• @[email protected]
    14911 months ago

    Baby was immediately taken to a state if the art NICU and had a whole team of specialists. Still has a 0.5 chance of not having brain damage when she grows up.

    This is an absolutely amazing thing. But the tweet makes it seem. Like he just st with the baby and rubbed her chest. Not that she was being treated with the best equipment and by the best people.

    • AggressivelyPassive
      3611 months ago

      And as you said: it’s pretty likely that children like this have developmental and/or behavioral issues.

      This life-at-any-cost approach might be understandable for the individual parent/relative, but it’s not exactly the best approach if you’re a bit more detached and less emotional.

      • @[email protected]
        -2211 months ago

        Yikes. Why is this being up voted here?

        Translation: let babies who are likely to have developmental issues die.

        • AggressivelyPassive
          2711 months ago

          Translation: you are exactly the myopic, emotion-driven kind of person I was talking about.

          You are potentially forcing a life of misery onto the child, its parents and society as a whole, just because you are too cowardly to say that yes, some lives are not worth living. This is a mercy that every street dog is subject to, but humans not.

          And don’t act all “hurr durr value of human life”, just look around the world. We all ignore millions of cruel deaths because it would be like real inconvenient to help them. You are dishonest and hypocritical.

          • u/unhappy_grapefruit_2
            10 months ago

            A life of misery onto the child

            You know that just because the kid might have a chance to develop mental disabilities doesn’t mean the child is going to have a life of ‘‘misery’’ the child might be able to live a full life, the child might require a bit of support or might require alot of support depending on the severity of the child’s mental disabilities

            Plus who the fuck are you to decide whenever a life is worth living or not. This decision in this very specific situation should be upto both the parents and doctors

          • @[email protected]
            -1411 months ago

            No, I just actually care about people with special needs and don’t want to murder them. I have a special needs kid and I know plenty of other kids with special needs who are very happy to be alive and happy that they have parents that love them and didn’t try to murder them when they were babies.

            What you suggest is eugenics and it’s rightly thought of on the same level as the Holocaust. It’s abhorrent.

            • AggressivelyPassive
              211 months ago

              So you are emotional and irrational. You are not the right person to ask here and your opinion has hardly any value.

              BTW: it’s not eugenics, but euthanasia. Which is granted to every sick animal. Get your facts straight.

        • @[email protected]
          511 months ago

          “Quality of life” vs “quantity of life” is a question that can be discussed at both ends.

          Extending life at all costs is not always the best path.
          Society has grown more comfortable having this conversation with regards to the elderly and the terminally ill because it’s easy for them to weigh in on their own circumstances.
          It’s a harder conversation when it comes to accident victims or those profoundly stricken by a malady, because they often can’t weigh in.
          When it comes to neonatal or infants, it’s harder yet because they can’t weigh in and they’re so precious to us.

          No one is talking euthanasia without express consent, that’s monsterous.
          Asking if the effort is worth it is different though. As unfortunate as it is, some people never experience enough happiness in their lives to justify the pain we were able to save them for.

          It’s sad, but there are people who would rather have been allowed to die than to have to wait 18 years for assisted suicide.

    • @[email protected]
      2611 months ago

      Considering the baby is probably in her 20s by now, probably less equipment then, but you make a good point.

      It’s also a little like people giving God the credit when it’s Humans and Science and Medical Intervention that performed the miracle.

    • @irish_link
      1311 months ago

      For the Americans who don’t understand the severity. 450 grams is less than 1 pound.

      • @[email protected]
        211 months ago

        How much is a baby unlikely to survive? I looked up as you did thr conversion of grams to pounds and then looked up normal newborn weight… and it says less than 5 pounds is unhealthy, but not so fatal but won’t say how much is 50 50 of survival? And how much is a 99 percent chance? But I can wager a guess that less than a pound when 5 and a half pounds is dangerous must be… incredible.

        • @bighatchester
          110 months ago

          My son was born at just over a pound and from the start they said his chances where very good and will just need time to grow in the NICU . From what I was told under a pound there is much more risk .

    • @Elivey
      811 months ago

      I had someone come into one of my classes who worked in an NICU come in to talk about it and showed us a picture of the usual state of the room for a baby like this.

      Imagine this but 10 times more machines and wires. The picture she showed was just a sea.

  • @exhaust_fan
    3011 months ago

    Doctors gave my parents a choice to let my neonatal sibling die naturally. I grew up with them, loved them, and never wanted anything but the best life for them and my family.

    If a doctor gives you a choice you should take it. It isn’t a happy life for them, the people they should care about, or broader society.

    • @irish_link
      911 months ago

      I can only imagine how hard this may be to talk about.

      I ask this question to get clarification and not make you relive a hardship in any way. So please just respond with “no thanks” if its to hard to give more details or just ignore completely.

      Your comment was a little confusing to me. Can you expand on it a little so I can understand. Was your comment that it was not a happy life meant that its not a perfect life for those who are born in that situation but they find true joy and bring light to those around then from your experience? Or more give them a shot and they will show you how far they can go because they are determined to show you what the hell they are made of.

      I ask this not as an outsider but as a friend who has seen a few extremes in this real including my cousin.

      • @exhaust_fan
        1711 months ago

        It’s fine, ask away. It’s important people think through long term implications so I’m happy to answer.

        Such babies stand very low chances of living healthy normal lives. In my sibling’s case they didn’t live a happy or comfortable life, they precldued my other siblings and I from valuable childhood experiences, strained my parents’ marriage, and were a huge burden on taxpayers and society. There were some good moments but truthfully they never brought anyone any real happiness and no one ever honestly wanted them to be around.

        It’s natural to want to cling on to those you love hoping the best for them, especially for mothers. My strong opinion is all things considered the kindest thing for everyone’s long term wellbeing is to be strong and let them go.

        • @[email protected]
          -2711 months ago

          As long as you keep that shitty opinion mostly to yourself that’s fine. When you try advocate for it legally or socially like this don’t be surprised when you end up with the Nazis and missing teeth.

          My god their disabled sibling “truthfully they never brought anyone any real happiness and no one ever honestly wanted them to be around.”

          Talk about ableism and lack of self awareness… Some of the most evil heartless shit I’ve ever read…

          Lemmy has a real cast of the left wing eugencist doesn’t it? Finally get to block my first non troll scum.

          • @[email protected]
            811 months ago

            Talk about ableism and lack of self awareness… Some of the most evil heartless shit I’ve ever read…

            I guess you know their family and situation better than they do themselves

          • @irish_link
            611 months ago

            Wow… you seem like a real shit of a person. Or just a troll I am guessing. No one brought right/left or anything like politics up but you sure as hell tried to start a fire. You have one comment, no posts, so I am guessing just a shot person or being paid to cause harm. Good luck buddy, hope your soul is worth it.

  • @datelmd5sum
    2311 months ago

    Perhaps the consultant was wrong if she was only a 6yo?

  • Optional
    1411 months ago

    Oooollllllld meme

    • @Dadifer
      311 months ago

      “Trust no one.”

      • My program director
    • @thorbot
      11 months ago


      Maybe they didn’t have the massive financial expenditure it takes to pay for 48 hours of ongoing respiratory therapy

      • Deceptichum
        2111 months ago

        Why is 8 the optimal number of legs for so many species? What makes 8 better than 6 eh octopus spiders?

        • blargerer
          1611 months ago

          Things mutating to double is easier. So you get 2-4-8 etc, and then specialization after.

            • @[email protected]
              11 months ago

              It’s on your other hand, next to the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th. If that is missing you should ask the bigger questions (like who took my hand).

  • @jimbo
    8 months ago

    deleted by creator