• Schwim Dandy
      388 months ago

      Nobody can even state that it’s actually happening “for competitive browsers” as even Chrome users are reporting an unexplained lag/slowdown. At this point, it’s just wild speculation and bandwagoning.

      • LoafyLemon
        8 months ago

        You absolutely can tell what’s happening by reading the source code. They are using a listener and a delay for when ontimeupdate promise is not met, which timeouts the entire connection for 5 full seconds.


        • Schwim Dandy
          148 months ago

          I’m sorry but I don’t see how that check is browser-specific. Is that part happening on the browser side?

          • @[email protected]
            268 months ago

            They don’t need to put incriminating “if Firefox” statements in their code – the initial page request would have included the user agent and it would be trivial to serve different JavaScript based on what it said.

            • @[email protected]
              228 months ago

              Easy enough to test though. Load the page with a UA changer and see if it still shows up when Firefox pretends to be Chrome

              • @TastehWaffleZ
                8 months ago

                The video in the linked article does just that. The page takes 5 seconds to load the video, the user changes the UA, they refresh the page and suddenly the video loads instantly. I would have liked to see them change the UA back to Firefox to prove it’s not some weird caching issue though

            • @nixcamic
              88 months ago

              I guess his question is “is that happening?”

              • @[email protected]
                18 months ago

                I don’t know, nor am I speculating. The person I was replying to said they didn’t see a browser check in the code, which isn’t enough to dismiss it.

        • Karyoplasma
          98 months ago

          Well, at least I learned that javascript understands exponential notation. I never even bothered to try that lol

      • @Ottomateeverything
        -68 months ago

        There’s been multiple posts pointing to some possibly “wait for ads to finish loading” type code. It’s quite possible that it’s just bugged in Firefox etc since browsers are horrendously inconsistent etc.

        But that doesn’t make a cool headline so instead the “it’s Google being evil” story is the popular one.

        • @[email protected]
          198 months ago

          it was already made public in the lawsuit some weeks ago that they are indeed slowing down youtube for firefox.

          • @Ottomateeverything
            8 months ago


            I’ve read a lot on this and never saw any conclusive claim here.

            There were claims many years ago by Mozilla about this, and it had to do with slow APIs in Mozilla that YouTube was using…

            There’s also been many known performance issues in a lot of the APIs/libraries Google/YouTube use on Mozilla for many years. And Mozilla just hasn’t been able to keep up.

            I don’t see anything about this in recent history, because everything is just floods of people complaining about this round, with still no conclusive evidence that this is happening intentionally. YouTube is currently on a ad-block-blocker crusade and their code keeps changing and there’s nothing to conclusively indicate that this is malice and not just a bug in the way Mozilla performs.

            So as much as everyone seems happy to burn the witch because of poor performance, I’m not ready to jump to that conclusion until there’s actually evidence of this being intentional. Especially when this smells a lot like a long standing different problem. “Someone said they are” is not going to convince me. Especially if you can’t even point to that someone saying that thing.

    • auth
      -438 months ago

      Where’s the proof? Note: I didn’t read the article

      • @SheeEttin
        98 months ago

        Don’t worry, there isn’t proof in the article either. There’s a snippet of code out of context, and a video that, while it shows a loading delay, doesn’t show the code being executed.

        • @[email protected]
          28 months ago

          Ya. This whole thing is very silly, and it’s really sad how little critical thinking is going on here.

      • @4lan
        8 months ago

        How short are our attention spans that we make judgments based on things we didn’t read?

        Get off TikTok It’s breaking your brain

        You can literally see it for yourself. Download Firefox, download Chrome. It will literally take you 5 minutes to test this out

  • @[email protected]
    1548 months ago

    So Alphabet:

    • is the developer the most used browser (chrome) and its open source skeleton (chromium) on which most of all of the other browsers are based on (edge, brave etc)

    • has the most used video platform online, with no close second (unless you count porn, but i’d still argue its not close)

    • has the biggest share of devices relying on its platform worldwide (android)

    • has the most used search engine worldwide.

    Alphabet has to be split up. Alphabet alone is deciding what shape internet will take in the future.

    • @HollandJim
      8 months ago

      is the developer the most used browser (chrome) and its open source skeleton (chromium) on which most of all of the other browsers are based on (edge, brave etc)

      Which was branched from Apple’s open Webkit base, but let’s all also forget about that.

      They take the IP of others, spin it a bit and then block everyone. Burn them down.

      • @nixcamic
        518 months ago

        Acting like Apple didn’t do the same thing with khtml to make WebKit.

        • @[email protected]
          8 months ago

          The inevitable fate of any useful software that’s not GPL.

          When will people learn???

          Edit: Ironically, KHTML was originally LGPL. So modifications to KHTML were required to be open source by the license, but Chrome itself isn’t required to be open source (at least as far as I understand it, I am not an expert here). Nevertheless, if it were stronger GPL, then it probably wouldn’t have been impossible to write features like DRM in chrome. So I would have been a bit of an idiot to say that KHTML isn’t GPL (because LGPL is a weaker version of GPL), but in effect, the outcome is the same - all because of that big fat L at the beginning.

          • @jackhp95
            188 months ago

            They totally do though. You can ONLY use webkit on any iOS device. Chrome, Firefox, etc. they all are forced to use webkit on iOS. Neither Google or Apple are treating the web nicely, but at least you have a choice to use a different browser. Apple makes that effectively impossible.

            • @nixcamic
              58 months ago

              Also you can’t really use Apple TV properly without an Apple device. Same with iCloud. Actually really any service they make only works properly with their full stack.

    • @[email protected]
      248 months ago

      All of those are meaningless peanuts versus

      • Owns the biggest (borderline only) web ad service in the world
        • @4lan
          48 months ago

          God bless the EU. Actually protecting its consumers

  • @[email protected]
    1368 months ago

    It’s fucking incredible watching Google change from a fairly well-liked company into essentially fucking Comcast. Fucking incredible.

    • @ArtVandelay
      748 months ago

      Unchecked capitalism is a real motherfucker ain’t it?

  • MudMan
    678 months ago

    Incidentally, I dropped Youtube’s web app like a rock when they started messing with adblockers and today they emailed me to say they’re cutting down features in my account because “I don’t have enough of a history”.

    I swear, these decaying tech firms just don’t get the value of not appearing to be flailing in desperation.

  • Endorkend
    438 months ago

    All I have left to say about Google and Youtube in particular is that Youtubes ads have become so problematic, both in amount and quality (like seriously, people get banned for using innocuous words in videos targeted at adult audiences, yet completely fucked up ads are squarely targeted at children) and at this point, it’s time for YouTube to die.

    A new platform needs to come along.

    Which will be hard since Google has such a stranglehold on the datacenter and backbone level that they have an absolute advantage when it comes to bandwidth and storage costs. Which is the main cost for video platforms like YouTube.

    • The Barto
      98 months ago

      The only thing stopping a viable replacement for YouTube is the servers, google essentially has an infinite amount of server space, you would have to match them on that, decentralization would help bare the load, but there will become a time when even those servers will need to dramatically expand their server count.

        • @Ottomateeverything
          8 months ago

          Yeah, I don’t think people understand quite how astronomical an undertaking it is to replace this shit. People like to quote things like AWS, but AWS is a) expensive and b) general purpose. As such, it might be able to solve the problem, but not nearly as efficiently. It would cost you proportionally WAY MORE than Google is paying to keep YT alive, so that gives you an extra giant hurdle on top of the other complexity.

          Web hosting with low latency is hard. Huge data storage is hard. Transcodinf is hard. Constant uptime is hard. Search is hard. Recommendations are hard. Making it profitable is hard. Starting an ad service that isn’t googles is hard. Convincing content creators to move there is hard. Convincing consumers to look there is hard. Sure, any of these problems have remotely comparable analogs. But you have to solve all of them simultaneously to get anywhere near competing with YouTube. And since Google owns the whole “stack”, it’s much cheaper for them then it’ll be for you.

          Kick probably makes a decent comparison here. But they’re A) solving a subset of the problem B) fighting against a company that has extremely clear problems (arguably much worse than YouTube) C) is in a tech savvy-er demographic D) is funded by mega-casinos with tons of money and a vested interest in the product E) fighting in a market with less inertia so viewers and creators can move easier F) fighting twitch instead if YT which is smaller and younger.

          And they’re still not really all that much competition.

    • Footnote2669
      48 months ago

      I think with everything that’s going on, self hosting will become kind of like a smartphone, everyone has a server. Then the creators host files, and you transcode them on your hardware

  • teft
    318 months ago

    The delay also does not trigger just once; it is reportedly triggered every time YouTube links are opened in a new tab.

    This part got me yesterday as I was listening to music. I loaded a new video in a tab and the other tab waited 5 seconds. I thought I had paused it or something but nope, every time you load a new tab it delays all the other tabs by 5 seconds.

    • @[email protected]
      298 months ago

      This is the exact reason I don’t trust anything hosted online. If it’s something I want to enjoy more than once, I download it.

      Companies hosting things online tend to become authoritarian dictators in all but name, which is their right as they own the services and hardware. But it almost always makes the end user experience shitty and overly complicated, or filled with spyware, or requires you give away your rights to privacy or lawsuit, etc…

      So if there’s a song or something that I like online, I’m downloading that and keeping it on my computer to listen to whenever I feel like it. I don’t have the time or energy to play games with these greedy ass corporations.

      And the ironic part is, that while they would absolutely froth the mouth about me doing this, they’re the ones that drove me to it. It feels like an emotionally abusive relationship, are they keep making our just a man some gaslighting me, then getting angry when I fight back or tell them no.

  • @Something_Complex
    8 months ago

    It it legal? I remember when China’s tech giants started infighting and the party ended up dividing them and phorbiding them to do so.

    They where creating tech exclusive for their devices and internally block all other out.

    I just figured if we aren’t doing it here there should be a reason. (Apple appart)

    Edit:guys what I’m saying matters the orthographic mistakes can be easily attribute to my lack of interest in writing the proper queen’s English when any shit will do

    • @pensivepangolin
      338 months ago

      I’m sorry to be the spelling guy but it’s “forbid” not “phorbid”

        • @fujiwood
          188 months ago

          I’m sorry to be the spelling guy but it’s “phobia” not “fobia”

            • The Pantser
              188 months ago

              I think they got it and didn’t give a phuck.

            • @fujiwood
              8 months ago

              Na, I understood the joke just fine. If you were here when I replied my joke to the joke, you would know that the post I replied to had negative votes until I made my joke. Then everyone else realized that they were making a joke and started giving them upvotes. Have a good day.

  • @[email protected]
    8 months ago

    If it’s happening it’s not doing so for everyone. I use Firefox and I have never seen this delay.

    • @PM_Your_Nudes_Please
      278 months ago

      I haven’t experienced it either, but Google also typically rolls out changes in waves. They rarely just push to prod and call it a day. They push changes in waves, so they can pull the update or make adjustments if the early waves have issues.

      • Footnote2669
        18 months ago

        They do it so we gaslight the people that have it and then it’s too late to do anything when everyone has it lol

    • @[email protected]
      58 months ago


      The anti-adblock warnings only lasted a few days for me too, not seen them for a couple of weeks now.

    • Deebster
      8 months ago

      I’d seen it in my Firefox/Win10 + uBlockO setup. I just used yt-dlp and then a uBlock “quick fixes” update sorted it.

    • @Godnroc
      38 months ago

      Really? I switched from Edge to Firefox recently and YouTube slowed to the point it takes minutes to load the home page and several refreshes. Actually, most Google pages, but YouTube is the one I really use these days.

      The videos themselves load fine, and of course every other website loads fine at the same time, but YouTube is nearly unusable if you can’t even get to the video in the first place.

  • Endorkend
    188 months ago

    I suspect this is less of a slowdown and more of a “we’re trying to detect adblockers and in Chrome we can do most of this check on the application level which is fast, while on Firefox we have to do it the extra slow way and we CBA to optimize any of it because the delay is to our advantage.”

      • @[email protected]
        78 months ago

        It’s a standard timeout function without any context. Most likely thing is that it tries to load an ad and if that doesn’t work in these 5 seconds, then the anti adblock popup is displayed. If you don’t use an adblock, the site loads instantly cause the ad is detected. If you use ublock, you see neither the ad nor the popup, so everything that’s left is a 5 seconds timeout.

        While it definitely is shady coding, it’s an anti adblock “feature” caused by incompetent design and not an anti Firefox thing.

        • @j4k3
          28 months ago

          Not quite in practice. I can’t say what they are doing, but I can say, there are 3 main web addresses that must be enabled in a whitelist firewall to view YT. If these are white listed, videos will load and play but half the time the connection is terrible. However, I never see a warning message about an ad blocker. They know the difference somehow. I don’t need to run an ad blocker because I run the ultimate undesired web connection blocker. They simply manipulate my connection and it impacts things on my network even when I am no longer connected to the internet at the router by removing the wired connection. (hard booting my server/router/devices solves the problem)

    • aegisgfx877
      38 months ago

      If thats the case then they still are not able to do it even with the delay cuz they havent blocked me yet

  • @j4k3
    148 months ago

    Someone should investigate deeply. My combo of a whitelist firewall on an OpenWRT variant and Graphene often has a bandwidth issue that is clearly software related only after watching something from YT. I can stop the apps manually and close everything related to browsing and the connection issue still exists. I can disconnect the internet from my router and the problem still persists. However, if I shutdown all 3 devices for a few minutes and bring them up fresh, the network connection is flawless. Something is running in memory, and I believe it is related to YT, but I lack the skills to break it down further. I like to run an AI server and it is simply useless if anything on the network has connected to YT since booting.

    I’ve also noticed when family is watching YT premium (not something I use) and I am downloading a LLM from HF, the internet bandwidth of our network more than doubles on my wired connection. In between the streaming packets from YT the speed on the download jumps massively. If family is watching YT, I can actually download a LLM faster. That just seems odd to me that those are connected.

      • @j4k3
        68 months ago

        Does that seem legitimate to you? There are many more implications below the surface with this. Yes, YT has little black boxes that cache content locally with ISPs that also means they are likely filtering all data. I don’t like that part, but I can live with it.

        The idea that something is running on my device that seems to be hidden, but where I can stop the behavior by flushing the memory; that is extremely alarming. If I understand it correctly they have direct memory access for streaming video through h.264. Whatever they are doing is causing me to drop connections and impacting my WiFi signal stability even when offline doing tasks unrelated to YT. As soon as I reboot the problem is gone. I distrust them so much now that I do a hard reboot any time I watch YT. (It improves battery life as well.) This is criminal behavior if my speculative analysis is correct and they are running stuff like this in the background. I’m running a combo where I control every aspect of my network. This should not be happening in my circumstance.

    • JWBananas
      48 months ago

      Sometimes, less is more.

      I would recommend trimming all your custom configuration from your router/firewall, one change at a time, until you can no longer reproduce the issue.

      Or go the other way around: set up a barebones configuration, confirm the issue is resolved, and begin adding one customization at a time until it breaks.

      How do your bufferbloat tests look?


      It sounds like you have a lot of stateful inspection configured. YouTube’s heavy usage of QUIC (i.e. UDP transport) may not play well with your config.

      And, incidentally, what does your hardware look like?

      Frankly, even the most barebones router should be able to handle YouTube. I am running pfSense in an ESXi VM, with passthru Intel gigabit NICs, 2 GB reserved RAM, and 2 vCPU (shared, but with higher priority than other VMs) on a Dell desktop with a second-gen i7 that was shipped from the factory in 2012.

      Yes, I am routing on decade-old hardware. And I have never seen anything like what you are describing.

      YouTube should “just work.”

      I am going to assume that if you’re running OpenWRT, then you are probably using a typical consumer router? Please correct me if I am wrong.

      Have you by any chance tried backing up your OpenWRT config and going back to stock firmware?

      I know, I know, OpenWRT is great. I have a consumer router that I flashed with it to use strictly as a wireless AP.

      But consumer devices flashed with vanilla OpenWRT tend to have very, very little resources left over to handle fun configurations.

      And I have a feeling some of the fun configuration might be contributing to your issues.

      • @j4k3
        28 months ago

        After further investigation, apparently one of my routers 2.4G antennae is either held low or more likely fried. Sometimes the firmware is switching the working antenna more rapidly, enough to cause server outputs to look stable but other times it sticks on transmit or receive and doesn’t toggle. Gradio is apparently not robust enough to compensate for the inconsistent connection.

        It sucks because the router is from PCWRT and the dude updates and maintains the router and supplies a simplified interface. I’ve used it for years. It looks like LUCY has come a long way since I used it last. I have a couple of the same routers as the PCWRT router I was going to flash with OpenWRT, but the documentation for flashing this model is terrible. I guess I am going to need to figure out something going forward now. …so yeah, maybe not YT.

        • JWBananas
          28 months ago

          When your layer 1 problem turns into a layer 3 problem 😅

  • @BrianTheeBiscuiteer
    138 months ago

    TBF I’ve seen a rare behavior in FF that makes some websites load slowly for no good reason (not an adblock thing). Anticompetitive either way but Google could be exploiting this bug.

    • @[email protected]
      48 months ago

      I think you give them too much credit. From what I’ve seen, it’s just a setTimeout call for 5 seconds if you’re on Firefox, which is similar to what all those shady cookie popups from TrustArc do if you click “Reject all”.

    • @[email protected]
      28 months ago

      This happens all the time to me on Android. Sites, especially Google searches, sometimes take 30 seconds to 2 minutes to load. It’s frustrating when I’m in a rush.

  • @Anonymouse
    108 months ago

    I post videos a few times a year to share events with family. I just posted a few yesterday. I can’t in good faith continue to post to YT and encourage my family to use it as the platform declares war on their users.

    But what else is there that allows me to post videos for free and my family can just watch them without having to install a new app, register for yet another service or configure some obscure plug in?

    • sheepishly
      128 months ago

      There’s other services, but they’re populated largely by the sort of people Youtube has kicked off entirely, which some people don’t like.

    • Rentlar
      48 months ago

      Odysee fits the bill but be warned there are some conspiracy theorists nuts and nerds on there.

    • @[email protected]
      48 months ago

      You could post the video to Dropbox or something? They might have to download the full video before playback, but i wouldn’t be surprised if some file sharing services are smart enough to stream video.

  • @[email protected]
    78 months ago

    Been like this for a long time now. Both YT and YT Music are unusable on desktop due to the lag.

    • @[email protected]
      208 months ago

      Eh, works fine for me. I don’t watch a ton of YouTube, but I haven’t noticed any real issues, and I use an ad blocker.