Agreeing with an antisemitic post on his social media platform X, Elon Musk concurred that Jewish communities push “hatred against Whites.”

    • enkers
      408 months ago

      I certainly gave him credit for longer than I should have. I’d say it stemmed mostly from a belief that scientific and technological progress will help solve a lot of large scale problems, and he seemed to be aligned with and guiding some of that progress.

      • @dangblingus
        58 months ago

        His ideas on science and technology sound great only if you know nothing about science or technology.

        • enkers
          8 months ago

          Which ideas? Like electric cars are a pretty legitimately good alternative to ICE cars. Ofc investing into public transit would be better, but that’s a social problem, not a tech one. Reusable rocketry seems pretty legit. Starlink does seems like it’ll be a massively taxpayer subsidized money black hole, though.

          I’d say most of the issues I have with the Elon are his social policies (anti-worker) and views.

    • Th4tGuyII
      178 months ago

      I would’ve suggested a few years ago that people simply didn’t know the monster behind his public facade, but that mask has long since broken.

      At this point I can only guess it’s a mix of right-wing facists and the “disgraced billionaires” of the world worshipping him in the hopes that they can “one day” be like him.

    • alternative_factor
      168 months ago

      I think it’s that the richest (and thus arguably the most powerful) person in the world is a full-blown fascist is very hard to take.

      • @[email protected]
        138 months ago

        Nowhere near the most powerful man… definitely not the richest. Remember that in most countries (china) wealth isn’t publicly announced.

        • alternative_factor
          58 months ago

          He still wields incredible power, it’s rough just to think about it for me. I honestly find it a lot harder to think about Musk than Trump, reason being that Musk actually has some smart people working under him.

          • prole
            38 months ago

            Musk was born in S. Africa. He cannot become President of the United States. Trump is much scarier because of this.

      • prole
        38 months ago

        arguably the most powerful

        Lol no. He wishes.

  • Flying Squid
    428 months ago

    American Jew here- I’ve been terrified since Charlottesville. I’m especially terrified for my daughter, who is also on the LGBTQ spectrum. Please do everything you can to stop Trump.

    • @DannyMac
      118 months ago

      As a lone voter in a red state, I’m trying, but the electoral college will fuck us again. Goddamn secret Republican Billionaire ruling class servants Democrats when it comes to trying to get rid of it, “yOu wOuLdN’T WaNt tO GeT RiD Of iT If iT WaS In yOuR FaVoR.”

      • Flying Squid
        118 months ago

        At least you’re trying! That’s all you can do! I’m in Indiana, so I feel your pain.

  • @dangblingus
    358 months ago

    Crazy. It’s like the guy who grew up with hyper wealthy parents, who benefited from the South African apartheid regime, went to spoiled rich boy schools, and has generally acted like a moronic 12 year old his entire life, might be a racist buffoon.

  • @[email protected]
    328 months ago

    It’s worse. The original comment basically says Jews are responsible for non-white immigration in an attempt to replace white people, but now the Jews are learning that the non-white people don’t like Jews because people are protesting for Palestinian rights.

    What a fantasy world these people live in.

  • @toasteecup
    8 months ago

    Surprise Surprise, post has been deleted from X. Anyone get a screenshot before dickhead deleted it?

    Oh hey OP been a minute hope you’re well.

    Update: the link in the article did not work for me, however OP provides a working link for the post and I’ve seen more than a few screenshots of Musk’s reply.

  • Dr. Moose
    188 months ago

    Super taboo to say but I think its fair to claim that all cults/religions discriminate against outsiders.

    • Bernie Ecclestoned
      148 months ago

      Yeah, but he was just thinking about lost $.

      Musk in September threatened to sue the ADL for defamation, claiming that the organization’s reports have hurt advertising sales on X

      • prole
        48 months ago

        Right, exactly. He is the “white” he is referring to.

        The whole thing is a strange statement. I’ve been critical of Israel’s government, but “hatred against whites”? Huh?

        • Flying Squid
          68 months ago

          What’s interesting is that this is yet another example about how Jews are only white when it’s convenient.

    • @Buffalox
      8 months ago

      You are confusing the issue with an out of context comment.
      While I personally agree with your observation, the ADL group exist specifically to fight antisemitism.
      Your comment helps normalizing Elon Musk insanity. Musk is just butthurt, because he was called out for being an idiot.

    • Heresy_generator
      58 months ago

      Why did “pushing hatred against” get softened to “discriminate against”? That’s not at all what was said.

      • @surewhynotlem
        18 months ago

        " we don’t hate those people, we just think they’re not as good as we are"

        Splitting the hair might thin there?

        • @[email protected]
          48 months ago

          " we don’t hate those people, we just think they’re not as good as we are"

          That’s where it starts.

        • Heresy_generator
          8 months ago

          No. And why now are we pretending that hating and pushing hate are the same thing? My grandfather hating Chinese people isn’t the same thing as my grandfather’s community organizing to push anti-Chinese propaganda.

          Why can’t we just address what was actually said?

          Jewish communties have been pushing the exact kind of dialectical hatred against whites that they claim to want people to stop using against them.

          • @surewhynotlem
            08 months ago

            If grandpa hates those people, then he will act in a way that shows he hates those people. This is the same as pushing people to hate those people. The only difference is it’s one person instead of a coordinated effort.

            Are you saying that 10 grandpas is more than 10 times as bad as one grandpa? Is hatred that we can’t easily see better than hatred that we can? I honestly don’t know the answer. But it feels like both are really wrong.

            • Heresy_generator
              38 months ago

              I’m saying claiming that Jewish communities promote hatred against white people is an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory and not at all similar to claiming individuals often harbor discriminatory feelings or even hatred for those outside of their in-group.

              • @surewhynotlem
                08 months ago

                Saying “Jews do X” is always a stupid over simplification. There are more types of beliefs among Jews than there are Christians.

                Do some of them profess hateful things? Yeah, probably. But I think we need to be specific about those groups.

                Just like I won’t say all Christians are hateful bastards. Even though a whole bunch of them are.

    • @[email protected]
      18 months ago

      There’s some historical baggage (you know, the Holocaust and also generations of nasty antisemitism) associated with Judaism that makes it worth being a little more nuanced with criticism, though.

  • @xc2215x
    68 months ago

    What in the world Elon ?

    • @dasgoat
      128 months ago

      Are you surprised that he’s becoming a nazi out of sheer braindead convenience, having been caught in the web spun by big oil companies who support people like Ben Shapiro and other ghouls in an effort to destabilize the world so they can go on poisoning it. Which in turn coddles these braindead narcicists because they were raised so intensely sheltered that they almost kill themselves when an audience boos at them?

      Because I’m not really surprised. This was actually rather expected.

  • theodewere
    48 months ago

    his innate weakness makes playing the victim card a simple reflex action

  • @MycoBro
    -38 months ago

    What? No one hates white people.