• @MTK
    2478 months ago

    Me being an arch using vegan with a man-bun makes this feel like a personal attack.

    But once I get my new arch setup working I’ll install gimp on it and create a meme making fun of you!

    • @kautau
      8 months ago

      And you’ll finally get your sound working on your new laptop after weeks of messing with pulse audio and realizing you just needed to install sof-firmware but didn’t scroll far enough in the wiki to see that, but now your pulse audio config is so messed up it’s just easier to reinstall Arch again

      Source: my life

      • Kogasa
        288 months ago

        Step 1: install pipewire

        there is no step 2

      • @AeonFelis
        58 months ago

        Installing sound on Arch is really easy:

        1. Install ALSA
        2. Install Pulse
        3. Spend half an hour trying to get the sound test to work with various parameters
        4. Realize the default sink is set to USB audio and you don’t have a USB audio device
        5. Google how to change the default sink
        6. Change the default sink
    • RBG
      178 months ago

      Check the arch wiki first if installing Gimp is going to bork your system.

    • @EatBeans
      178 months ago

      Do you also bike/lift?

        • @RubberElectrons
          28 months ago

          Veggie, Ubuntu, same otherwise but fuckin’ C# for an Arduino??? Bruh.

            • @RubberElectrons
              18 months ago

              Oh no bigs, just… Never heard of that hahaha. Good luck, hope you make something cool! Check out hackaday if you want some interesting user interface ideas, be they physical or digital

      • @MTK
        27 months ago

        Yeah, a long time ago, it’s working great.

        I just need to fix some drivers since I did an update yesterday.

    • @mihnt
      728 months ago

      deleted by creator

      • @kttnpunk
        -328 months ago

        You have elevated levels of stress hormone (and deserve it) if you eat animals, btw.

          • @captainlezbian
            228 months ago

            They know what they fucking did. They domesticated my species

          • @kttnpunk
            -158 months ago

            Hmmm, Greatly lower my risk of heart disease and parasites overall? Allow me to enjoy deep-frying and carbs guiltlessly? Make me feel like I can fight god and win?

            • @LemmysMum
              98 months ago

              Vegans just casually setting up a class system upon which to value one life above others.

              • VaultBoyNewVegas
                218 months ago

                Cannibals are the real equalists. They don’t discriminate on where their meat comes from and probably eat some veggies with their braised butt.

                • @LemmysMum
                  08 months ago

                  I respect the life of my vegetables as much as I respect the life of my meat, show me a vegan who says they do likewise and I’ll show you a hypocrite.

    • Jo Miran
      8 months ago

      I’m vegan for health reasons and I have yet to meat one of the infamous vegans the stereotype portrays. I ask questions, look for recipes, etc, and everyone has been super nice. I think “those vegans” live primarily on Twitter and Reddit.

      PS: I’ve had a working Linux system in daily use since I started back with Red Hat Halloween and I prefer Debían based installs like Pop!_OS and Mint D. Nothing against Arch but I ain’t got time to fight the OS as well as my work.

      EDIT: The typo stays.

      • @captainlezbian
        258 months ago

        I’ve met one or two. It’s like fine, it’s a major lifestyle change often associated with ethics that sets you aside from most of society. Many folks have a period of a few months to a year or two of being really annoying about shit like that. It happens with all sorts of folks: linux and arch users, freshly out queer people, people getting into polyamory, new converts to religions… frankly atheists and people who just converted to Christianity are the worst about it in my experience. And yeah these people are annoying. You’ve been annoying too I’m sure, we all have, it’s part of being a person and the people being annoying about these things are typically doing so at an age where some variant of that is a common experience

        • Jo Miran
          8 months ago

          I’ve been annoying? I’VE BEEN ANNOYING?!? I take offense of your liberal use of the past tense, Captain.

          I hear ya though. I guess I’ve been lucky in my interactions, but the memes make it seem like it’s constant and ever present with vegans, and that doesn’t match with my experience outside of the Internet.

        • @[email protected]
          48 months ago

          Surprisingly sane take, I forget sometimes that not everything on the internet is straight cynicism. Ty.

      • @[email protected]
        48 months ago

        They’re also on Lemmy. I haven’t been here long, but I’ve already seen 2.

        One is right here in another comment chain, lol

      • @[email protected]
        18 months ago

        This is very likely my very environmentally influenced view, but I think there was a period of time where being vegan was a trend among the health hipsters, who weren’t vegan due to ethics, but because either everyone else was doing it or because they claim it has massive health benefits like they did for paleo, keto or other diets. Those I think could indeed fit that stereotype. Or maybe I’m living in a fairy tale.

    • Cornpop
      198 months ago

      I’ll stand for it in your absence.

    • @Just_Pizza_Crust
      158 months ago

      Part of being vegan is understanding you’ll be mocked and criticized for completely unrelated things. Like Bubly sparkling water or blue denim, for example.

    • @seaQueue
      58 months ago

      I know what you mean, I always sit down first.

    • @surewhynotlem
      -158 months ago

      Of course not. With the lack of iron and protein you need to complain while sitting.

      -a vegetarian

      • @RubberElectrons
        38 months ago

        Don’t mock too much, that lack of B12 be sneaking up on us both lol

  • @TootSweet
    918 months ago

    I use Arch, BTW.

    I feed on your hatred.

  • @MycoBro
    828 months ago

    I’ll never forget the first time I successfully installed arch and got my I3 set up juuust like I wanted it. It felt like I did something. It was great. Fuck you!

  • @jordanlund
    758 months ago

    Needs a Steam Deck owner in the corner playing games, wearing headphones, and ignoring all questions.

  • @takeda
    658 months ago

    I love how “unbiased” it is and I’m not even an arch user.

  • @[email protected]
    8 months ago

    No way the Fedora user figured out how to configure partitions in the installer without having to google it at least five times! I’ve installed Fedora a few times over the years, and that UI still makes no sense to me!

    • @mlg
      158 months ago

      Lol I end up just opening gparted, do my stuff, then go and set the partitions in the installer

    • @[email protected]
      108 months ago

      Lol. I tried to google it too and i still am unable to define a custom home partition for my most recent Nobara install. Gave up and just let it automatically create what it needs.

    • @krakenx
      8 months ago

      I switched a friend from Ubuntu to Fedora specifically because the partition setup during Fedora install is so good. (It was during a new build)

      • @thatgirlwasfire
        28 months ago

        Yeah for some reason whenever i try and install Ubuntu, the installer only sees the primary NVME drive if one is installed. Haven’t had that issue with any other distro

      • @[email protected]
        18 months ago

        Huh. I had the complete opposite experience. I found fedora’s manual partitioner to be the worst of any distro I’ve ever used (I had trouble understanding it and it always ended up giving me some weird error when trying to finalize the partitioning step). I think I just ended up ditching fedora’s default manual partition manager.

    • TheOPtimal
      38 months ago

      I just let it do partitioning automatically, or do it manually with GNOME Disks.

  • @[email protected]
    498 months ago

    Debian guy could have just downloaded the nonfree installer that includes some common wifi and other hardware firmwares. There are some pragmatists at Debian.

      • @n00b001
        18 months ago

        Well… Say that to my live USB I tried booting off of a machine with a very modern nVidia card. I had to create a new boot entry to disable nouveau and install nVidia proprietary graphics into a persistent partition.

        I understand nVidia is shit, and doesn’t play nice with others. But my point is - it’s not always that easy. (I thought it would be! I lost many hours, and pulled out lots of hair!)

        • @rambaroo
          18 months ago

          The boot entry is for secure boot. It would be required by any distro not just Debian.

          • @n00b001
            18 months ago

            It’s not related to secure boot (I have that disabled) it’s related to nouveu drivers not supporting the 4090 (yet)

    • @[email protected]OP
      88 months ago

      Not in the good old days. Back in 2000something I built a custom installer image with a backported kernel from testing and some firmware to get debian installed on a new laptop.

    • @[email protected]
      17 months ago

      Agree but Debian is still damn manual compared to many Fedora quality of life improvements.

      Meanwhile, removing snaps and replacing with flatpaks on a set up ubuntu system is crazy! All those loop mounts suddenly start showing up when snapd is gone

  • @[email protected]
    478 months ago

    I actually encoutered this the other day.

    Me: “Yeah I need reliability for work and sometimes I just don’t have time to repair stuff. Last time I was on rolling release some update fucked my system right before an important deadline”

    Other person: “It wOn’T bReAk If YoU UndErStANd iT”


    Anyway stable is awesome

    • @rambaroo
      8 months ago

      Yep and that’s why I refuse to use rolling distros. I don’t need the latest update of everything to game. Give me a stable system any day instead.

      Debian or openSUSE Leap for me.

      • @[email protected]
        17 months ago

        Arch + BTRFS snapshots might be great. I am trying that out currently, but will probably just stay on Fedora Kinoite

  • @[email protected]
    458 months ago

    I’ll have you know that I eat a vegetarian not vegan diet and I really don’t have a man bun (got no hair for that) … The stickers on the laptop however really felt like you took a photo of my machine.

    Also if it wasn’t obvious I run arch

      • @camr_on
        188 months ago

        I prefer my meat grass-fed

    • @[email protected]OP
      68 months ago

      The man bun is more of a mental thing. And, hey, I’m a vegetarian too according to the saying “you are what you eat”.

  • @[email protected]
    428 months ago

    man I knew this was going to be rough when I saw him wearing a vegan shirt but god DAMN

    “All Arch users are stupid vegan crossfitters who never shut up and contribute nothing to society and the only thing they ever care about is making their desktop look l33t and Arch is a horrible distro and did I mention all Arch users are stupid?”

    Oh. My. Sides.

    I switched from Ubuntu to Arch because I was sick of packages not compiling due to a complete lack of dependency management. I use stock KDE with zero frills and I spend most of my time hacking on open source projects. I never tell anyone what OS I use (unless they ask for recommendations for their new machine, and I’m prepared to also tell them why I personally prefer it) because they don’t care. I’m a normal guy who keeps myself to myself and hates the people who think a pretty desktop is more important than a usable system just as much as everyone else.

    However, I use Arch, and Arch bad, which means I must be the most annoying person on the planet.