• Tarquinn2049
    10 months ago

    The best part about winter, is that it’s nice inside. In summer, it can get to a point where it isn’t even nice inside anymore.

    But also all the downsides of winter outside can be mitigated and navigated. The downsides of summer outside can’t be.

    There are humans that hang out outside at -70C all day. For all you F users, that is -94F. The coldest winter ever gets where I am is -40C(also -40F for F people), it’s usually only about -20C(-4F) on an average cold day in winter.

    If you are too cold in winter, you aren’t dressed right. There are options available that you haven’t taken.

    • @cm0002
      3710 months ago

      You can always add more layers of clothing, you can only take off so much before you get arrested.

      • @theherk
        2410 months ago

        Det finnes ikke dårlig vær, bare dårlige klær.

        That’s a popular saying among Scandinavians on the theme. Translated: There is no bad weather, only bad clothes.

        • Ook the Librarian
          410 months ago

          Day 25 of our one year mission at this inhospitable outpost: If that Swedish guy says “Det finnes ikke dårlig vær, bare dårlige klær” one more time, I’m going to kill him.

    • @[email protected]
      210 months ago

      But what about the darkness? How do you mitigate the fact that it’s pitch black so early in the day?

      • Tarquinn2049
        210 months ago

        Darkness doesn’t bother me. I like to go for walks at 3 am in summer, seeking out the times when it’s still at least a bit dark.

    • @shalafi
      1110 months ago

      It’s the chiggers for me. I can’t go to my camp in the swamp without bathing in repellent.

      Mosquitoes are, surprisingly, not much of an issue. Tiny fish eat the eggs and there’s a thousand dragonflies to eat the adults.

  • @[email protected]
    10 months ago

    Not having to tear my own skin and the AC running at -20C in order to feel comfortable.

    I love the winter, thank you very much ☺️.

  • jeff
    2510 months ago

    Other than super dry skin, taking 3x the time to leave the house and white knuckle driving every day?

    My honest favourite part of winter is 4 fold:

    1. Christmas season. There’s an overwhelming positive energy in the air. Family, drinks, friends and good food.
    2. Every thing is quiet, fresh and sterile. It looks amazing after a fresh snow.
    3. It’s hockey season.
    4. No yard work. Fuck leaves (and leafs)
    • @radix
      710 months ago

      A bunch of leaves fell at my place this year after snow was already on the ground. As if raking leaves out of bare grass weren’t bad enough.

      • jeff
        210 months ago

        Yeah that does suck. My neighbours did that this year, so I’ll be dealing with it in the spring

  • @[email protected]
    2210 months ago

    Probably the stunning beauty, no rain, no bugs, and snow is pretty great for so many activities

  • @[email protected]
    2210 months ago

    Returning home after work, hands freezing as they touch the cold metal doorknob. Turning on lamps, lighting candles, making a lovingly tender and warm cup of coffee, snuggling up with a pet and a partner on a couch, cozy under the various old blankets you’ve collected over the years, and playing Stardew Valley, Skyrim, or any other comfort game together.

    Grab some warm stew or curry, throw on a well-loved hoodie, and enjoy the security and hospitality you give yourself and your family.

    Warm pie and cookies for dessert, and a book to sip on and savor.

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      As a photosynthesizer, I disagree with this comment. Just went to Oregon for 3 weeks and got massively depressed. And it’s not even technically winter yet

    • @cm0002
      810 months ago

      Fuck yea, fuckin POS

    • @TrickDacy
      110 months ago

      Long live the fuckin beast!

  • @[email protected]
    1810 months ago

    I wish it set at 5pm… 4:25pm here and it’s not even December!

    That said, I honestly don’t mind winter. You can always add layers, but heat and humidity are just plain miserable. Plus I think it’s much more pleasant to come inside to a warm house after being out in the cold than it is to come into an air conditioned house from the heat. The former actively feels cozy and relaxing while the latter just feels like relief.

    IMO summer and winter are just the price you have to pay to really appreciate those fleeting perfect weeks in the spring and fall.

  • OurTragicUniverse
    1810 months ago

    I like the long dark, it’s like 13 hours of that 3am feeling of being the only person awake, so I’m free to exist unbothered by the rest of the world. I end up far more productive and content at this time of year too, and mostly nocturnal. Living by lamp light is far too nice.

    • @grue
      910 months ago

      I like the long dark

      It’s all fun and games 'til you hear drums in the deep.

        • @grue
          10 months ago

          Lord of the Rings (jump to 1:40 for the particular moment where it’s mentioned, but it’s better to watch from the beginning if you don’t already know the context).

  • Shurimal
    1710 months ago

    -10°C outside, sometimes colder; comfy +22°C inside. Sun sets at 1600, but that’s what tea, candles and mood lighting is for. Everything is nice and quiet outside, with an occasional noise of snowplows after it snows.

    30°C outside, 30°C inside (aircon is not common here in older houses). Hotter in the sun in the middle of the sea of asphalt and concrete that is called “city”. Sun sets at 2200 and rises at 0400.

    When the sun rises it’s like fucking Jurassic Park outside when all the birds wake up and start making noises. And by “birds” I mean not lovely songbirds like blackbirds and skylarks but pidgeons, crows and seagulls (and no, I don’t live by the sea; I live pretty much as far from the sea as one can in my country. The city is overrun with seagulls.). They seemingly love to scream right into the ventilation shafts of apartment buildings.

    When the sun sets in summer all the inebriated revellers come out and start making noises including loud and off-note singing, loud laughing and loud inarticulate screaming. Add loud boomboxes to the mix and it’s one hell of a racket.

    Also, mosquitos. Lots of mosquitos.

    • @[email protected]
      510 months ago

      I live in the bottom half of the planet, I think I it’s been over a decade since I last saw a negative temperature after dawn. It used to be pretty common when I was a kid. It’s now easier to get a 35°C day in the middle of winter than any negative temperature at all.

    • @[email protected]
      310 months ago

      I like your writing style.

      However as a warm weather enjoyer: you’re just wrong. That’s all

  • @[email protected]
    1610 months ago

    The sun sets 14:56 today where I am, still love winter. It’s so quiet outside with the snow muffling sounds, it’s beautiful, I prefer being too cold to being too hot(I can always put on more clothes, can’t take off my own skin), the sun sets properly(it doesn’t in summer) .

    • @TrickDacy
      -410 months ago

      So what’s it like, having the ability to spawn more clothes at will? Do you have to recite a spell or is just thinking about the clothes enough to magic them into existence?

      • @[email protected]
        810 months ago

        It’s more like… Having an extra layer or two stashed at convenient locations like a chipmunk.

        • @[email protected]
          510 months ago

          Yeah,and if I’m too hot I can take a layer, or my beanie(I think that’s the right word?), or whatever off

      • @[email protected]
        10 months ago

        I can plan according to the weather, so I don’t have to spawn new clothes. It’s not like it goes from shorts and t-shirt weather to parka and scarf weather in one day. And as I said, much prefer being too cold than too hot. I can always heat up with some movement or something.

        • @TrickDacy
          210 months ago

          That must be nice. I’ve spent decades thinking “oh it’s 65°F tonight this one jacket is plenty” then after I leave home I discover the 30 mph Arctic winds make it feel like 10°

      • @[email protected]
        010 months ago

        it’s called putting more thought into your clothing than adding 5 tshirts when it gets colder.

        It’s a damn shame knowledge on proper winter clothing has been so largely lost to time, especially since it inherently seems to look on point.

        • @TrickDacy
          110 months ago

          Yeah, I think most people who complain about cold weather are capable of reasonable planning. The problem comes when the weather changes suddenly and it’s fucking awful

  • Poggervania
    1510 months ago

    I’m sorry, is this some sort of Northern/Southern Hemisphere joke I’m too close to the equator to understand?

    • guyrocket
      110 months ago

      To actually answer your question: In the northern US and most of Canada days get shorter and weather much colder in winter which is generally considered unpleasant.

      So this is asking the sarchastic question of which shittyness do people “like” the most.

  • @TheDoctorDonna
    1510 months ago

    The best part of winter is the double down on depression and the constant ache in my bones because I can’t get warm no matter how many layers I put on. Even though the mind blowingly cold temperatures haven’t hit us yet this year, all the wet is still making me ache.

    I’ve come to appreciate summer more as I age.

  • @[email protected]
    1210 months ago

    It creates such a calming atmosphere. The grey sky during the day, the darkness setting earlier and the white sky far into the evening when it’s snowing is so therapeutic for me for some reason. It gets me in a state where it’s enough just to be alive.

    And the biting cold is such a pleasant sensation, especially when going for a run. And there are no mosquitos. Winter is all I like manfested in nature.

    • @[email protected]
      210 months ago

      a funny thing i’ve realized is that a big part of the reason for the calm atmosphere is that cars are slowed down and their incessant noise is absorbed by the snow.

      Winter is great because it makes urban areas more less hostile.