• Davel23
    25210 months ago

    Lol at the sign-language interpreter, like Reddit gives half a shit about accessibility now.

    • Paradox
      5810 months ago

      Sign language yes, real time captions no. Only whatever live transcription crap your phone or computer could do

  • @Nobody
    16910 months ago

    I recognize that guy. He was a moderator of the r/jailbait subreddit for the many, many years it was hosted on Reddit.com.

    • @khannie
      2510 months ago

      Is that true? Holy moly!

        • @Nobody
          6310 months ago

          Your source admits Spez was a jailbait mod. MAYBE he was made one without knowing, but he DEFINITELY could have removed himself and didn’t.

          Spez was a jailbait mod for years. That’s a fact.

          • @[email protected]
            2810 months ago

            btw I actually might be helping you attack him better

            Instead of a spurious claim he actively managed a pedo sub—

            —a more definite claim he permitted a pedo sub to remain on his site? (Assuming he was aware of the sub, which I bet you could find indications of)

            • SuperDuper
              1410 months ago

              a more definite claim he permitted a pedo sub to remain on his site? (Assuming he was aware of the sub, which I bet you could find indications of)

              He has repeatedly permitted awful subs (jailbait, altright, the_donald, incels, braincels, etc) to remain on the site far longer than reasonable. Once these subs generated too much negative press they would finally be banned.

              • @banneryear1868
                10 months ago

                lol I doxxed one of the_donald mods to the FBI after Jan 6th, they used to advertise and gloat about a bunch of their “business” stuff on the site, and registered their LLC to their home address. Clicked on a link they shared, highighted and searched the LLC on Google, clicked on registered address and streetview and there’s a shitty car plastered in Trump stickers in the driveway. Never doxxed them anywhere publicly or did anything bad with their addy until I had a legit purpose for it.

                • Transporter Room 3
                  510 months ago

                  It amazes me how plain idiotic people can be a out the information they hand out.

                  Tldr: fuck executives

                  I have insomnia and Recently I was rudely awoken at around 2am by a VERY loud jet engine.

                  Now my county does have an airport, but it’s nowhere near me, and it’s for small aircraft only. There’s a military base that uses a huge section of the state for training, but that’s almost exclusively in the daylight, or for a few hours after it gets dark, and they never get this close.

                  Well, I pulled up flightradar, and sure enough a small personal jet took offa out 10 minutes ago, and while their flight plan should have had them mucb higher, they were veryclose to the ground. I called the sheriff non emergency line to complain, since it was 2 IN THE FUCKING MORNING and apparently they had already recieved a number of calls from people between me and the airport.

                  Then I looked up the company that owns the jet. It’s a smallish company that does aero things, and pulls in tons of money every year. Public, private, and military contracting from what I understood, supplying parts or something like that.

                  Their board of directors is listed on their website along with corporate HQ. Their board of directors also ALL use LinkedIn, with their work addresses, emails, PERSONAL email addresses for quite a few, and one even had some personal mail visible to anyone who stops by their profile picture. Almost all had other social media connected. LinkedIn was also helpful in identifying who was probably flying the jet, too, since he really likes talking about his pilot license.

                  Social media confirms a few were active within the last hour, and in my state.

                  With this info, the flight plan, the LinkedIn info, and a little guesswork, I was able to narrow down the occupants of the jet to 5 people, BCCd all their work and personal emails, as well as the general company email, with a 5 paragraph email about proper etiquette when flying over populated areas, as well as FAA laws they were breaking by flying so low, a rather sleep deprived rant about how they’re assholes who think the world should come to a halt for them, letting them know local sheriff department is investigating (lol no the fuck they aren’t who cares if a few people got woken up), and that I am reporting their violations to the FAA. And ended it with a request to follow proper altitude guides or flying at a more reasonable hour.

                  And around 5am I was finally able to sleep for all of one hour.

                  When I woke up it dawned on me that I had gotten annoyed by a jet, tracked down the occupants, and sent them an angry personal email, found out their home/work addresses, and could do much more damage if I wanted, all without leaving the comfort of my bed.

                  I immediately started scrubbing all my online profiles… I still probably talk too much about the area I live in.

              • @[email protected]
                1110 months ago

                Don’t forget about beating women, a subreddit when user shared pictures of women victims of domestic violence to their amusement.

          • @[email protected]
            410 months ago

            Maybe he was made one without him knowing…

            He could have removed himself immediately upon noticing…

            Source for the fact he noticed?

            Ewww I’m defending Spez

            • @Daft_ish
              1310 months ago

              So either he was a jailbait mod or so bad at his job that he doesn’t understand optics. Or both.

            • @[email protected]
              1010 months ago

              As an engineer myself: if I was ceo of my own social media company, I’d periodically go through my account at a fine-grained level and see if there was anything weird going on. Hell, I’d probably use some internal APIs and webhooks or whatever to track and categorize my profile’s interaction with the network at large.

              I find it unlikely that he had no idea about this.

            • @[email protected]
              610 months ago

              I’m pretty sure I remember spez making a special reddit award for the wierdo fuck that created jailbait.

            • @Nobody
              410 months ago

              Considering that Spez is the one who controls the mod logs, he could show that he was made a mod instead of invited/accepted and was inactive. I don’t have access to the evidence. Spez does.

              • @[email protected]
                410 months ago

                Brushing up on the “proven ways Spez sux” file would surely provide more than enough back-pocket fodder to pull out when there’s a chance to drag him :)

                I’m a stickler for stuff like this, e.g. someone complains about mythical reasons corporations or governments are against us and I wonder… why risk opponents being able to prove conspiracy theories wrong and distract from legitimately awful/criminal behavior! There’s so much of it!

                • @[email protected]
                  110 months ago

                  He literally directly edited comments criticizing him to point to r/The_Donald mods(About 2014-2015-2016, this was news around that time).

              • @atrielienz
                310 months ago

                Everything from that time period on that related subreddit has been scorched Earth removed from the net. So I’m not sure even Spez has a record of it. Hell. The Anderson Cooper bit about it is even gone.

                • @Nobody
                  110 months ago

                  I doubt law enforcement would allow records from r/jailbait to be scrubbed completely, especially mod logs and mod chats. That’s a source of evidence to build cases against predators, even years later.

  • @lennybird
    13910 months ago

    Of the three people involved in Reddit’s creation, he was the most useless and antithetical to reddit’s greater vision.

    Swartz was a far better person.

    • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
      6210 months ago

      Those are always the guys that wrest control though. They have no contributions, so instead they spend their time scheming.

      • @Cybersteel
        310 months ago

        That goes for most sub culture. A new thing pops up, comics, tabletops, internet thing. It slowly gets popular. At it’s zenith some wise guy realize he can make a quick buck out of it, wrestles control over it. more people show up less informed but still keen to try it out. Leaves the old guards behind.

  • @Illuminostro
    10 months ago

    You know, I realize all the people who put in money want a return on their investment. I get it.

    But what I can’t forgive is killing 3rd party clients when your official client sucks all the donkey balls in every reality in every universe.

    You couldn’t come to a reasonable and sane fee for 3rd party clients? Barring that, you couldn’t just buy a superior client like RiF and bolt your name on it?

    Fuck Spez.

    • @hansl
      5010 months ago

      They did buy a superior client. Alien Blue it was called. Then internal politics killed it. Even today Alien Blue would still be a better experience, without any updates in the last five years.

    • cheesepotatoes
      3310 months ago

      This is what always got to me that I don’t think people focus on enough. It’s such an anti-consumer pattern. Instead of improving the official reddit app, or buying out a third party one, they simply shot the competition in the knees.

      If you want everyone on the official app, be competitive and invest into making it not suck donkey balls. Obviously that’s far too much work.

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      There are a hundred different ways they could have reached a compromise on third party app support if it was just about API limits. They killed it because they want to gather mobile app telemetry like everyone else does these days.

      • @[email protected]
        610 months ago

        Telemetry is telling them their app sucks and that people try it x period of time and then uninstall it.

        It is so terrible that I log into reddit once a week on my pc.

    • @[email protected]
      610 months ago

      All that costs time, money and resources whereas flatput lying and fucking people over is cheap. You calculate how much you’ll lose, see that it’s enormously bad qualitatively but you won’t lose too many visitors because most people don’t give a fuck so you go with it.

    • Nils
      310 months ago

      That’s the thing. I get that people using the service on a third party client and not seeing ads is hurting their bottom line as they use bandwidth and not make money. But just banning them outright is a shit move. Ideally they would’ve made it part of Reddit Premium to make that a bit more worthwhile.

    • Ann Archy
      010 months ago

      You know, I realize that some people run a dictatorship and only want absolute obedience, I totally get that, that’s totally a gettable thing for me, that’s not weird at all.

    • @thorbot
      3010 months ago

      Only ads that serve them are allowed

  • 0xF21D
    9510 months ago

    I’m sure their next “Reddit Event” will not have a real time chat.

  • ThePowerOfGeek
    8910 months ago

    Aww, you hurt their delicate fee-fees! How mean! /s

    Also, lol at that pathetic sycophant’s reply below your comment. Dude needs to stop twerking for spez.

    • @[email protected]
      3910 months ago

      Who is that comment even aimed at? Being that it is right under OP’s comment in (what I presume to be) a busy chat, I doubt it is a response to OP.

    • tygerprints
      210 months ago

      I doubt they have delicate fee fees or feel feels or whatever. I don’t care whether they even care that I was banned, all I know is my ban from Reddit is a badge of honor and proves I can get under other people’s skin. You always know you’re telling the truth when it makes people angry enough to ban you.

      • @[email protected]
        2610 months ago

        Being around other people is a good thing. I also have this somewhat egotistical view that I’m a pretty good leader. I will probably be in charge, or at least not a slave, when push comes to shove.

        Well, at least he’s right about the ego thing. He’s going to get traded for a handful of batteries within the first week lol.

          • El Barto
            910 months ago

            I would. He can pedal the stationary bike that recharges my other batteries.

          • livus
            10 months ago

            Cannibals might. If they’re not rechargeable.

            Spez might be worthless in a Mad Max style apocalypse but he’s several few good meals kept in a basement in a The Road style apocalypse.

    • kamenLady.
      2310 months ago

      When i read this in 2017 i got really mad, had this in my head for weeks. What a piece of shit spez is.

    • @Illuminostro
      10 months ago

      It will be highly amusing watching him being dragged out of his New Zealand bunker and eaten alive.

      And yes, Spez, we CAN touch you.

  • @BilboBargains
    6410 months ago

    Reddit has become Facebook with a different management team. These people are motivated by profit and that’s the only way their decisions make any kind of sense. Whenever we mix the profit motive with a service for people, the people will always play second fiddle. It’s why mixing profit with healthcare is inhumane and it’s what’s so great about Wikipedia.

    • @fluxxom
      -610 months ago

      i’m of another notion, i think its more about controlling public space for discourse itself than it is about profit… they want to sever access to whatever they might consider subversive dialogue and control the next generation’s access to it.

      • @mriormro
        810 months ago

        A lot of things in life are not this heavily conspiratorial…

        • m3t00🌎
          310 months ago

          $3 dollar words make it seem like it’s real complicated. plain greed and middle management stunts

      • @RememberTheApollo_
        410 months ago

        Occam’s Razor.

        The only thing that matters is profits. Those profits come from advertising. The businesses doing the advertising do not want their brands associated with things that are controversial or offensive to the general public.

        Therefore Reddit is bending to their will.

        Because profits.

        No conspiracy necessary.

  • @CosmicTurtle
    5310 months ago

    So…what exactly was this event? Was it like a AMA? Or was it like one of those corporate circle jerk things where everyone says what they are supposed to say?

    • edric
      3410 months ago

      If I’m guessing correctly, it’s a modcon, which makes it even more pathetic for mods to attend an event hosted by the very people who have given them grief this past few months, just so they can feel special with their own exclusive event.

      • AdemirOP
        10 months ago

        Yes, that’s what it was. I went in just to mess when Spez was gonna talk.

        • edric
          510 months ago

          Yeah no worries, I wasn’t pertaining to you. lol.

          • AdemirOP
            310 months ago

            I didn’t take that personally, all good. Just wanted to confirm what you said :)

    • muse
      1610 months ago

      Is there a difference between the latter and a typical spez ama?

  • @Throwaway4669332255
    5010 months ago

    I got banned because I said “lemmy dot world” in reply to someone who said they wished reddit had an alternative.

  • @[email protected]
    10 months ago

    We must all remember spez’ has an abnormal love of cats, among his other issues. Like keeping slaves and resource hoarding. https://i.imgur.com/a0F2bW6.png

  • @Buffalox
    10 months ago

    Yeah redditors can do that too, it would probably look somewhat like this:
    Come to reddit, we have CEO who’s an idiot but controls everything, a 100% closed API unless you pay exorbitant prices to use it, and we have advertisements everywhere, but WE NEED TO MAKE MONEY. So please come. We also have sociophants and trolls.

    /Steve Huffman

    • AdemirOP
      1010 months ago

      He asked to forgiven him because of the API thing LOL

        • AdemirOP
          810 months ago

          I wasn’t paying much attention, I asked a friend for the details and will let you know.