Day 2: Cube Conundrum
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Found a C per-char solution, that is, no lines, splitting, lookahead, etc. It wasn’t even necessary to keep match lengths for the color names because they all have unique characters, e.g. ‘b’ only occurs in “blue” so then you can attribute the count to that color.
int main() { int p1=0,p2=0, id=1,num=0, r=0,g=0,b=0, c; while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) if (c==',' || c==';' || c==':') num = 0; else if (c>='0' && c<='9') num = num*10 + c-'0'; else if (c=='d') r = MAX(r, num); else if (c=='g') g = MAX(g, num); else if (c=='b') b = MAX(b, num); else if (c=='\n') { p1 += (r<=12 && g<=13 && b<=14) * id; p2 += r*g*b; r=g=b=0; id++; } printf("%d %d\n", p1, p2); return 0; }
c,p,P,i,n,r,g,b;main(){while(~ (c=getchar()))c==44|c==58|59== c?n=0:c>47&c<58?n=n*10+c-48:98 ==c?b=b>n?b:n:c=='d'?r=r>n?r:n :c=='g'?g=g>n?g:n:10==c?p+=++i *(r<13&g<14&b<15),P+=r*g*b,r=g =b=0:0;printf("%d %d\n",p,P);}
Not too tricky today. Part 2 wasn’t as big of a curveball as yesterday thankfully. I don’t think it’s the cleanest code I’ve ever written, but hey - the whole point of this is to get better at Rust, so I’ll definitely be learning as I go, and coming back at the end to clean a lot of these up. I think for this one I’d like to look into a parsing crate like nom to clean up all the spliting and unwrapping in the two from() methods.
#[derive(Debug)] struct Hand { blue: usize, green: usize, red: usize, } impl Hand { fn from(input: &str) -> Hand { let mut hand = Hand { blue: 0, green: 0, red: 0, }; for color in input.split(", ") { let color = color.split_once(' ').unwrap(); match color.1 { "blue" => = color.0.parse::().unwrap(), "green" => = color.0.parse::().unwrap(), "red" => = color.0.parse::().unwrap(), _ => unreachable!("malformed input"), } } hand } } #[derive(Debug)] struct Game { id: usize, hands: Vec, } impl Game { fn from(input: &str) -> Game { let (id, hands) = input.split_once(": ").unwrap(); let id = id.split_once(" ").unwrap().1.parse::().unwrap(); let hands = hands.split("; ").map(Hand::from).collect(); Game { id, hands } } } pub struct Day02; impl Solver for Day02 { fn star_one(&self, input: &str) -> String { input .lines() .map(Game::from) .filter(|game| { game.hands .iter() .all(|hand| <= 14 && <= 13 && <= 12) }) .map(|game| .sum::() .to_string() } fn star_two(&self, input: &str) -> String { input .lines() .map(Game::from) .map(|game| { let max_blue = game.hands.iter().map(|hand|; let max_green = game.hands.iter().map(|hand|; let max_red = game.hands.iter().map(|hand|; max_blue * max_green * max_red }) .sum::() .to_string() } }
Pretty straightforward this time, the bulk of the work was clearly in parsing the input.
I had some time, so here’s a terrible solution in Uiua (Run it here) :
Lim ← [14 13 12] {"Game 1: 3 blue, 4 red; 1 red, 2 green, 6 blue; 2 green" "Game 2: 1 blue, 2 green; 3 green, 4 blue, 1 red; 1 green, 1 blue" "Game 3: 8 green, 6 blue, 20 red; 5 blue, 4 red, 13 green; 5 green, 1 red" "Game 4: 1 green, 3 red, 6 blue; 3 green, 6 red; 3 green, 15 blue, 14 red" "Game 5: 6 red, 1 blue, 3 green; 2 blue, 1 red, 2 green"} LtoDec ← ∧(+ ×10:) :0 StoDec ← LtoDec▽≥0. ▽≤9. -@0 FilterMax! ← /↥≡(StoDec⊢↙ ¯1)⊔⊏⊚≡(/×^1⊢).⊔ # Build 'map' of draws for each game ∵(□≡(∵(⬚@\s↙2 ⊔) ⇌) ↯¯1_2 ↘ 2⊜□≠@\s . ⊔) # Only need the max for each colour ≡(⊂⊂⊃⊃(FilterMax!(="bl")) (FilterMax!(="gr")) (FilterMax!(="re"))) # part 1 - Compare against limits, and sum game numbers /+▽:+1⇡⧻. ≡(/×≤0-Lim). # part 2 - Multiply the maxes in each game and then sum. /+/×⍉:
Factor on github (with comments and imports):
: known-color ( color-phrases regexp -- n ) all-matching-subseqs [ 0 ] [ [ split-words first string>number ] map-supremum ] if-empty ; : line>known-rgb ( str -- game-id known-rgb ) ": " split1 [ split-words last string>number ] dip R/ \d+ red/ R/ \d+ green/ R/ \d+ blue/ [ known-color ] tri-curry@ tri 3array ; : possible? ( known-rgb test-rgb -- ? ) v<= [ ] all? ; : part1 ( -- ) "vocab:aoc-2023/day02/input.txt" utf8 file-lines [ line>known-rgb 2array ] [ last { 12 13 14 } possible? ] map-filter [ first ] map-sum . ; : part2 ( -- ) "vocab:aoc-2023/day02/input.txt" utf8 file-lines [ line>known-rgb nip product ] map-sum . ;
A solution in Nim language. Pretty straightforward code. Most logic is just parsing input + a bit of functional utils: allIt checks if all items in a list within limits to check if game is possible and
collects red, green, blue cubes from each set of game.
import std/[strutils, strformat, sequtils] type AOCSolution[T] = tuple[part1: T, part2: T] type GameSet = object red, green, blue: int Game = object id: int sets: seq[GameSet] const MaxSet = GameSet(red: 12, green: 13, blue: 14) func parseGame(input: string): Game = = input.split({':', ' '})[1].parseInt() let sets = input.split(": ")[1].split("; ").mapIt(it.split(", ")) for gSet in sets: var gs = GameSet() for pair in gSet: let pair = pair.split() cCount = pair[0].parseInt cName = pair[1] case cName: of "red": = cCount of "green": = cCount of "blue": = cCount result.sets.add gs func isPossible(g: Game): bool = g.sets.allIt( <= and <= and <= ) func solve(lines: seq[string]): AOCSolution[int]= for line in lines: let game = line.parseGame() block p1: if game.isPossible(): result.part1 += block p2: let minRed = game.sets.mapIt( minGreen = game.sets.mapIt( minBlue = game.sets.mapIt( result.part2 += minRed * minGreen * minBlue when isMainModule: let input = readFile("./input.txt").strip() let (part1, part2) = solve(input.splitLines()) echo &"Part 1: The sum of valid game IDs equals {part1}." echo &"Part 2: The sum of the sets' powers equals {part2}."
Another nim person! Have you joined the community? There are dozens of us!
Here’s mine (no code blocks because kbin):
Have you joined the community?
Yep, but it is a bit quiet in there.
Good solution. I like your parsing with scanf. The only reason I didn’t use it myself - is that I found out about std/strscans literally yesterday.
I actually just learned about scanf while writing this. Only ended up using it in the one spot, since split worked well enough for the other bits. I really wanted to be able to use python-style unpacking, but in nim it only works for tuples. At least without writing macros, which I still haven’t been able to wrap my head around.
Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn’t work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: [email protected]
Late as always, as I’m on UK time and can’t work on these until late evening.
Part 01 and Part 02 in Rust 🦀 :
use std::{ env, fs, io::{self, BufRead, BufReader}, }; #[derive(Debug)] struct Sample { r: u32, g: u32, b: u32, } fn split_cube_set(set: &[&str], colour: &str) -> Option { match set.iter().find(|x| x.ends_with(colour)) { Some(item) => item .trim() .split(' ') .next() .expect("Found item is present") .parse::() .ok(), None => None, } } fn main() -> io::Result<()> { let args: Vec = env::args().collect(); let filename = &args[1]; let file = fs::File::open(filename)?; let reader = BufReader::new(file); let mut valid_game_ids_sum = 0; let mut game_power_sum = 0; let max_r = 12; let max_g = 13; let max_b = 14; for line_result in reader.lines() { let mut valid_game = true; let line = line_result.unwrap(); let line_split: Vec<_> = line.split(':').collect(); let game_id = line_split[0] .split(' ') .collect::>() .last() .expect("item exists") .parse::() .expect("is a number"); let rest = line_split[1]; let cube_sets = rest.split(';'); let samples: Vec = cube_sets .map(|set| { let set_split: Vec<_> = set.split(',').collect(); let r = split_cube_set(&set_split, "red").unwrap_or(0); let g = split_cube_set(&set_split, "green").unwrap_or(0); let b = split_cube_set(&set_split, "blue").unwrap_or(0); Sample { r, g, b } }) .collect(); let mut highest_r = 0; let mut highest_g = 0; let mut highest_b = 0; for sample in &samples { if !(sample.r <= max_r && sample.g <= max_g && sample.b <= max_b) { valid_game = false; } highest_r = u32::max(highest_r, sample.r); highest_g = u32::max(highest_g, sample.g); highest_b = u32::max(highest_b, sample.b); } if valid_game { valid_game_ids_sum += game_id; } game_power_sum += highest_r * highest_g * highest_b; } println!("Sum of game ids: {valid_game_ids_sum}"); println!("Sum of game powers: {game_power_sum}"); Ok(()) }
Spent most of the time running down annoying typos in the tokenizer.
Getting my head around parsing tricks for python, maybe abusing dicts as a replacement for a types, but appears to be working:
My solutions in C:
Most of this is just reading the data, surely there’s a better way to do this lol.
Second part was soooo much easier today than yesterday. Helps I solved it exactly how he wanted you to solve it I think.
I’m going to work on some code golf now.
Golfed P2 down to 133 characters:
p{_1.sub!(/.*:/,'') _1.split(?;){|r|r.split(?,){|a|b,c=a.split m[c]=[m[c],b.to_i].max}} m.values.reduce(&:*)}.sum
That’s a nice golf! Clever use of the hash and nice compact reduce. I got my C both-parts solution down to 210 but it’s not half as nice.
Thanks! Your C solution includes main, whereas I do some stuff to parse the lines before hand. I think it would only be 1 extra character if I wrote it to parse the input manually, but I just care for ease of use with these AoC problems so I don’t like counting that, makes it harder to read for me lol. Your solution is really inventive. I was looking for something like that, but didn’t ever get to your conclusion. I wonder if that would be longer in my solution or shorter 🤔
Rust (Rank 7421/6311) (Time after start 00:32:27/00:35:35)
Extremely easy part 2 today, I would say easier than part 1 but they share the same sort of framework
Code Block
(Note lemmy removed some characters, code link shows them all)
use std::fs; fn part1(input: String) -> i32 { const RED: i32 = 12; const GREEN: i32 = 13; const BLUE: i32 = 14; let mut sum = 0; for line in input.lines() { let [id, content] = line.split(": ").collect::>()[0..2] else { continue }; let id = id.split(" ").collect::>()[1].parse::().unwrap(); let marbles = content.split("; ").map(|x| { x.split(", ").collect::>() }).collect::>>(); let mut valid = true; for selection in marbles { for marble in selection { let marble_split = marble.split(" ").collect::>(); let marble_amount = marble_split[0].parse::().unwrap(); let marble_color = marble_split[1]; if marble_color == "red" && marble_amount > RED { valid = false; break; } if marble_color == "green" && marble_amount > GREEN { valid = false; break; } if marble_color == "blue" && marble_amount > BLUE { valid = false; break; } } } if !valid { continue; } sum += id; } return sum; } fn part2(input: String) -> i32 { let mut sum = 0; for line in input.lines() { let [id, content] = line.split(": ").collect::>()[0..2] else { continue }; let id = id.split(" ").collect::>()[1].parse::().unwrap(); let marbles = content.split("; ").map(|x| { x.split(", ").collect::>() }).collect::>>(); let mut red = 0; let mut green = 0; let mut blue = 0; for selection in marbles { for marble in selection { let marble_split = marble.split(" ").collect::>(); let marble_amount = marble_split[0].parse::().unwrap(); let marble_color = marble_split[1]; if marble_color == "red" && marble_amount > red { red = marble_amount; } if marble_color == "green" && marble_amount > green { green = marble_amount; } if marble_color == "blue" && marble_amount > blue { blue = marble_amount; } } } sum += red * green * blue; } return sum; } fn main() { let input = fs::read_to_string("data/input.txt").unwrap(); println!("{}", part1(input.clone())); println!("{}", part2(input.clone())); }
String parsing! Always fun in C!
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char ln[256], *sr,*srd,*s; int p1=0,p2=0, id, r,g,b; for (id=1; (sr = fgets(ln, sizeof(ln), stdin)); id++) { strsep(&sr, ":"); r = g = b = 0; while ((srd = strsep(&sr, ";"))) while ((s = strsep(&srd, ","))) if (strchr(s, 'd')) r = MAX(r, atoi(s)); else if (strchr(s, 'g')) g = MAX(g, atoi(s)); else if (strchr(s, 'b')) b = MAX(b, atoi(s)); p1 += (r <= 12 && g <= 13 && b <= 14) * id; p2 += r * g * b; } printf("%d %d\n", p1, p2); return 0; }
Dart solution
Quite straightforward, though there’s a sneaky trap in the test data for those of us who don’t read the rules carefully enough.
Read, run and edit this solution in your browser:
parseLine(String s) { var game = s.split(': '); var num = int.parse(game.first.split(' ').last); var rounds = game.last.split('; '); var cubes = [ for (var (e) in rounds) { for (var ee in e.split(', ')) ee.split(' ').last: int.parse(ee.split(' ').first) } ]; return MapEntry(num, cubes); } /// collects the max of the counts from both maps. Map merge2(Map a, Map b) => { for (var k in {...a.keys, ...b.keys}) k: max(a[k] ?? 0, b[k] ?? 0) }; var limit = {"red": 12, "green": 13, "blue": 14}; bool isGood(Map test) => limit.entries.every((e) => (test[e.key] ?? 0) <= e.value); part1(List lines) => lines .map(parseLine) .where((e) => e.value.every(isGood)) .map((e) => e.key) .sum; part2(List lines) => lines .map(parseLine) .map((e) => e.value.reduce(merge2)) .map((e) => e.values.reduce((s, t) => s * t)) .sum;
Quite straightforward, though there’s a sneaky trap in the test data for those of us who don’t read the rules carefully enough.
What’s that? I didn’t notice anything, perhaps I was lucky.
Oh, I misread the rules as each game having rounds of draws without replacement and the test data gave the same result for that reading, so when I confidently submitted my answer I got a bit of a surprise.
Same here, yesterday felt like a trap, but didn’t run into anything today?
Did mine in Odin. Found this day’s to be super easy, most of the challenge was just parsing.
package day2 import "core:fmt" import "core:strings" import "core:strconv" import "core:unicode" Round :: struct { red: int, green: int, blue: int, } parse_round :: proc(s: string) -> Round { ret: Round rest := s for { nextNumAt := strings.index_proc(rest, unicode.is_digit) if nextNumAt == -1 do break rest = rest[nextNumAt:] numlen: int num, ok := strconv.parse_int(rest, 10, &numlen) rest = rest[numlen+len(" "):] if rest[:3] == "red" { = num } else if rest[:4] == "blue" { = num } else if rest[:5] == "green" { = num } } return ret } Game :: struct { id: int, rounds: [dynamic]Round, } parse_game :: proc(s: string) -> Game { ret: Game rest := s[len("Game "):] idOk: bool idLen: int, idOk = strconv.parse_int(rest, 10, &idLen) rest = rest[idLen+len(": "):] for len(rest) > 0 { endOfRound := strings.index_rune(rest, ';') if endOfRound == -1 do endOfRound = len(rest) append(&ret.rounds, parse_round(rest[:endOfRound])) rest = rest[min(endOfRound+1, len(rest)):] } return ret } is_game_possible :: proc(game: Game) -> bool { for round in game.rounds { if > 12 || > 13 || > 14 { return false } } return true } p1 :: proc(input: []string) { totalIds := 0 for line in input { game := parse_game(line) defer delete(game.rounds) if is_game_possible(game) do totalIds += } fmt.println(totalIds) } p2 :: proc(input: []string) { totalPower := 0 for line in input { game := parse_game(line) defer delete(game.rounds) minRed := 0 minGreen := 0 minBlue := 0 for round in game.rounds { minRed = max(minRed , ) minGreen = max(minGreen, minBlue = max(minBlue , ) } totalPower += minRed * minGreen * minBlue } fmt.println(totalPower) }