to an incel, while they should be celebrating the potential for casual sex. Chicks posing naked online? Bad for an incel, even though that’s their fap material.

          MFs literally just need a few nights off their ideology to not have sour grapes.

          • @[email protected]
            19 months ago

            I think it’s more people confusing what other people do with what they want in a partner. They see someone they would want as a partner, they find out all sorts of dudes have been in her and that turns them off so they get irrationally mad. All in a matter of seconds

    • @[email protected]
      79 months ago

      When I left reddit, I really thought I would see less incel shit. Guess I was wrong. How the fuck did this get 25 upvotes?!

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      I wonder if it’s just modern society that gives taboo to naked bodies. There are plenty of other societies whose people are buck naked and they don’t seem to think anything much about it. If there is no taboo on being naked, I’m sure Onlyfans wouldn’t make any money at all.

      • @[email protected]
        09 months ago

        Plenty? Some societies have partial nudity as the norm, but this is the far minority, and even then it’s partial.

  • @cricket98
    -419 months ago

    It’s so cool that we are giving young woman the idea that they can make money by selling their body. I’m sure that is great for society.

    • @PopOfAfrica
      519 months ago

      Dude, she was a professional fighter. She was already selling her body.

      • @cricket98
        -329 months ago

        now she’s selling her dignity

          • @cricket98
            -139 months ago

            I would say getting spitroasted on camera for the world to see is pretty degrading, and I think a lot of people share that opinion.

            • @[email protected]
              69 months ago

              Sorry bro but someone else’s feelings doesn’t seem to be for you and your friends to decide. But you’re free to simply see it that way

              • @cricket98
                -159 months ago

                God forbid I give my opinion on the internet

                • TomAwsm
                  89 months ago

                  And now your opinion is permanently floating around on the internet. The horror!

    • @[email protected]
      199 months ago

      It’s so cool that we are Capitalism is giving young women the idea that they can make money by selling their body. I’m sure that is great for society.


      Whether doing sex work, manual labor, or a desk job, you are selling your body for profit. If you have a problem with that then you have a problem with Capitalism.

      • @Godric
        19 months ago

        Neat friend, can you please clarify what it is we are doing with our bodies under not-capitalism?

      • @cricket98
        -109 months ago

        I’m sure all the girls who have their naked pictures permanently floating around the internet for creepy guys to jack off to are really happy with the 50$ they made doing so. For every successful only fans model there are 100’s who gave up their dignity for a permanent stain on their reputation that will follow them and their kids around for life.

        • @thenightisdark
          69 months ago

          Why would naked pictures of yourself be a permanent stain on their reputation?

          • @cricket98
            -19 months ago

            What’s fucked up on my view of the human body? Did you respond to the right comment?

            • @[email protected]
              19 months ago

              It’s kind of funny hearing you say that when some of the most famous paintings and statues are of people’s naked bodies. I’m not saying I’d do it or that people would want me to or that they won’t regret it any less than I regret some of the decisions I’ve made, but the biggest negative impact from doing so is social stigma from people who think doing so makes you less valuable. I’ll leave it up to you to decide if you’re going to stigmatize adults who are making choices about their life that pose no harm to anyone who hasn’t consented.

              • @cricket98
                09 months ago

                Do you recognize the difference between artistic pieces and pornography? One is art, the other exists solely to let perverted old men jack off to you.

                • @[email protected]
                  29 months ago

                  Okay, and? Is there someone forcing you to watch porn? Is there someone forcing you to make it? If not, then how about worry about your life and let other people worry about theirs.

    • @[email protected]
      169 months ago

      You mean selling your body for fighting in UFC?

      The story of the opposite - she makes more money not selling her body!

    • @buddhabound
      99 months ago

      Yo… You think people never thought about selling sex before this was posted on Lemmy?

      This is like giving people the idea of the wheel. I’d be willing to bet that human beings bartered for sex before they bartered for food or water.

      • girlfreddy
        -139 months ago

        … human beings bartered for sex

        I think you mean men bartered for sex before food or water.

        Women are smart enough to put their lives before sex.

        • @mriormro
          39 months ago

          This is some of the dumbest shit I’ve read in a while.

      • @cricket98
        -219 months ago

        Doing porn is a permanent stain on your reputation. I hate seeing young girls turn to it because of the easy money to be made. For every girl that has success on only fans is 50 girls who will have their nudes circulate the internet for eternity for a measly 100$.

        • @[email protected]
          179 months ago

          It’s only a permanent stain to people who care.

          The people who make a big deal out of it are the ones that should be ashamed.

        • andyburke
          119 months ago

          Barring any of the other context here, you need to back up and think about why you think it’s so awful for a nude picture to exist.

          Are you helping or are you pushing your own moral code onto those who may not share it?

          • @cricket98
            9 months ago

            I’m giving my opinion. If nudes are so harmless, why is revenge porn such a big deal? The answer is because once your nudes are public, you are no longer in control. Any man can see your most intimate moment and do with it how they please, and you can do nothing to stop it. Your child will have to grow up knowing there are videos of your mom shoving a cucumber up her butt for a months rent.

              • @cricket98
                -79 months ago

                I don’t think it’s healthy for a child to have their friends show them pictures of their mother in intimate situations.

                • @[email protected]
                  109 months ago

                  I don’t think it’s healthy for you to worry so much about what other people do with their bodies.

              • @cricket98
                -69 months ago

                You lose consent forever when you release porn. You can never go back on it. You might be okay with it today but you have no choice how others use it for the rest of your life.

                Also relax a bit, no need to sperg out in a civil conversation.

    • @SalamendaciousOP
      89 months ago

      In my opinion people should be able to do what they want with their own bodies (with the exception of meth, crack, etc) my problem with this only fans situation is that it’s just underscoring that our society only seems to value women for their sexuality. I don’t follow UFC but assuming she’s good at what she does it’s sad to me that society values her body more than her abilities. The same thing goes for the only fans teachers. I just wished we valued people for their skills and education more than their flesh. Like I said do what you want with your own body though.

      • @[email protected]
        59 months ago

        Why don’t I have the right to do whatever drugs I like? I know what I’m getting into, and it’s my body. A lot of psychiatrists preach the benefits of mushrooms and acid for mental health. And meth and crack certainly aren’t as powerful as mushrooms or acid.

        • @SalamendaciousOP
          -29 months ago

          My personal opinion is that there are some chemicals that are so detrimental to a person that society has the obligation to limit their use. Also, there is no articulable right to drugs in the Constitution except alcohol through the 21st amendment.

            • @SalamendaciousOP
              9 months ago

              the Constitution and decisions by the supreme Court determines what your legal rights are. Your opinions are your own and you can base them on whatever you want

              • @[email protected]
                18 months ago

                Okay but why would I base them on the opinions of slave owners? That sounds stupid and nonsensical.

                • @SalamendaciousOP
                  18 months ago

                  So there are two things at play here: rights and opinions. Legal rights in America are based on the constitution and the decisions made by the supreme Court. I’m not saying that they’re correct or not; justified or not; or ethical or not. I’m just making a statement of fact that’s where rights originate from in US law.

                  Opinions can be based on whatever you want. You are free to agree with or disagree with both the Constitution and the supreme Court. You can consider them valid or invalid institutions.

                  I’m not trying to tell you that you should be of a particular opinion or not.

      • @cricket98
        -169 months ago

        The reason porn pays is because so few woman are willing to give up their dignity for the sake of temporary cash flow. If everyone did porn, people would be making scraps.

          • @cricket98
            -119 months ago

            not anymore its not, which is why very few make money.

            • @SalamendaciousOP
              79 months ago

              There is a lot of pornography available. It is not a scarce commodity.

                • @SalamendaciousOP
                  9 months ago

                  Your original comment:

                  The reason porn pays is because so few woman are willing to give up their dignity for the sake of temporary cash flow. If everyone did porn, people would be making scraps.

                  You’re making a basic supply and demand argument. As supply goes down (i.e. becomes scarce) and assuming demand remains constant the cost will increase.

                  If you’re selling apples. And 100 people want apples. The price you charge will fluctuate depending on how many apples you have. If you have 10 the cost goes up. If you have 1,000 the cost goes down.

                  My argument is pornography is not scarce. Meaning there’s a lot of it available (on the market) so I disagree with your assessment as to why “porn pays”

    • @captainlezbian
      89 months ago

      Do you think that young women don’t figure it out on their own? I’m not saying this is a responsible article, but it’s more like a glowing article about how much oil field workers make. But sex work is old and young women have always figured it out.

      • @cricket98
        -149 months ago

        I think we have yet to see the full impact of the damage to young women who were sold a dream of making money on only fans. Instead they will have their nudes permanently passed so disgusting old men can jack off to them. There is no undoing that and I suspect that will haunt a lot of girls far into the future.

        • @[email protected]
          99 months ago

          You sure are doing women a favor by fear mongering over it and acting like it’s something shameful. With modern tech all you need is a picture of someone’s face anyway. And I say this as someone who has had content posted without my knowledge or consent. What exactly do you want me to do, live my life being “haunted” by this or tell people like you to fuck off and quit making it worse?

        • @[email protected]
          59 months ago

          Not on OF, but I’ve got nudes out there. I really don’t give a shit who sees em. I’m not ashamed of them. Where do you get the idea that irreparably damages women?

          • @cricket98
            -29 months ago

            Cool, you have no shame for your actions. Glad you are able to live with your choices. A lot of people can’t though.